
Defines functions Sys.Date as.Date as.Date.POSIXct as.Date.POSIXlt as.Date.factor as.Date.character as.Date.numeric as.Date.default as.Date.date as.Date.dates format.Date print.Date summary.Date `+.Date` `-.Date` Ops.Date `[.Date` `[[.Date` `[<-.Date` as.character.Date as.list.Date c.Date seq.Date julian.Date weekdays.Date months.Date quarters.Date round.Date trunc.Date rep.Date is.numeric.Date split.Date xtfrm.Date

Documented in as.character.Date as.Date as.Date.character as.Date.date as.Date.dates as.Date.default as.Date.factor as.Date.numeric as.Date.POSIXct as.Date.POSIXlt as.list.Date c.Date format.Date is.numeric.Date julian.Date months.Date Ops.Date print.Date quarters.Date rep.Date round.Date seq.Date split.Date summary.Date Sys.Date trunc.Date weekdays.Date xtfrm.Date

#  File src/library/base/R/dates.R
#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
#  Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/

## First shot at adding a "Date" class to base R.
## Representation is the number of whole days since 1970-01-01.

## The difftime class already covers time differences in days.

## Need to take timezone into account here
Sys.Date <- function() as.Date(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()))

as.Date <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.Date")

as.Date.POSIXct <- function(x, tz = "UTC", ...)
    if(tz == "UTC") {
        z <- floor(unclass(x)/86400)
        attr(z, "tzone") <- NULL
        structure(z, class = "Date")
    } else
        as.Date(as.POSIXlt(x, tz = tz))

as.Date.POSIXlt <- function(x, ...) .Internal(POSIXlt2Date(x))

as.Date.factor <- function(x, ...) as.Date(as.character(x), ...)

as.Date.character <- function(x, format, ...)
    charToDate <- function(x) {
	xx <- x[1L]
        if(is.na(xx)) {
            j <- 1L
            while(is.na(xx) && (j <- j+1L) <= length(x)) xx <- x[j]
            if(is.na(xx)) f <- "%Y-%m-%d" # all NAs
	if(is.na(xx) ||
	   !is.na(strptime(xx, f <- "%Y-%m-%d", tz="GMT")) ||
	   !is.na(strptime(xx, f <- "%Y/%m/%d", tz="GMT"))
           ) return(strptime(x, f))
	stop("character string is not in a standard unambiguous format")
    res <- if(missing(format)) charToDate(x) else strptime(x, format, tz="GMT")

as.Date.numeric <- function(x, origin, ...)
    if(missing(origin)) stop("'origin' must be supplied")
    as.Date(origin, ...) + x

as.Date.default <- function(x, ...)
    if(inherits(x, "Date")) return(x)
    if(is.logical(x) && all(is.na(x)))
        return(structure(as.numeric(x), class = "Date"))
    stop(gettextf("do not know how to convert '%s' to class %s",
         domain = NA)

## convert from package date
as.Date.date <- function(x, ...)
    if(inherits(x, "date")) {
        x <- (x - 3653) # origin 1960-01-01
        return(structure(x, class = "Date"))
    } else stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a \"date\" object",
                         deparse(substitute(x)) ))

## convert from package chron
as.Date.dates <- function(x, ...)
    if(inherits(x, "dates")) {
        z <- attr(x, "origin")
        x <- trunc(as.numeric(x))
        if(length(z) == 3L && is.numeric(z))
            x  <- x + as.numeric(as.Date(paste(z[3L], z[1L], z[2L], sep="/")))
        return(structure(x, class = "Date"))
    } else stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a \"dates\" object",
                         deparse(substitute(x)) ))

format.Date <- function(x, ...)
    xx <- format(as.POSIXlt(x), ...)
    names(xx) <- names(x)

## could handle arrays for max.print
print.Date <- function(x, max = NULL, ...)
    if(is.null(max)) max <- getOption("max.print", 9999L)
    if(max < length(x)) {
	print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max=max, ...)
	cat(' [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted',
	    length(x) - max, 'entries ]\n')
    } else print(format(x), max=max, ...)

summary.Date <- function(object, digits = 12L, ...)
    x <- summary.default(unclass(object), digits = digits, ...)
    if(m <- match("NA's", names(x), 0)) {
        NAs <- as.integer(x[m])
        x <- x[-m]
        attr(x, "NAs") <- NAs
    class(x) <- c("summaryDefault", "table", oldClass(object))

`+.Date` <- function(e1, e2)
    ## need to drop "units" attribute here
    coerceTimeUnit <- function(x)
                               secs = x/86400, mins = x/1440, hours = x/24,
                               days = x, weeks = 7*x)))

    if (nargs() == 1) return(e1)
    # only valid if one of e1 and e2 is a scalar.
    if(inherits(e1, "Date") && inherits(e2, "Date"))
        stop("binary + is not defined for \"Date\" objects")
    if (inherits(e1, "difftime")) e1 <- coerceTimeUnit(e1)
    if (inherits(e2, "difftime")) e2 <- coerceTimeUnit(e2)
    structure(unclass(e1) + unclass(e2), class = "Date")

`-.Date` <- function(e1, e2)
    coerceTimeUnit <- function(x)
                               secs = x/86400, mins = x/1440, hours = x/24,
                               days = x, weeks = 7*x)))
    if(!inherits(e1, "Date"))
        stop("can only subtract from \"Date\" objects")
    if (nargs() == 1) stop("unary - is not defined for \"Date\" objects")
    if(inherits(e2, "Date")) return(difftime(e1, e2, units="days"))
    if (inherits(e2, "difftime")) e2 <- coerceTimeUnit(e2)
    if(!is.null(attr(e2, "class")))
        stop("can only subtract numbers from \"Date\" objects")
    structure(unclass(as.Date(e1)) - e2, class = "Date")

Ops.Date <- function(e1, e2)
    if (nargs() == 1)
        stop(gettextf("unary %s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
             domain = NA)
    boolean <- switch(.Generic, "<" =, ">" =, "==" =,
                      "!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE,
    if (!boolean)
        stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
             domain = NA)
    ## allow character args to be coerced to dates
    if (is.character(e1)) e1 <- as.Date(e1)
    if (is.character(e2)) e2 <- as.Date(e2)

Math.Date <- function (x, ...)
    stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
         domain = NA)

Summary.Date <- function (..., na.rm)
    ok <- switch(.Generic, max = , min = , range = TRUE, FALSE)
    if (!ok) stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
                  domain = NA)
   val <- NextMethod(.Generic)
    class(val) <- oldClass(list(...)[[1L]])

`[.Date` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE)
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    val <- NextMethod("[")
    class(val) <- cl

`[[.Date` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE)
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    val <- NextMethod("[[")
    class(val) <- cl

`[<-.Date` <- function(x, ..., value)
    if(!length(value)) return(x)
    value <- unclass(as.Date(value))
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    x <- NextMethod(.Generic)
    class(x) <- cl

as.character.Date <- function(x, ...) format(x, ...)

as.data.frame.Date <- as.data.frame.vector

as.list.Date <- function(x, ...)
    lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[i])

c.Date <- function(..., recursive = FALSE)
    structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "Date")

mean.Date <- function (x, ...)
    structure(mean(unclass(x), ...), class = "Date")

seq.Date <- function(from, to, by, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)
    if (missing(from)) stop("'from' must be specified")
    if (!inherits(from, "Date")) stop("'from' must be a \"Date\" object")
        if(length(as.Date(from)) != 1L) stop("'from' must be of length 1")
    if (!missing(to)) {
        if (!inherits(to, "Date")) stop("'to' must be a \"Date\" object")
        if (length(as.Date(to)) != 1L) stop("'to' must be of length 1")
    if (!missing(along.with)) {
        length.out <- length(along.with)
    }  else if (!is.null(length.out)) {
        if (length(length.out) != 1L) stop("'length.out' must be of length 1")
        length.out <- ceiling(length.out)
    status <- c(!missing(to), !missing(by), !is.null(length.out))
    if(sum(status) != 2L)
        stop("exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified")
    if (missing(by)) {
        from <- unclass(as.Date(from))
        to <- unclass(as.Date(to))
        res <- seq.int(from, to, length.out = length.out)
        return(structure(res, class = "Date"))

    if (length(by) != 1L) stop("'by' must be of length 1")
    valid <- 0L
    if (inherits(by, "difftime")) {
        by <- switch(attr(by,"units"), secs = 1/86400, mins = 1/1440,
                     hours = 1/24, days = 1, weeks = 7) * unclass(by)
    } else if(is.character(by)) {
        by2 <- strsplit(by, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
        if(length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L)
            stop("invalid 'by' string")
        valid <- pmatch(by2[length(by2)],
                        c("days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years"))
        if(is.na(valid)) stop("invalid string for 'by'")
        if(valid <= 2L) {
            by <- c(1, 7)[valid]
            if (length(by2) == 2L) by <- by * as.integer(by2[1L])
        } else
            by <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1
    } else if(!is.numeric(by)) stop("invalid mode for 'by'")
    if(is.na(by)) stop("'by' is NA")

    if(valid <= 2L) { # days or weeks
        from <- unclass(as.Date(from))
            res <- seq.int(from, by = by, length.out = length.out)
        else {
            to0 <- unclass(as.Date(to))
            ## defeat test in seq.default
            res <- seq.int(0, to0 - from, by) + from
        res <- structure(res, class = "Date")
    } else {  # months or quarters or years
        r1 <- as.POSIXlt(from)
        if(valid == 5L) { # years
            if(missing(to)) {
                yr <- seq.int(r1$year, by = by, length.out = length.out)
            } else {
                to0 <- as.POSIXlt(to)
                yr <- seq.int(r1$year, to0$year, by)
            r1$year <- yr
            res <- as.Date(r1)
        } else { # months or quarters
            if (valid == 4L) by <- by * 3
            if(missing(to)) {
                mon <- seq.int(r1$mon, by = by, length.out = length.out)
            } else {
                to0 <- as.POSIXlt(to)
                mon <- seq.int(r1$mon, 12*(to0$year - r1$year) + to0$mon, by)
            r1$mon <- mon
            res <- as.Date(r1)
    ## can overshoot
    if (!missing(to)) {
        to <- as.Date(to)
        res <- if (by > 0) res[res <= to] else res[res >= to]

## *very* similar to cut.POSIXt [ ./datetime.R ] -- keep in sync!
cut.Date <-
    function (x, breaks, labels = NULL, start.on.monday = TRUE,
              right = FALSE, ...)
    if(!inherits(x, "Date")) stop("'x' must be a date-time object")
    x <- as.Date(x)

    if (inherits(breaks, "Date")) {
	breaks <- sort(as.Date(breaks))
    } else if(is.numeric(breaks) && length(breaks) == 1L) {
	## specified number of breaks
    } else if(is.character(breaks) && length(breaks) == 1L) {
	by2 <- strsplit(breaks, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
	if(length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L)
	    stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
	valid <-
		   c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "quarters"))
	if(is.na(valid)) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
	start <- as.POSIXlt(min(x, na.rm=TRUE))
	if(valid == 1L) incr <- 1L
	if(valid == 2L) {		# weeks
	    start$mday <- start$mday - start$wday
		start$mday <- start$mday + ifelse(start$wday > 0L, 1L, -6L)
            start$isdst <- -1L
	    incr <- 7L
	if(valid == 3L) {		# months
	    start$mday <- 1L
            start$isdst <- -1L
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
	    step <- ifelse(length(by2) == 2L, as.integer(by2[1L]), 1L)
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (31 * step * 86400))
	    end$mday <- 1L
            end$isdst <- -1L
	    breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, breaks))
	} else if(valid == 4L) {	# years
	    start$mon <- 0L
	    start$mday <- 1L
            start$isdst <- -1L
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
	    step <- ifelse(length(by2) == 2L, as.integer(by2[1L]), 1L)
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (366 * step * 86400))
	    end$mon <- 0L
	    end$mday <- 1L
            end$isdst <- -1L
	    breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, breaks))
	} else if(valid == 5L) {	# quarters
	    qtr <- rep(c(0L, 3L, 6L, 9L), each = 3L)
	    start$mon <- qtr[start$mon + 1L]
	    start$mday <- 1L
            start$isdst <- -1L
	    maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(maxx)
	    step <- ifelse(length(by2) == 2L, as.integer(by2[1L]), 1L)
	    end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (93 * step * 86400))
	    end$mon <- qtr[end$mon + 1L]
	    end$mday <- 1L
            end$isdst <- -1L
	    breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, paste(step * 3L, "months")))
	    ## 93 days ahead could give an empty level, so
	    lb <- length(breaks)
	    if(maxx < breaks[lb-1]) breaks <- breaks[-lb]
	} else {
	    start <- as.Date(start)
	    if (length(by2) == 2L) incr <- incr * as.integer(by2[1L])
	    maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
	    breaks <- seq(start, maxx + incr, breaks)
	    breaks <- breaks[seq_len(1L+max(which(breaks <= maxx)))]
    } else stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
    res <- cut(unclass(x), unclass(breaks), labels = labels,
	       right = right, ...)
    if(is.null(labels)) {
	levels(res) <-
	    as.character(if (is.numeric(breaks)) x[!duplicated(res)]
			 else breaks[-length(breaks)])

julian.Date <- function(x, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"), ...)
    if(length(origin) != 1L) stop("'origin' must be of length one")
    structure(unclass(x) - unclass(origin), "origin" = origin)

weekdays.Date <- function(x, abbreviate = FALSE)
    format(x, ifelse(abbreviate, "%a", "%A"))

months.Date <- function(x, abbreviate = FALSE)
    format(x, ifelse(abbreviate, "%b", "%B"))

quarters.Date <- function(x, ...)
    x <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon) %/% 3L
    paste0("Q", x+1L)

## These only make sense for negative digits, but still ...
round.Date <- function(x, ...)
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    val <- NextMethod()
    class(val) <- cl

## must avoid truncating forwards dates prior to 1970-01-01.
trunc.Date <- function(x, ...) round(x - 0.4999999)

rep.Date <- function(x, ...)
    y <- NextMethod()
    structure(y, class="Date")

diff.Date <- function (x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...)
    ismat <- is.matrix(x)
    xlen <- if (ismat) dim(x)[1L] else length(x)
    if (length(lag) != 1L || length(differences) > 1L || lag < 1L || differences < 1L)
        stop("'lag' and 'differences' must be integers >= 1")
    if (lag * differences >= xlen)
        return(structure(numeric(), class="difftime", units="days"))
    r <- x
    i1 <- -seq_len(lag)
    if (ismat)
        for (i in seq_len(differences)) r <- r[i1, , drop = FALSE] -
            r[-nrow(r):-(nrow(r) - lag + 1L), , drop = FALSE]
    else for (i in seq_len(differences))
        r <- r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)]

## ---- additions in 2.6.0 -----

is.numeric.Date <- function(x) FALSE

## ---- additions in 2.8.0 -----

split.Date <-
function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...)
    oclass <- class(x)
    y <- split.default(unclass(x), f, drop = drop)
    for(i in seq_along(y)) class(y[[i]]) <- oclass

xtfrm.Date <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
robertzk/monadicbase documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.