
# Below is the original R code that was committed on 21 May 2016. I have updated it according to the edits Eric made to the python code on 5 May 2016.
# Eric edited lines 401 and 406 of his python code marineHeatWaves.py, and I have updated my original R code accordingly in lines 27 and 29, below.
# I have not tested this update. Subsequently you have changed the detect() function somewhat, and the new version (yours) is below my original
# code. Your edits must reflect the changes I have made to lines 27 and 29.

# rate of decline
D <- mhw_rel_seas[events$index_stop]
E <- t_series$temp[events$index_stop + 1]
F <- t_series$seas_clim_year[events$index_stop + 1]
mhw_rel_seas_end <- 0.5 * (D + E - F)
stopType <- ifelse(
  events$index_stop < nrow(t_series),
  # event does not finish at end of time series
    events$index_stop == nrow(t_series) &
      difftime(events$date_peak, t_series[nrow(t_series), "date"], units = "days") < 0,
    # event finishes at end of time series
    "case6" # peak also at begn of time series, assume onset time = 1 day

rateDecline <- function(x, type) {
    case4 = (x$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_end) / (as.numeric(difftime(difftime(x$date_stop, x$date_start, units = "days"), x$date_peak, units = "days")) + 0.5),
    case5 = (x$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_end) / 1,
    case6 = (x$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_end) / as.numeric(difftime(difftime(x$date_stop, x$date_start, units = "days"), x$date_peak, units = "days"))
events$rate_decline <- rateDecline(events, stopType)

# Rob's edits that resulted in a much shorter rate of decline calculation... I think this was done to correct problems that resulted from NAs creeping
# in under certain circumstances when the peaks occurred right at the end (?) of time series, which is what Eric also corrected his code for.

D <- mhw_rel_seas[events$index_stop]
E <- t_series$ts_y[events$index_stop + 1]
F <- t_series$seas_clim_year[events$index_stop + 1]
mhw_rel_seas_end <- 0.5 * (D + E - F)

events$rate_decline <- ifelse(
  events$index_stop < nrow(t_series),
  (events$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_end) / (as.numeric(difftime(events$date_stop, events$date_peak, units = "days")) + 0.5),

### The corrected python code...
if tt_end < T-1:
  mhw_relSeas_end = 0.5*(mhw_relSeas[-1] + temp[tt_end+1] - clim['seas'][tt_end+1])
mhw['rate_decline'].append((mhw_relSeas[tt_peak] - mhw_relSeas_end) / (tt_end-tt_start-tt_peak+0.5))
else: # MHW finishes at end of time series
  if tt_peak == T-1: # Peak is also at end of time series, assume decline time = 1 day
  mhw['rate_decline'].append((mhw_relSeas[tt_peak] - mhw_relSeas[-1]) / 1.)
  mhw['rate_decline'].append((mhw_relSeas[tt_peak] - mhw_relSeas[-1]) / (tt_end-tt_start-tt_peak))
robwschlegel/heatwaveR documentation built on April 23, 2024, 10:24 p.m.