
Defines functions stdin stdout stderr isatty readLines writeLines open open.connection isOpen isIncomplete isSeekable close flush file pipe fifo url gzfile unz bzfile xzfile socketConnection rawConnection rawConnectionValue textConnection textConnectionValue seek seek.connection truncate truncate.connection pushBack pushBackLength clearPushBack print.connection summary.connection showConnections getAllConnections getConnection closeAllConnections readBin writeBin readChar writeChar gzcon socketSelect memCompress memDecompress

Documented in bzfile clearPushBack close closeAllConnections fifo file flush getAllConnections getConnection gzcon gzfile isatty isIncomplete isOpen isSeekable memCompress memDecompress open open.connection pipe print.connection pushBack pushBackLength rawConnection rawConnectionValue readBin readChar readLines seek seek.connection showConnections socketConnection socketSelect stderr stdin stdout summary.connection textConnection textConnectionValue truncate truncate.connection unz url writeBin writeChar writeLines xzfile

#  File src/library/base/R/connections.R
#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
#  Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/

stdin <- function() .Internal(stdin())
stdout <- function() .Internal(stdout())
stderr <- function() .Internal(stderr())

isatty <- function(con) {
    if (!inherits(con, "terminal")) FALSE
    else .Internal(isatty(con))

readLines <- function(con = stdin(), n = -1L, ok = TRUE, warn = TRUE,
                      encoding = "unknown", skipNul = FALSE)
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "r")
    .Internal(readLines(con, n, ok, warn, encoding, skipNul))

writeLines <- function(text, con = stdout(), sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE)
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "w")
    .Internal(writeLines(text, con, sep, useBytes))

open <- function(con, ...)

open.connection <- function(con, open = "r", blocking = TRUE, ...)
    .Internal(open(con, open, blocking))

isOpen <- function(con, rw = "")
    rw <- pmatch(rw, c("read", "write"), 0L)
    .Internal(isOpen(con, rw))

isIncomplete <- function(con)

isSeekable <- function(con)

close <- function(con, ...)

close.connection <- function (con, type = "rw", ...)
    .Internal(close(con, type))

flush <- function(con) UseMethod("flush")

flush.connection <- function (con)

file <- function(description = "", open = "", blocking = TRUE,
                 encoding = getOption("encoding"), raw = FALSE,
                 method = getOption("url.method", "default")) {
    .Internal(file(description, open, blocking, encoding, method, raw))
pipe <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"))
    .Internal(pipe(description, open, encoding))

fifo <- function(description, open = "", blocking = FALSE,
                 encoding = getOption("encoding"))
    .Internal(fifo(description, open, blocking, encoding))

url <- function(description, open = "", blocking = TRUE,
                encoding = getOption("encoding"),
                method = getOption("url.method", "default"))
    method <- match.arg(method, c("default", "internal", "libcurl", "wininet"))
    .Internal(url(description, open, blocking, encoding, method))

gzfile <- function(description, open = "",
                   encoding = getOption("encoding"), compression = 6)
    .Internal(gzfile(description, open, encoding, compression))

unz <- function(description, filename, open = "",
                encoding = getOption("encoding"))
    .Internal(unz(paste(description, filename, sep=":"), open, encoding))

bzfile <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"),
                   compression = 9)
    .Internal(bzfile(description, open, encoding, compression))

xzfile <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"),
                   compression = 6)
    .Internal(xzfile(description, open, encoding, compression))

socketConnection <- function(host = "localhost", port, server = FALSE,
                             blocking = FALSE, open = "a+",
                             encoding = getOption("encoding"),
                             timeout = getOption("timeout"))
    .Internal(socketConnection(host, port, server, blocking, open, encoding,

rawConnection <- function(object, open = "r") {
    .Internal(rawConnection(deparse(substitute(object)), object, open))

rawConnectionValue <- function(con) .Internal(rawConnectionValue(con))

textConnection <- function(object, open = "r", local = FALSE,
                           encoding = c("", "bytes", "UTF-8"))
    env <- if (local) parent.frame() else .GlobalEnv
    type <- match(match.arg(encoding), c("", "bytes", "UTF-8"))
    nm <- deparse(substitute(object))
    if(length(nm) != 1)
        stop("argument 'object' must deparse to a single character string")
    .Internal(textConnection(nm, object, open, env, type))

textConnectionValue <- function(con) .Internal(textConnectionValue(con))

seek <- function(con, ...)

seek.connection <- function(con, where = NA, origin = "start", rw = "", ...)
    origin <- pmatch(origin, c("start", "current", "end"))
    rw <- pmatch(rw, c("read", "write"), 0L)
        stop("'origin' must be one of 'start', 'current' or 'end'")
    .Internal(seek(con, as.double(where), origin, rw))

truncate <- function(con, ...)

truncate.connection <- function(con, ...)
    if(!isOpen(con)) stop("can only truncate an open connection")

pushBack <- function(data, connection, newLine = TRUE,
                     encoding = c("", "bytes", "UTF-8"))
    # match.arg doesn't work on "" default
    if (length(encoding) > 1L) encoding <- encoding[1]
    if (nzchar(encoding)) encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
    type <- match(encoding, c("", "bytes", "UTF-8"))
    .Internal(pushBack(data, connection, newLine, type))

pushBackLength <- function(connection)

clearPushBack <- function(connection)

print.connection <- function(x, ...)

summary.connection <- function(object, ...)

showConnections <- function(all = FALSE)
    set <- getAllConnections()
    if(!all) set <- set[set > 2L]
    ans <- matrix("", length(set), 7L)
    for(i in seq_along(set)) ans[i, ] <- unlist(summary.connection(set[i]))
    rownames(ans) <- set
    colnames(ans) <- c("description", "class", "mode", "text", "isopen",
                       "can read", "can write")
    if(!all) ans[ans[, 5L] == "opened", , drop = FALSE]
    else ans[, , drop = FALSE]

getAllConnections <- function()

getConnection <- function(what) .Internal(getConnection(what))

closeAllConnections <- function()
    # first re-divert any diversion of stderr.
    i <- sink.number(type = "message")
    if(i > 0L) sink(stderr(), type = "message")
    # now unwind the sink diversion stack.
    n <- sink.number()
    if(n > 0L) for(i in seq_len(n)) sink()
    # get all the open connections.
    set <- getAllConnections()
    set <- set[set > 2L]
    # and close all user connections.
    for(i in seq_along(set)) close(getConnection(set[i]))

readBin <- function(con, what, n = 1L, size = NA_integer_, signed = TRUE,
                    endian = .Platform$endian)
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "rb")
    swap <- endian != .Platform$endian
    if(!is.character(what) || is.na(what) ||
       length(what) != 1L || ## hence length(what) == 1:
       !any(what == c("numeric", "double", "integer", "int", "logical",
	    "complex", "character", "raw")))
	what <- typeof(what)
    .Internal(readBin(con, what, n, size, signed, swap))

writeBin <-
    function(object, con, size = NA_integer_, endian = .Platform$endian,
             useBytes = FALSE)
    swap <- endian != .Platform$endian
    if(!is.vector(object) || mode(object) == "list")
        stop("can only write vector objects")
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "wb")
    .Internal(writeBin(object, con, size, swap, useBytes))

readChar <- function(con, nchars, useBytes = FALSE)
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "rb")
    .Internal(readChar(con, as.integer(nchars), useBytes))

writeChar <- function(object, con, nchars = nchar(object, type="chars"),
                      eos = "", useBytes = FALSE)
        stop("can only write character objects")
    if(is.character(con)) {
        con <- file(con, "wb")
    .Internal(writeChar(object, con, as.integer(nchars), eos, useBytes))

gzcon <- function(con, level = 6, allowNonCompressed = TRUE)
    .Internal(gzcon(con, level, allowNonCompressed))

socketSelect <- function(socklist, write = FALSE, timeout = NULL) {
    if (is.null(timeout))
        timeout <- -1
    else if (timeout < 0)
        stop("'timeout' must be NULL or a non-negative number")
    if (length(write) < length(socklist))
        write <- rep_len(write, length(socklist))
    .Internal(sockSelect(socklist, write, timeout))

memCompress <-
    function(from, type = c("gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "none"))
        from <- charToRaw(paste(from, collapse = "\n"))
    else if(!is.raw(from)) stop("'from' must be raw or character")
    type <- match(match.arg(type), c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz"))
    .Internal(memCompress(from, type))

memDecompress <-
             type = c("unknown", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "none"),
             asChar = FALSE)
    type <- match(match.arg(type),
                  c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "unknown"))
    ans <- .Internal(memDecompress(from, type))
    if(asChar) rawToChar(ans) else ans
robertzk/monadicbase documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.