
Defines functions getNamespace .getNamespace ..getNamespace loadedNamespaces isNamespaceLoaded getNamespaceName getNamespaceVersion getNamespaceExports getNamespaceImports getNamespaceUsers getExportedValue `::` `:::` attachNamespace dynGet loadingNamespaceInfo topenv unloadNamespace isNamespace isBaseNamespace getNamespaceInfo .getNamespaceInfo setNamespaceInfo asNamespace namespaceImport namespaceImportFrom namespaceImportClasses namespaceImportMethods importIntoEnv namespaceExport .mergeExportMethods packageHasNamespace parseNamespaceFile registerS3method registerS3methods .mergeImportMethods

Documented in asNamespace attachNamespace dynGet getExportedValue getNamespace .getNamespace ..getNamespace getNamespaceExports getNamespaceImports getNamespaceInfo .getNamespaceInfo .getNamespaceInfo getNamespaceName getNamespaceUsers getNamespaceVersion importIntoEnv isBaseNamespace isNamespace isNamespaceLoaded loadedNamespaces loadingNamespaceInfo .mergeExportMethods .mergeImportMethods namespaceExport namespaceImport namespaceImportClasses namespaceImportFrom namespaceImportMethods packageHasNamespace parseNamespaceFile registerS3method registerS3methods setNamespaceInfo topenv unloadNamespace

#  File src/library/base/R/namespace.R
#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
#  Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/

## give the base namespace a table for registered methods
`.__S3MethodsTable__.` <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv())

##  1) This code should work also when methods is not yet loaded
##  2) We use  ':::' instead of '::' inside the code below, for efficiency only

getNamespace <- function(name) {
    ns <- .Internal(getRegisteredNamespace(name))
    if (! is.null(ns)) ns
    else tryCatch(loadNamespace(name), error = function(e) stop(e))

.getNamespace <- function(name) .Internal(getRegisteredNamespace(name))

..getNamespace <- function(name, where) {
    ns <- .Internal(getRegisteredNamespace(name))
    if (!is.null(ns)) ns
    else tryCatch(loadNamespace(name),
                  error = function(e) {
                      warning(gettextf("namespace %s is not available and has been replaced\nby .GlobalEnv when processing object %s",
                                       sQuote(name)[1L], sQuote(where)),
                              domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

loadedNamespaces <- function() names(.Internal(getNamespaceRegistry()))

isNamespaceLoaded <- function(name) .Internal(isRegisteredNamespace(name))

getNamespaceName <- function(ns) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    if (isBaseNamespace(ns)) "base"
    else .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "spec")["name"]

getNamespaceVersion <- function(ns) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    if (isBaseNamespace(ns))
        c(version = paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = "."))
    else .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "spec")["version"]

getNamespaceExports <- function(ns) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    names(if(isBaseNamespace(ns)) .BaseNamespaceEnv
          else .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports"))

getNamespaceImports <- function(ns) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    if (isBaseNamespace(ns)) NULL
    else .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "imports")

getNamespaceUsers <- function(ns) {
    nsname <- getNamespaceName(asNamespace(ns))
    users <- character()
    for (n in loadedNamespaces()) {
        inames <- names(getNamespaceImports(n))
        if (match(nsname, inames, 0L))
            users <- c(n, users)

getExportedValue <- function(ns, name) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    if (isBaseNamespace(ns))
	get(name, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE) # incl. error
    else {
	if (!is.null(oNam <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports")[[name]])) {
	    get0(oNam, envir = ns)
	} else { ##  <pkg> :: <dataset>  for lazydata :
	    ld <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "lazydata")
	    if (!is.null(obj <- get0(name, envir = ld, inherits = FALSE)))
	    else { ## if there's a lazydata object with value NULL:
		if(exists(name, envir = ld, inherits = FALSE))
		    stop(gettextf("'%s' is not an exported object from 'namespace:%s'",
				  name, getNamespaceName(ns)),
			 call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

`::` <- function(pkg, name) {
    pkg <- as.character(substitute(pkg))
    name <- as.character(substitute(name))
    getExportedValue(pkg, name)

## NOTE: Both "::" and ":::" must signal an error for non existing objects

`:::` <- function(pkg, name) {
    pkg <- as.character(substitute(pkg))
    name <- as.character(substitute(name))
    get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE)

attachNamespace <- function(ns, pos = 2L, depends = NULL)
    ## only used to run .onAttach
    runHook <- function(hookname, env, libname, pkgname) {
        if (!is.null(fun <- get0(hookname, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))) {
            res <- tryCatch(fun(libname, pkgname), error = identity)
            if (inherits(res, "error")) {
                stop(gettextf("%s failed in %s() for '%s', details:\n  call: %s\n  error: %s",
                              hookname, "attachNamespace", nsname,
                     call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
##         else if (exists(".First.lib", envir = env, inherits = FALSE) &&
##                  nsname == Sys.getenv("R_INSTALL_PKG"))
##             warning(sprintf("ignoring .First.lib() for package %s",
##                             sQuote(nsname)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
    runUserHook <- function(pkgname, pkgpath) {
        hook <- getHook(packageEvent(pkgname, "attach")) # might be list()
        for(fun in hook) try(fun(pkgname, pkgpath))

    ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
    nsname <- getNamespaceName(ns)
    nspath <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "path")
    attname <- paste("package", nsname, sep = ":")
    if (attname %in% search())
        stop("namespace is already attached")
    env <- attach(NULL, pos = pos, name = attname)
    ## we do not want to run e.g. .onDetach here
    attr(env, "path") <- nspath
    exports <- getNamespaceExports(ns)
    importIntoEnv(env, exports, ns, exports)
    ## always exists, might be empty
    dimpenv <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "lazydata")
    dnames <- names(dimpenv)
    .Internal(importIntoEnv(env, dnames, dimpenv, dnames))
    if(length(depends)) assign(".Depends", depends, env)
    Sys.setenv("_R_NS_LOAD_" = nsname)
    on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("_R_NS_LOAD_"), add = TRUE)
    runHook(".onAttach", ns, dirname(nspath), nsname)
    lockEnvironment(env, TRUE)
    runUserHook(nsname, nspath)

## *inside* another function, useful to check for cycles
dynGet <- function(x, ifnotfound = stop(gettextf("%s not found",
			     sQuote(x)), domain = NA),
		   minframe = 1L, inherits = FALSE)
    n <- sys.nframe()
    while (n > minframe) {
	n <- n - 1L
	env <- sys.frame(n)
	if ( exists   (x, envir = env, inherits=inherits))
	    return(get(x, envir = env, inherits=inherits))

loadNamespace <- function (package, lib.loc = NULL,
                           keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"),
                           partial = FALSE, versionCheck = NULL)
    libpath <- attr(package, "LibPath")
    package <- as.character(package)[[1L]]

    loading <- dynGet("__NameSpacesLoading__", NULL)
    if (match(package, loading, 0L))
        stop("cyclic namespace dependency detected when loading ",
             sQuote(package), ", already loading ",
             paste(sQuote(loading), collapse = ", "),
             domain = NA)
    "__NameSpacesLoading__" <- c(package, loading)

    ns <- .Internal(getRegisteredNamespace(package))
    if (! is.null(ns)) {
        if(!is.null(zop <- versionCheck[["op"]]) &&
           !is.null(zversion <- versionCheck[["version"]])) {
            current <- getNamespaceVersion(ns)
            if(!do.call(zop, list(as.numeric_version(current), zversion)))
                stop(gettextf("namespace %s %s is already loaded, but %s %s is required",
                              sQuote(package), current, zop, zversion),
                     domain = NA)
    } else {
        ## only used here for .onLoad
        runHook <- function(hookname, env, libname, pkgname) {
	    if (!is.null(fun <- get0(hookname, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))) {
                res <- tryCatch(fun(libname, pkgname), error = identity)
                if (inherits(res, "error")) {
                    stop(gettextf("%s failed in %s() for '%s', details:\n  call: %s\n  error: %s",
                                  hookname, "loadNamespace", pkgname,
                         call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
        runUserHook <- function(pkgname, pkgpath) {
            hooks <- getHook(packageEvent(pkgname, "onLoad")) # might be list()
            for(fun in hooks) try(fun(pkgname, pkgpath))
        makeNamespace <- function(name, version = NULL, lib = NULL) {
            impenv <- new.env(parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv, hash = TRUE)
            attr(impenv, "name") <- paste("imports", name, sep = ":")
            env <- new.env(parent = impenv, hash = TRUE)
            name <- as.character(as.name(name))
            version <- as.character(version)
            info <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv())
            assign(".__NAMESPACE__.", info, envir = env)
            assign("spec", c(name = name, version = version), envir = info)
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "exports", new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv()))
            dimpenv <- new.env(parent = baseenv(), hash = TRUE)
            attr(dimpenv, "name") <- paste("lazydata", name, sep = ":")
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "lazydata", dimpenv)
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "imports", list("base" = TRUE))
            ## this should be an absolute path
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "path",
                             normalizePath(file.path(lib, name), "/", TRUE))
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "dynlibs", NULL)
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods", matrix(NA_character_, 0L, 3L))
                   new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv()),
                   envir = env)
            .Internal(registerNamespace(name, env))
        sealNamespace <- function(ns) {
            namespaceIsSealed <- function(ns)
            ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
            if (namespaceIsSealed(ns))
                stop(gettextf("namespace %s is already sealed in 'loadNamespace'",
                     call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            lockEnvironment(ns, TRUE)
            lockEnvironment(parent.env(ns), TRUE)
        addNamespaceDynLibs <- function(ns, newlibs) {
            dynlibs <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "dynlibs")
            setNamespaceInfo(ns, "dynlibs", c(dynlibs, newlibs))

        bindTranslations <- function(pkgname, pkgpath)
            ## standard packages are treated differently
            std <- c("compiler", "foreign", "grDevices", "graphics", "grid",
                     "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4",
                     "tcltk", "tools", "utils")
            popath <- if (pkgname %in% std) .popath else file.path(pkgpath, "po")
            if(!file.exists(popath)) return()
            bindtextdomain(pkgname, popath)
            bindtextdomain(paste("R", pkgname, sep = "-"), popath)

        assignNativeRoutines <- function(dll, lib, env, nativeRoutines) {
            if(length(nativeRoutines) == 0L) return(NULL)

            if(nativeRoutines$useRegistration) {
                ## Use the registration information to register ALL the symbols
                fixes <- nativeRoutines$registrationFixes
                routines <- getDLLRegisteredRoutines.DLLInfo(dll, addNames = FALSE)
                       function(type) {
                                  function(sym) {
                                      varName <- paste0(fixes[1L], sym$name, fixes[2L])
                                      if(exists(varName, envir = env))
                                          warning(gettextf("failed to assign RegisteredNativeSymbol for %s to %s since %s is already defined in the %s namespace",
                                                           sym$name, varName, varName, sQuote(package)),
                                                  domain = NA)
                                          assign(varName, sym, envir = env)


            symNames <- nativeRoutines$symbolNames
            if(length(symNames) == 0L) return(NULL)

            symbols <- getNativeSymbolInfo(symNames, dll, unlist = FALSE,
                                           withRegistrationInfo = TRUE)
                   function(i) {
                       ## could vectorize this outside of the loop
                       ## and assign to different variable to
                       ## maintain the original names.
                       varName <- names(symNames)[i]
                       origVarName <- symNames[i]
                       if(exists(varName, envir = env))
                           if(origVarName != varName)
                               warning(gettextf("failed to assign NativeSymbolInfo for %s to %s since %s is already defined in the %s namespace",
                                                origVarName, varName, varName, sQuote(package)),
                                       domain = NA)
                               warning(gettextf("failed to assign NativeSymbolInfo for %s since %s is already defined in the %s namespace",
                                                origVarName, varName, sQuote(package)),
                                       domain = NA)
                           assign(varName, symbols[[origVarName]], envir = env)


        ## find package and check it has a namespace
        pkgpath <- find.package(package, c(libpath, lib.loc), quiet = TRUE)
        if (length(pkgpath) == 0L)
            stop(gettextf("there is no package called %s", sQuote(package)),
                 domain = NA)
        bindTranslations(package, pkgpath)
        package.lib <- dirname(pkgpath)
        package <- basename(pkgpath) # need the versioned name
        if (! packageHasNamespace(package, package.lib)) {
            hasNoNamespaceError <-
                function (package, package.lib, call = NULL) {
                class <- c("hasNoNamespaceError", "error", "condition")
                msg <- gettextf("package %s does not have a namespace",
                structure(list(message = msg, package = package,
                               package.lib = package.lib, call = call),
                          class = class)
            stop(hasNoNamespaceError(package, package.lib))

        ## create namespace; arrange to unregister on error
        ## Can we rely on the existence of R-ng 'nsInfo.rds' and
        ## 'package.rds'?
        ## No, not during builds of standard packages
        ## stats4 depends on methods, but exports do not matter
        ## whilst it is being built
        nsInfoFilePath <- file.path(pkgpath, "Meta", "nsInfo.rds")
        nsInfo <- if(file.exists(nsInfoFilePath)) readRDS(nsInfoFilePath)
        else parseNamespaceFile(package, package.lib, mustExist = FALSE)

        pkgInfoFP <- file.path(pkgpath, "Meta", "package.rds")
        if(file.exists(pkgInfoFP)) {
            pkgInfo <- readRDS(pkgInfoFP)
            version <- pkgInfo$DESCRIPTION["Version"]
            vI <- pkgInfo$Imports
            if(is.null(built <- pkgInfo$Built))
                stop(gettextf("package %s has not been installed properly\n",
                     call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            R_version_built_under <- as.numeric_version(built$R)
            if(R_version_built_under < "3.0.0")
                stop(gettextf("package %s was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it",
                     call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            ## we need to ensure that S4 dispatch is on now if the package
            ## will require it, or the exports will be incomplete.
            dependsMethods <- "methods" %in% names(pkgInfo$Depends)
            if(dependsMethods) loadNamespace("methods")
            if(!is.null(zop <- versionCheck[["op"]]) &&
               !is.null(zversion <- versionCheck[["version"]]) &&
               !do.call(zop, list(as.numeric_version(version), zversion)))
                stop(gettextf("namespace %s %s is being loaded, but %s %s is required",
                              sQuote(package), version, zop, zversion),
                     domain = NA)
        ns <- makeNamespace(package, version = version, lib = package.lib)

        ## process imports
        for (i in nsInfo$imports) {
            if (is.character(i))
                                loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()),
                                              versionCheck = vI[[i]]),
                                from = package)
                                    loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]],
                                                  c(lib.loc, .libPaths()),
                                                  versionCheck = vI[[j]]),
                                    i[[2L]], from = package)
        for(imp in nsInfo$importClasses)
            namespaceImportClasses(ns, loadNamespace(j <- imp[[1L]],
                                                     c(lib.loc, .libPaths()),
                                                     versionCheck = vI[[j]]),
                                   imp[[2L]], from = package)
        for(imp in nsInfo$importMethods)
            namespaceImportMethods(ns, loadNamespace(j <- imp[[1L]],
                                                     c(lib.loc, .libPaths()),
                                                     versionCheck = vI[[j]]),
                                   imp[[2L]], from = package)

        ## store info for loading namespace for loadingNamespaceInfo to read
        "__LoadingNamespaceInfo__" <- list(libname = package.lib,
                                           pkgname = package)

        env <- asNamespace(ns)
        ## save the package name in the environment
        assign(".packageName", package, envir = env)

        ## load the code
        codename <- strsplit(package, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][1L]
        codeFile <- file.path(pkgpath, "R", codename)
        if (file.exists(codeFile)) {
            res <- try(sys.source(codeFile, env, keep.source = keep.source))
            if(inherits(res, "try-error"))
                stop(gettextf("unable to load R code in package %s",
                              sQuote(package)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
        # a package without R code currently is required to have a namespace
        # else warning(gettextf("package %s contains no R code",
        #                        sQuote(package)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

        ## partial loading stops at this point
        ## -- used in preparing for lazy-loading
        if (partial) return(ns)

        ## lazy-load any sysdata
        dbbase <- file.path(pkgpath, "R", "sysdata")
        if (file.exists(paste0(dbbase, ".rdb"))) lazyLoad(dbbase, env)

        ## load any lazydata into a separate environment
        dbbase <- file.path(pkgpath, "data", "Rdata")
        if(file.exists(paste0(dbbase, ".rdb")))
            lazyLoad(dbbase, .getNamespaceInfo(env, "lazydata"))

        ## register any S3 methods
        registerS3methods(nsInfo$S3methods, package, env)

        ## load any dynamic libraries
        dlls <- list()
        dynLibs <- nsInfo$dynlibs
        for (i in seq_along(dynLibs)) {
            lib <- dynLibs[i]
            dlls[[lib]]  <- library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib)
            assignNativeRoutines(dlls[[lib]], lib, env,

            ## If the DLL has a name as in useDynLib(alias = foo),
            ## then assign DLL reference to alias.  Check if
            ## names() is NULL to handle case that the nsInfo.rds
            ## file was created before the names were added to the
            ## dynlibs vector.
               && nzchar(names(nsInfo$dynlibs)[i]))
                assign(names(nsInfo$dynlibs)[i], dlls[[lib]], envir = env)
            setNamespaceInfo(env, "DLLs", dlls)
        addNamespaceDynLibs(env, nsInfo$dynlibs)

        ## used in e.g. utils::assignInNamespace
        Sys.setenv("_R_NS_LOAD_" = package)
        on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("_R_NS_LOAD_"), add = TRUE)
        ## run the load hook
        runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package)

        ## process exports, seal, and clear on.exit action
        exports <- nsInfo$exports

        for (p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
            exports <- c(ls(env, pattern = p, all.names = TRUE), exports)
        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods:::.hasS4MetaData(ns) &&
           !identical(package, "methods") ) {
            ## cache generics, classes in this namespace (but not methods itself,
            ## which pre-cached at install time
            methods::cacheMetaData(ns, TRUE, ns)
            ## This also ran .doLoadActions
            ## load actions may have added objects matching patterns
            for (p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) {
                expp <- ls(ns, pattern = p, all.names = TRUE)
                newEx <- !(expp %in% exports)
                    exports <- c(expp[newEx], exports)
            ## process class definition objects
            expClasses <- nsInfo$exportClasses
            ##we take any pattern, but check to see if the matches are classes
            pClasses <- character()
            aClasses <- methods::getClasses(ns)
            classPatterns <- nsInfo$exportClassPatterns
            ## defaults to exportPatterns
                classPatterns <- nsInfo$exportPatterns
            for (p in classPatterns) {
                pClasses <- c(aClasses[grep(p, aClasses)], pClasses)
            pClasses <- unique(pClasses)
            if( length(pClasses) ) {
                good <- vapply(pClasses, methods::isClass, NA, where = ns)
                if( !any(good) && length(nsInfo$exportClassPatterns))
                    warning(gettextf("'exportClassPattern' specified in 'NAMESPACE' but no matching classes in package %s", sQuote(package)),
                            call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
                expClasses <- c(expClasses, pClasses[good])
            if(length(expClasses)) {
                missingClasses <-
                    !vapply(expClasses, methods::isClass, NA, where = ns)
                    stop(gettextf("in package %s classes %s were specified for export but not defined",
                                        collapse = ", ")),
                         domain = NA)
                expClasses <- paste0(methods::classMetaName(""), expClasses)
            ## process methods metadata explicitly exported or
            ## implied by exporting the generic function.
            allGenerics <- unique(c(methods:::.getGenerics(ns),
            expMethods <- nsInfo$exportMethods
            ## check for generic functions corresponding to exported methods
            addGenerics <- expMethods[is.na(match(expMethods, exports))]
            if(length(addGenerics)) {
                nowhere <- vapply(addGenerics, function(what) !exists(what, mode = "function", envir = ns),
                                  NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
                if(any(nowhere)) {
                    warning(gettextf("no function found corresponding to methods exports from %s for: %s",
                                     paste(sQuote(sort(unique(addGenerics[nowhere]))), collapse = ", ")),
                         domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
                    addGenerics <- addGenerics[!nowhere]
                if(length(addGenerics)) {
                    ## skip primitives
                    addGenerics <- addGenerics[vapply(addGenerics, function(what)
                        !is.primitive(get(what, mode = "function", envir = ns)), NA)]
                    ## the rest must be generic functions, implicit or local
                    ## or have been cached via a DEPENDS package
		    ok <- vapply(addGenerics, methods:::.findsGeneric, 1L, ns)
                    if(!all(ok)) {
                        bad <- sort(unique(addGenerics[!ok]))
                        msg <-
                                     "Function found when exporting methods from the namespace %s which is not S4 generic: %s",
                                     "Functions found when exporting methods from the namespace %s which are not S4 generic: %s")
                        stop(sprintf(msg, sQuote(package),
                                     paste(sQuote(bad), collapse = ", ")),
                             domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
                    else if(any(ok > 1L))  #from the cache, don't add
                        addGenerics <- addGenerics[ok < 2L]
### <note> Uncomment following to report any local generic functions
### that should have been exported explicitly.  But would be reported
### whenever the package is loaded, which is not when it is relevant.
### </note>
                ## local <- sapply(addGenerics, function(what) identical(as.character(get(what, envir = ns)@package), package))
                ## if(any(local))
                ##     message(gettextf("export(%s) from package %s generated by exportMethods()",
                ##        paste(addGenerics[local], collapse = ", ")),
                ##             domain = NA)
                exports <- c(exports, addGenerics)
            expTables <- character()
            if(length(allGenerics)) {
                expMethods <-
                             exports[!is.na(match(exports, allGenerics))]))
                missingMethods <- !(expMethods %in% allGenerics)
                    stop(gettextf("in %s methods for export not found: %s",
                                        collapse = ", ")),
                         domain = NA)
                tPrefix <- methods:::.TableMetaPrefix()
                allMethodTables <-
                    unique(c(methods:::.getGenerics(ns, tPrefix),
                             methods:::.getGenerics(parent.env(ns), tPrefix)))
                needMethods <-
                    (exports %in% allGenerics) & !(exports %in% expMethods)
                    expMethods <- c(expMethods, exports[needMethods])
                ## Primitives must have their methods exported as long
                ## as a global table is used in the C code to dispatch them:
                ## The following keeps the exported files consistent with
                ## the internal table.
                pm <- allGenerics[!(allGenerics %in% expMethods)]
                if(length(pm)) {
                    prim <- logical(length(pm))
                    for(i in seq_along(prim)) {
                        f <- methods::getFunction(pm[[i]], FALSE, FALSE, ns)
                        prim[[i]] <- is.primitive(f)
                    expMethods <- c(expMethods, pm[prim])
                for(i in seq_along(expMethods)) {
                    mi <- expMethods[[i]]
                    if(!(mi %in% exports) &&
                       exists(mi, envir = ns, mode = "function",
                              inherits = FALSE))
                        exports <- c(exports, mi)
                    pattern <- paste0(tPrefix, mi, ":")
                    ii <- grep(pattern, allMethodTables, fixed = TRUE)
                    if(length(ii)) {
			if(length(ii) > 1L) {
			    warning(gettextf("multiple methods tables found for %s",
				    sQuote(mi)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
			    ii <- ii[1L]
                        expTables[[i]] <- allMethodTables[ii]
                    else { ## but not possible?
                      warning(gettextf("failed to find metadata object for %s",
                                       sQuote(mi)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            else if(length(expMethods))
                stop(gettextf("in package %s methods %s were specified for export but not defined",
                              paste(expMethods, collapse = ", ")),
                     domain = NA)
            exports <- unique(c(exports, expClasses,  expTables))
        ## certain things should never be exported.
        if (length(exports)) {
            stoplist <- c(".__NAMESPACE__.", ".__S3MethodsTable__.",
                          ".packageName", ".First.lib", ".onLoad",
                          ".onAttach", ".conflicts.OK", ".noGenerics")
            exports <- exports[! exports %in% stoplist]
        namespaceExport(ns, exports)
        runUserHook(package, pkgpath)

## A version which returns TRUE/FALSE
requireNamespace <- function (package, ..., quietly = FALSE)
    package <- as.character(package)[[1L]] # like loadNamespace
    ns <- .Internal(getRegisteredNamespace(package))
    res <- TRUE
    if (is.null(ns)) {
            packageStartupMessage(gettextf("Loading required namespace: %s",
                                           package), domain = NA)
        value <- tryCatch(loadNamespace(package, ...), error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(value, "error")) {
            if (!quietly) {
                msg <- conditionMessage(value)
                cat("Failed with error:  ",
                    sQuote(msg), "\n", file = stderr(), sep = "")
            res <- FALSE

loadingNamespaceInfo <- function() {
    dynGet("__LoadingNamespaceInfo__", stop("not loading a namespace"))

topenv <- function(envir = parent.frame(),
                   matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment")) {
    ## while (! identical(envir, emptyenv())) {
    ##     nm <- attributes(envir)[["names", exact = TRUE]]
    ##     if ((is.character(nm) && length(grep("^package:" , nm))) ||
    ##         ## matchThisEnv is used in sys.source
    ##         identical(envir, matchThisEnv) ||
    ##         identical(envir, .GlobalEnv) ||
    ##         identical(envir, baseenv()) ||
    ##         .Internal(isNamespaceEnv(envir)) ||
    ##         ## packages except base and those with a separate namespace have .packageName
    ##         exists(".packageName", envir = envir, inherits = FALSE))
    ##         return(envir)
    ##     else envir <- parent.env(envir)
    ## }
    ## return(.GlobalEnv)
    .Internal(topenv(envir, matchThisEnv))

unloadNamespace <- function(ns)
    ## only used to run .onUnload
    runHook <- function(hookname, env, ...) {
	if (!is.null(fun <- get0(hookname, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))) {
            res <- tryCatch(fun(...), error=identity)
            if (inherits(res, "error")) {
                warning(gettextf("%s failed in %s() for '%s', details:\n  call: %s\n  error: %s",
                                 hookname, "unloadNamespace", nsname,
                        call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
    nsname <- getNamespaceName(ns)
    pos <- match(paste("package", nsname, sep = ":"), search())
    if (! is.na(pos)) detach(pos = pos)
    users <- getNamespaceUsers(ns)
    if (length(users))
        stop(gettextf("namespace %s is imported by %s so cannot be unloaded",
                      paste(sQuote(users), collapse = ", ")),
             domain = NA)
    nspath <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "path")
    hook <- getHook(packageEvent(nsname, "onUnload")) # might be list()
    for(fun in rev(hook)) try(fun(nsname, nspath))
    runHook(".onUnload", ns, nspath)
    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods:::.hasS4MetaData(ns))
        methods::cacheMetaData(ns, FALSE, ns)
    .Internal(lazyLoadDBflush(paste0(nspath, "/R/", nsname, ".rdb")))

isNamespace <- function(ns) .Internal(isNamespaceEnv(ns))

isBaseNamespace <- function(ns) identical(ns, .BaseNamespaceEnv)

getNamespaceInfo <- function(ns, which) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
    get(which, envir = ns[[".__NAMESPACE__."]])

.getNamespaceInfo <- function(ns, which) {

setNamespaceInfo <- function(ns, which, val) {
    ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
    info <- ns[[".__NAMESPACE__."]]
    info[[which]] <- val

asNamespace <- function(ns, base.OK = TRUE) {
    if (is.character(ns) || is.name(ns))
        ns <- getNamespace(ns)
    if (! isNamespace(ns))
        stop("not a namespace")
    else if (! base.OK && isBaseNamespace(ns))
        stop("operation not allowed on base namespace")
    else ns

namespaceImport <- function(self, ..., from = NULL)
    for (ns in list(...))
        namespaceImportFrom(self, asNamespace(ns), from = from)

namespaceImportFrom <- function(self, ns, vars, generics, packages, from = "non-package environment")
    addImports <- function(ns, from, what) {
        imp <- structure(list(what), names = getNamespaceName(from))
        imports <- getNamespaceImports(ns)
        setNamespaceInfo(ns, "imports", c(imports, imp))
    namespaceIsSealed <- function(ns)
    makeImportExportNames <- function(spec) {
        old <- as.character(spec)
        new <- names(spec)
        if (is.null(new)) new <- old
        else {
            change <- !nzchar(new)
            new[change] <- old[change]
        names(old) <- new
    whichMethodMetaNames <- function(impvars) {
        mm <- ".__T__"
        seq_along(impvars)[substr(impvars, 1L, nchar(mm, type = "c")) == mm]
    genericPackage <- function(f) {
        if(methods::is(f, "genericFunction")) f@package
        else if(is.primitive(f)) "base"
        else "<unknown>"
    if (is.character(self))
        self <- getNamespace(self)
    ns <- asNamespace(ns)
    nsname <- getNamespaceName(ns)
    impvars <- if (missing(vars)) {
        ## certain things should never be imported:
        ## but most of these are never exported (exception: .Last.lib)
        stoplist <- c(".__NAMESPACE__.", ".__S3MethodsTable__.",
                      ".packageName", ".First.lib", ".Last.lib",
                      ".onLoad", ".onAttach", ".onDetach",
                      ".conflicts.OK", ".noGenerics")
        vars <- getNamespaceExports(ns)
        vars <- vars[! vars %in% stoplist]
    } else vars
    impvars <- makeImportExportNames(impvars)
    impnames <- names(impvars)
    if (anyDuplicated(impnames)) {
        stop(gettextf("duplicate import names %s",
                            collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
    if (isNamespace(self)) {
        if(isBaseNamespace(self)) {
            impenv <- self
            msg <- gettext("replacing local value with import %s when loading %s")
            register <- FALSE
        else {
            if (namespaceIsSealed(self))
                stop("cannot import into a sealed namespace")
            impenv <- parent.env(self)
            msg <- gettext("replacing previous import by %s when loading %s")
            register <- TRUE
    else if (is.environment(self)) {
        impenv <- self
        msg <- gettext("replacing local value with import %s when loading %s")
        register <- FALSE
    else stop("invalid import target")
    which <- whichMethodMetaNames(impvars)
    if(length(which)) {
	## If methods are already in impenv, merge and don't import
	delete <- integer()
	for(i in which) {
	    methodsTable <- .mergeImportMethods(impenv, ns, impvars[[i]])
	    {} ## first encounter, just import it
	    else { ##
		delete <- c(delete, i)
		if(!missing(generics)) {
		    genName <- generics[[i]]
                    ## if(i > length(generics) || !nzchar(genName))
                    ##   {warning("got invalid index for importing ",mlname); next}
		    fdef <- methods::getGeneric(genName,
                                                where = impenv,
                                                package = packages[[i]])
			warning(gettextf("found methods to import for function %s but not the generic itself",
                                call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
			methods:::.updateMethodsInTable(fdef, ns, TRUE)
	if(length(delete)) {
	    impvars <- impvars[-delete]
	    impnames <- impnames[-delete]
    for (n in impnames)
	if (!is.null(genImp <- get0(n, envir = impenv, inherits = FALSE))) {
	    if (.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::isGeneric(n, ns)) {
		## warn only if generic overwrites a function which
		## it was not derived from
		genNs <- genericPackage(get(n, envir = ns))
                if(identical(genNs, genericPackage(genImp))) next # same generic
		genImpenv <- environmentName(environment(genImp))
                ## May call environment() on a non-function--an undocumented
                ## "feature" of environment() is that it returns a special
                ## attribute for non-functions, usually NULL
		if (!identical(genNs, genImpenv) ||
                    methods::isGeneric(n, impenv)) {}
                else next
            ## this is always called from another function, so reporting call
            ## is unhelpful
            warning(sprintf(msg, sQuote(paste(nsname, n, sep = "::")),
                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    importIntoEnv(impenv, impnames, ns, impvars)
    if (register)
        addImports(self, ns, if (missing(vars)) TRUE else impvars)

namespaceImportClasses <- function(self, ns, vars, from = NULL)
    for(i in seq_along(vars))
        vars[[i]] <- methods::classMetaName(vars[[i]])
    namespaceImportFrom(self, asNamespace(ns), vars, from = from)

namespaceImportMethods <- function(self, ns, vars, from = NULL)
    allVars <- character()
    generics <- character()
    packages <- character()
    allFuns <- methods:::.getGenerics(ns) # all the methods tables in ns
    allPackages <- attr(allFuns, "package")
    pkg <- methods::getPackageName(ns)
    if(!all(vars %in% allFuns)) {
        message(gettextf("No methods found in \"%s\" for requests: %s",
                         pkg, paste(vars[is.na(match(vars, allFuns))], collapse = ", ")),
                domain = NA)
        vars <- vars[vars %in% allFuns]
    if(any(is.na(match(vars, allFuns))))
        stop(gettextf("requested methods not found in environment/package %s: %s",
                      paste(vars[is.na(match(vars, allFuns))],
                            collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    for(i in seq_along(allFuns)) {
        ## import methods tables if asked for
        ## or if the corresponding generic was imported
        g <- allFuns[[i]]
        p <- allPackages[[i]]
        if(exists(g, envir = self, inherits = FALSE) # already imported
           || g %in% vars) { # requested explicitly
            tbl <- methods:::.TableMetaName(g, p)
            if(is.null(.mergeImportMethods(self, ns, tbl))) { # a new methods table
               allVars <- c(allVars, tbl) # import it;else, was merged
               generics <- c(generics, g)
               packages <- c(packages, p)
        if(g %in% vars && !exists(g, envir = self, inherits = FALSE)) {
	    if(!is.null(f <- get0(g, envir = ns)) && methods::is(f, "genericFunction")) {
                allVars <- c(allVars, g)
                generics <- c(generics, g)
                packages <- c(packages, p)
            else { # should be primitive
                fun <- methods::getFunction(g, mustFind = FALSE, where = self)
                if(is.primitive(fun) || methods::is(fun, "genericFunction")) {}
                    warning(gettextf("No generic function found corresponding to requested imported methods for \"%s\" from package \"%s\" (malformed exports?)",
                                 g, pkg),
                        domain = NA)
    namespaceImportFrom(self, asNamespace(ns), allVars, generics, packages,
                        from = from)

importIntoEnv <- function(impenv, impnames, expenv, expnames) {
    exports <- getNamespaceInfo(expenv, "exports")
    ex <- names(exports)
    if(!all(eie <- expnames %in% ex)) {
        miss <- expnames[!eie]
        ## if called (indirectly) for namespaceImportClasses
        ## these are all classes
        if(all(grepl("^\\.__C__", miss))) {
            miss <- sub("^\\.__C__", "", miss)
                                  "class %s is not exported by 'namespace:%s'",
                                  "classes %s are not exported by 'namespace:%s'"),
                         paste(paste0('"', miss, '"'), collapse = ", "),
                 call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
        } else {
                                  "object %s is not exported by 'namespace:%s'",
                                  "objects %s are not exported by 'namespace:%s'"),
                         paste(sQuote(miss), collapse = ", "),
                 call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    expnames <- unlist(mget(expnames, envir = exports, inherits = FALSE), recursive=FALSE)
    if (is.null(impnames)) impnames <- character()
    if (is.null(expnames)) expnames <- character()
    .Internal(importIntoEnv(impenv, impnames, expenv, expnames))

namespaceExport <- function(ns, vars) {
    namespaceIsSealed <- function(ns)
    if (namespaceIsSealed(ns))
        stop("cannot add to exports of a sealed namespace")
    ns <- asNamespace(ns, base.OK = FALSE)
    if (length(vars)) {
        addExports <- function(ns, new) {
            exports <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports")
            expnames <- names(new)
            intnames <- new
            objs <- names(exports)
            ex <- expnames %in% objs
                                         "previous export '%s' is being replaced",
                                         "previous exports '%s' are being replaced"),
                                paste(sQuote(expnames[ex]), collapse = ", ")),
                        call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            for (i in seq_along(new))
                assign(expnames[i], intnames[i], envir = exports)
        makeImportExportNames <- function(spec) {
            old <- as.character(spec)
            new <- names(spec)
            if (is.null(new)) new <- old
            else {
                change <- !nzchar(new)
                new[change] <- old[change]
            names(old) <- new
        new <- makeImportExportNames(unique(vars))
        ## calling exists each time is too slow, so do two phases
        undef <- new[! new %in% names(ns)]
        undef <- undef[! vapply(undef, exists, NA, envir = ns)]
        if (length(undef)) {
            undef <- do.call("paste", as.list(c(undef, sep = ", ")))
            stop(gettextf("undefined exports: %s", undef), domain = NA)
        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) .mergeExportMethods(new, ns)
        addExports(ns, new)

.mergeExportMethods <- function(new, ns)
    ## avoid bootstrapping issues
    ##    mm <- methods:::methodsPackageMetaName("M","")
    mm <- ".__M__"
    newMethods <- new[substr(new, 1L, nchar(mm, type = "c")) == mm]
    nsimports <- parent.env(ns)
    for(what in newMethods) {
	if(!is.null(m1 <- get0(what, envir = nsimports, inherits = FALSE))) {
            m2 <- get(what, envir = ns)
            assign(what, envir = ns, methods::mergeMethods(m1, m2))

packageHasNamespace <- function(package, package.lib)
    file.exists(file.path(package.lib, package, "NAMESPACE"))

parseNamespaceFile <- function(package, package.lib, mustExist = TRUE)
    namespaceFilePath <- function(package, package.lib)
        file.path(package.lib, package, "NAMESPACE")

    ## These two functions are essentially local to the parsing of
    ## the namespace file and don't need to be made available to
    ## users.  These manipulate the data from useDynLib() directives
    ## for the same DLL to determine how to map the symbols to R
    ## variables.

    nativeRoutineMap <-
        ## Creates a new NativeRoutineMap.
        function(useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes) {
            proto <- list(useRegistration = FALSE,
                          symbolNames = character())
            class(proto) <- "NativeRoutineMap"

            mergeNativeRoutineMaps(proto, useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes)

    mergeNativeRoutineMaps <-
        ## Merges new settings into a NativeRoutineMap
        function(map, useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes) {
                names(symbolNames) <-
                    paste0(fixes[1L],  names(symbolNames), fixes[2L])
                map$registrationFixes <- fixes
            map$useRegistration <- map$useRegistration || useRegistration
            map$symbolNames <- c(map$symbolNames, symbolNames)

    nsFile <- namespaceFilePath(package, package.lib)
    descfile <- file.path(package.lib, package, "DESCRIPTION")
    enc <- if (file.exists(descfile)) {
        read.dcf(file = descfile, "Encoding")[1L]
    } else NA_character_
    if (file.exists(nsFile))
        directives <- if (!is.na(enc) &&
                          ! Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX")) {
	    con <- file(nsFile, encoding=enc)
	    parse(con, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)
        } else parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)
    else if (mustExist)
        stop(gettextf("package %s has no 'NAMESPACE' file", sQuote(package)),
             domain = NA)
    else directives <- NULL
    exports <- character()
    exportPatterns <- character()
    exportClasses <- character()
    exportClassPatterns <- character()
    exportMethods <- character()
    imports <- list()
    importMethods <- list()
    importClasses <- list()
    dynlibs <- character()
    nS3methods <- 1000L
    S3methods <- matrix(NA_character_, nS3methods, 3L)
    nativeRoutines <- list()
    nS3 <- 0L
    parseDirective <- function(e) {
        ## trying to get more helpful error message:
	asChar <- function(cc) {
	    r <- as.character(cc)
	    if(any(r == ""))
		stop(gettextf("empty name in directive '%s' in 'NAMESPACE' file",
		     domain = NA)
               "if" = if (eval(e[[2L]], .GlobalEnv))
               else if (length(e) == 4L)
               "{" =  for (ee in as.list(e[-1L])) parseDirective(ee),
               "=" =,
               "<-" = {
                   if(as.character(e[[3L]][[1L]]) == "useDynLib")
                       names(dynlibs)[length(dynlibs)] <<- asChar(e[[2L]])
               export = {
                   exp <- e[-1L]
                   exp <- structure(asChar(exp), names = names(exp))
                   exports <<- c(exports, exp)
               exportPattern = {
                   pat <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   exportPatterns <<- c(pat, exportPatterns)
               exportClassPattern = {
                   pat <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   exportClassPatterns <<- c(pat, exportClassPatterns)
               exportClass = , exportClasses = {
                   exportClasses <<- c(asChar(e[-1L]), exportClasses)
               exportMethods = {
                   exportMethods <<- c(asChar(e[-1L]), exportMethods)
               import = imports <<- c(imports, as.list(asChar(e[-1L]))),
               importFrom = {
                   imp <- e[-1L]
                   ivars <- imp[-1L]
                   inames <- names(ivars)
                   imp <- list(asChar(imp[1L]),
                               structure(asChar(ivars), names = inames))
                   imports <<- c(imports, list(imp))
               importClassFrom = , importClassesFrom = {
                   imp <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   pkg <- imp[[1L]]
                   impClasses <- imp[-1L]
                   imp <- list(asChar(pkg), asChar(impClasses))
                   importClasses <<- c(importClasses, list(imp))
               importMethodsFrom = {
                   imp <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   pkg <- imp[[1L]]
                   impMethods <- imp[-1L]
                   imp <- list(asChar(pkg), asChar(impMethods))
                   importMethods <<- c(importMethods, list(imp))
               useDynLib = {

                   ## This attempts to process as much of the
                   ## information as possible when NAMESPACE is parsed
                   ## rather than when it is loaded and creates
                   ## NativeRoutineMap objects to handle the mapping
                   ## of symbols to R variable names.

                   ## The name is the second element after useDynLib
                   dyl <- as.character(e[2L])
                   ## We ensure uniqueness at the end.
                   dynlibs <<-
                       structure(c(dynlibs, dyl),
                                 names = c(names(dynlibs),
                                 ifelse(!is.null(names(e)) &&
                                        nzchar(names(e)[2L]), names(e)[2L], "" )))
                   if (length(e) > 2L) {
                       ## Author has specified some mappings for the symbols

                       symNames <- as.character(e[-c(1L, 2L)])
                       names(symNames) <- names(e[-c(1, 2)])

                       ## If there are no names, then use the names of
                       ## the symbols themselves.
                       if (length(names(symNames)) == 0L)
                           names(symNames) = symNames
                       else if (any(w <- names(symNames) == "")) {
                           names(symNames)[w] = symNames[w]

                       ## For each DLL, we build up a list the (R
                       ## variable name, symbol name) mappings. We do
                       ## this in a NativeRoutineMap object and we
                       ## merge potentially multiple useDynLib()
                       ## directives for the same DLL into a single
                       ## map.  Then we have separate NativeRoutineMap
                       ## for each different DLL.  E.g. if we have
                       ## useDynLib(foo, a, b, c) and useDynLib(bar,
                       ## a, x, y) we would maintain and resolve them
                       ## separately.

                       dup <- duplicated(names(symNames))
                       if (any(dup))
                           warning(gettextf("duplicate symbol names %s in useDynLib(\"%s\")",
                                                  collapse = ", "), dyl),
                                   domain = NA)

                       symNames <- symNames[!dup]

                       ## Deal with any prefix/suffix pair.
                       fixes <- c("", "")
                       idx <- match(".fixes", names(symNames))
                       if(!is.na(idx)) {
                           ## Take .fixes and treat it as a call,
                           ## e.g. c("pre", "post") or a regular name
                           ## as the prefix.
                           if(nzchar(symNames[idx])) {
                               e <- parse(text = symNames[idx],
                                          keep.source = FALSE,
                                          srcfile = NULL)[[1L]]
                                   val <- eval(e)
                                   val <- as.character(e)
                                   fixes[seq_along(val)] <- val
                           symNames <- symNames[-idx]

                       ## Deal with a .registration entry. It must be
                       ## .registration = value and value will be coerced
                       ## to a logical.
                       useRegistration <- FALSE
                       idx <- match(".registration", names(symNames))
                       if(!is.na(idx)) {
                           useRegistration <- as.logical(symNames[idx])
                           symNames <- symNames[-idx]

                       ## Now merge into the NativeRoutineMap.
                       nativeRoutines[[ dyl ]] <<-
                           if(dyl %in% names(nativeRoutines))
                               mergeNativeRoutineMaps(nativeRoutines[[ dyl ]],
                                                      symNames, fixes)
                               nativeRoutineMap(useRegistration, symNames,
               S3method = {
                   spec <- e[-1L]
                   if (length(spec) != 2L && length(spec) != 3L)
                       stop(gettextf("bad 'S3method' directive: %s",
                            call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
                   nS3 <<- nS3 + 1L
                   if(nS3 > nS3methods) {
                       old <- S3methods
                       nold <- nS3methods
                       nS3methods <<- nS3methods * 2L
                       new <- matrix(NA_character_, nS3methods, 3L)
                       ind <- seq_len(nold)
                       for (i in 1:3) new[ind, i] <- old[ind, i]
                       S3methods <<- new
                       rm(old, new)
                   S3methods[nS3, seq_along(spec)] <<- asChar(spec)
               stop(gettextf("unknown namespace directive: %s", deparse(e, nlines=1L)),
                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    for (e in directives)

    ## need to preserve the names on dynlibs, so unique() is not appropriate.
    dynlibs <- dynlibs[!duplicated(dynlibs)]
    list(imports = imports, exports = exports,
         exportPatterns = unique(exportPatterns),
         importClasses = importClasses, importMethods = importMethods,
         exportClasses = unique(exportClasses),
         exportMethods = unique(exportMethods),
         exportClassPatterns = unique(exportClassPatterns),
         dynlibs = dynlibs, nativeRoutines = nativeRoutines,
         S3methods = unique(S3methods[seq_len(nS3), , drop = FALSE]) )
} ## end{parseNamespaceFile}

## unused
registerS3method <- function(genname, class, method, envir = parent.frame()) {
    addNamespaceS3method <- function(ns, generic, class, method) {
	regs <- rbind(.getNamespaceInfo(ns, "S3methods"),
		      c(generic, class, method))
        setNamespaceInfo(ns, "S3methods", regs)
    groupGenerics <- c("Math", "Ops",  "Summary", "Complex")
    defenv <- if(genname %in% groupGenerics) .BaseNamespaceEnv
    else {
        genfun <- get(genname, envir = envir)
        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
            genfun <- methods::finalDefaultMethod(genfun@default)
        if (typeof(genfun) == "closure") environment(genfun)
	else .BaseNamespaceEnv
    if (is.null(table <- get0(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv, inherits = FALSE))) {
	table <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv())
	assign(".__S3MethodsTable__.", table, envir = defenv)

    if (is.character(method)) {
        assignWrapped <- function(x, method, home, envir) {
            method <- method            # force evaluation
            home <- home                # force evaluation
            delayedAssign(x, get(method, envir = home), assign.env = envir)
        if(!exists(method, envir = envir)) {
            ## need to avoid conflict with message at l.1298
            warning(gettextf("S3 method %s was declared but not found",
                             sQuote(method)), call. = FALSE)
        } else {
	    assignWrapped(paste(genname, class, sep = "."), method, home = envir,
	    	    envir = table)
    else if (is.function(method))
        assign(paste(genname, class, sep = "."), method, envir = table)
    else stop("bad method")
    if (isNamespace(envir) && ! identical(envir, .BaseNamespaceEnv))
        addNamespaceS3method(envir, genname, class, method)

registerS3methods <- function(info, package, env)
    n <- NROW(info)
    if(n == 0L) return()

    assignWrapped <- function(x, method, home, envir) {
	method <- method            # force evaluation
	home <- home                # force evaluation
	delayedAssign(x, get(method, envir = home), assign.env = envir)
    overwrite <- matrix(NA_character_, 0, 2)
    .registerS3method <- function(genname, class, method, nm, envir)
        ## S3 generics should either be imported explicitly or be in
        ## the base namespace, so we start the search at the imports
        ## environment, parent.env(envir), which is followed by the
        ## base namespace.  (We have already looked in the namespace.)
        ## However, in case they have not been imported, we first
        ## look up where some commonly used generics are (including the
        ## group generics).
        defenv <- if(!is.na(w <- .knownS3Generics[genname])) asNamespace(w)
        else {
	    if(is.null(genfun <- get0(genname, envir = parent.env(envir))))
		stop(gettextf("object '%s' not found whilst loading namespace '%s'",
			      genname, package), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
		genfun <- genfun@default  # nearly always, the S3 generic
            if (typeof(genfun) == "closure") environment(genfun)
            else .BaseNamespaceEnv
	if (is.null(table <- get0(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv, inherits = FALSE))) {
	    table <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv())
	    assign(".__S3MethodsTable__.", table, envir = defenv)
        if(!is.null(e <- table[[nm]])) {
            current <- environmentName(environment(e))
            overwrite <<- rbind(overwrite, c(as.vector(nm), current))
	assignWrapped(nm, method, home = envir, envir = table)

    methname <- paste(info[,1], info[,2], sep = ".")
    z <- is.na(info[,3])
    info[z,3] <- methname[z]
    Info <- cbind(info, methname)
    loc <- names(env)
    notex <- !(info[,3] %in% loc)
                                 "S3 method %s was declared in NAMESPACE but not found",
                                 "S3 methods %s were declared in NAMESPACE but not found"),
                        paste(sQuote(info[notex, 3]), collapse = ", ")),
                call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    Info <- Info[!notex, , drop = FALSE]

    ## Do local generics first (this could be load-ed if pre-computed).
    ## However, the local generic could be an S4 takeover of a non-local
    ## (or local) S3 generic.  We can't just pass S4 generics on to
    ## .registerS3method as that only looks non-locally (for speed).
    l2 <- localGeneric <- Info[,1] %in% loc
        for(i in which(localGeneric)) {
            genfun <- get(Info[i, 1], envir = env)
            if(methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction")) {
                localGeneric[i] <- FALSE
                registerS3method(Info[i, 1], Info[i, 2], Info[i, 3], env)
    if(any(localGeneric)) {
        lin <- Info[localGeneric, , drop = FALSE]
        S3MethodsTable <-
            get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
        ## we needed to move this to C for speed.
        ## for(i in seq_len(nrow(lin)))
        ##    assign(lin[i,4], get(lin[i,3], envir = env),
        ##           envir = S3MethodsTable)
        .Internal(importIntoEnv(S3MethodsTable, lin[,4], env, lin[,3]))

    ## now the rest
    fin <- Info[!l2, , drop = FALSE]
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(fin)))
        .registerS3method(fin[i, 1], fin[i, 2], fin[i, 3], fin[i, 4], env)
    if(package != "MASS" && ## MASS is providing methods for stubs in stats
       nrow(overwrite) &&
          %in% c(package, "all")) {
        std <- as.vector(unlist(tools:::.get_standard_package_names()))
        overwrite <- overwrite[overwrite[, 2L] %in% std, , drop = FALSE]
       if(nr <- nrow(overwrite)) {
           msg <- ngettext(nr,
                           "Registered S3 method from a standard package overwritten by '%s':",
                           "Registered S3 methods from standard package(s) overwritten by '%s':",
                           domain = NA)
           message(sprintf(msg, package))
           colnames(overwrite) <- c("method", "from")
           print(as.data.frame(overwrite), row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)

    setNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods",
                     rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods")))

.mergeImportMethods <- function(impenv, expenv, metaname)
    impMethods <- impenv[[metaname]]
	impenv[[metaname]] <-
					  newtable = expenv[[metaname]], # known to exist by caller
					  expenv, metaname)
    impMethods # possibly NULL
robertzk/monadicbase documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.