
#' Converts a logical / numeric / character vector or a function
#' into a character vector of column names for a dataframe.
#' If a function is provided, it will be applied to each column of
#' the dataframe and must return a logical; those with resulting value TRUE
#' will be returned as a character vector.
#' @param cols a vector or function. If logical / numeric / character vector,
#'    it will attempt to find those columns matching these values. If \code{cols}
#'    is a function, it will apply this function to each column of the dataframe
#'    and return the names of columns for which it was \code{TRUE}. Additionally,
#'    \code{cols} can be a list of any combination of the above, which will 
#'    require all the conditions to be met.
#' @param dataframe a reference dataframe. Necessary for computing the
#'    column names if a numeric or logical vector is specified for \code{cols}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' standard_column_format(c(1,5), iris)  # c('Sepal.Length', 'Species')
#' standard_column_format(c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE), iris)  # c('Sepal.Length', 'Species')
#' standard_column_format('Sepal.Length', iris)  # 'Sepal.Length'
#' standard_column_format(list(is.numeric, c(1,5)), iris)  # 'Sepal.Length'
#' # TODO: (RK) Explain except()
standard_column_format <- function(cols, dataframe) {
  if (missing(dataframe)) stop('No dataframe provided')
  missingcols <- missing(cols)
  if (missingcols) colnames(dataframe)
  else {
      unexcept <- function(x) {
        class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), 'except')

      process <- function(xcols) {
        Reduce(intersect, lapply(xcols, function(subcols) {
          if (is(subcols, 'except')) {
            unexcepted <- unexcept(subcols)
            if (!is.list(unexcepted)) unexcepted <- list(unexcepted)
            setdiff(colnames(dataframe), process(unexcepted))
          } else if (is.function(subcols)) {
            # Much faster than lapply here.
            colnames(dataframe)[(function() {
              ix <- logical(length(dataframe))
              for (i in seq_along(dataframe)) ix[i] <- subcols(.subset2(dataframe, i))
          else if (is.character(subcols)) force(subcols) 
          else if (is.list(subcols)) process(subcols)
          else colnames(dataframe)[subcols]

      if (is(cols, 'except')) setdiff(colnames(dataframe), process(list(unexcept(cols))))
      else process(if (is.list(cols)) cols else list(cols))
robertzk/mungebits documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.