Hipchat R integration Build Status Coverage Status


NOTE: This package is under rapid development and this list is a lie.


This package is not yet available from CRAN (as of Oct 10, 2014). To install the latest development builds directly from GitHub, run this instead:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

You will need to have a HIPCHAT_API_TOKEN in your environment variables, or set a options(hipchat.api_token = 'your_api_token') in your ~/.Rprofile.

To get started with the Hipchat API and set up a token, see their getting started guide.

Getting started

To test that the package is set up correctly, try messaging yourself:

hipchat('', 'This package is awesome')

Here is a semi-exhaustive list of examples of other features:

hipchat('Room name or email', "I'm in a hipchat!")
hipchat_topic('Room name', "This is the new topic")
hipchat_create_room('Room name')
hipchat_delete_room('Room name') # Will prompt a confirmation
hipchat_history('Room name') # A data.frame with messages
hipchat_rooms() # Fetch all available hipchat rooms

If you find any bugs or would like more features, feel free to create an issue.

robertzk/hipchat documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:34 a.m.