knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)


As we've discussed, I'm interested in looking at the intervals between pregnancies to see if reduced health and/or increased entanglements lengthen the interval. I'm following Section 6.3 from Clark (2007) where he conducted an MLE analysis of the "time since fire" with an exponential and a Weibull, concluding there is support for a Weibull formulation.

Pregnancy Interval Data

We start with the pregnancy data, that are gathered by Amy Knowlton at New England Aquarium. This dataset has all the pregnancies by year for each individual.

pregnant <- read_csv(here::here('data-raw', '2021-02-25_years_since_pregnancy_1980-2013.csv'))%>% 
  dplyr::select(!starts_with('X')) %>% 
  filter(Year >=1980 & Year <= 2013) %>% 
  drop_na(Pregnant) %>% 
  drop_na(elapsed) %>% 
  filter(elapsed >= 1) %>% 
  filter(Pregnant > 0)

pregnant$Pregnant[pregnant$Pregnant == 'F'] <- '1'
pregnant$Pregnant <- as.numeric(pregnant$Pregnant)

We then summrize them along the lines of how Clark does in the book (Table 6.2), which shows a peak interval of 3 years along with a long tail:

pregdata <- pregnant %>% 
  group_by(elapsed) %>% 
colnames(pregdata) <- c('years', 'npreg')
allyears <- seq(0, max(pregdata$years), by = 1)
npregyr <- allyears * 0
for(i in 1:length(pregdata$years)){
  npregyr[allyears[pregdata$years[i] == allyears]] <- pregdata$npreg[i]
plot(allyears, npregyr, type = 's', xlab = 'Pregnancy Interval (Years)', ylab = 'Number Observed')

Next we write down a likelihood function for the Weibull:

wlik <- function(param){
  lp <- param[1]
  cp <- param[2]
  lik <- log(cp * lp^cp * pregnant$elapsed^(cp - 1)) - (lp * pregnant$elapsed)^cp

Then we call optim():

param0 <- c(0.1, 1)
out <- optim(param0, wlik, lower = c(0.01, 0.01), upper = c(10, 10), method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = TRUE)
sigma <- solve(out$hessian)
se <- sqrt(diag(sigma))
# c(out$par[1], out$par[2])
b1_up <- out$par[1] + 1.96*se[1]
b1_low <- out$par[1] - 1.96*se[1]

b2_up <- out$par[2] + 1.96*se[2]
b2_low <- out$par[2] - 1.96*se[2]

plot the results:

lw <- out$par[1]
cw <- out$par[2]
time <- seq(0, 40, length = 100)
hazard <- cw*lw^cw*time^(cw-1)
fweib <- hazard*exp(-(lw*time)^cw)
plot(allyears, npregyr / sum(npregyr), type = 's')
lines(time, fweib)
lines(time, hazard, lty = 2)

...and summarize and evaluate them:

lmle <- 1 / mean(pregnant$elapsed)
like <- -sum(log(lmle) - lmle*pregnant$elapsed)

likw <- out$value
dev <- 2 * (like - likw)
pr <- 1 - pchisq(dev, 1)

This yields a deviance of: r dev, which indicates strong support for the Weibull over the exponential.


Fair enough, but how do we incorporate covariates? Though it's not shown above, I have calculated information about the entanglements and the health over every pregnancy interval. How then can we incorporate a link function to the covariates and which parameter do we make dependent on the covariates?

I did a bit of exploring on stack overflow, and found this answer that seems pretty close. However, their likelihood function is a bit different than Jim's as they call dweibull directly:

LL_weibull = function(par, data, mm, inv_link_fun = function(.) .){
  P = ncol(mm) ## number of regression coefficients
  N = nrow(mm) ## number of observations
  shapes = inv_link_fun(mm %*% par[1:P]) ## shape vector (possibly transformed)
  scales = rep(par[P+1], N) ## scale vector
  -sum(dweibull(data, shape = shapes, scale = scales, log = T)) ## negative log likelihood

Herein they have the shape parameter depend on the covariates. Here's my first attempt at what I would feed in for two covariates (entanglement severity and months below a pre-determined health threshold):


wlik <- function(param){
  lp <- param[1]
  b0 <- param[2]
  b1 <- param[3]
  b2 <- param[4]
  cp <- exp(b0 + b1 * xdat[, 1] + b2 * xdat[, 2]) #seems fuzzy
  lik <- log(cp * lp^cp * pregnant$elapsed^(cp - 1)) - (lp * pregnant$elapsed)^cp

robschick/tangled documentation built on May 9, 2022, 4:07 p.m.