
ts_dat <- make_whole_fast(sst_WA)
colnames(ts_dat) <- c("doy", "ts.x", "ts.y")

data <- ts_dat
clim_start <- climatology_start <- "1983-01-01"
clim_end <- climatology_end <- "2012-12-31"
pctile <- 90
window_half_width <- 5
smooth_percentile <- TRUE
smooth_percentile_width <- 31
clim_only <- FALSE
min_duration <- 5
join_across_gaps <- TRUE
max_gap <- 2
max_pad_length <- 3
cold_spells <- FALSE
diff_baseline <- FALSE
baseline_data <- NULL

t_series <- as_tibble(ts_dat)
ts.xy <- t_series
colnames(ts.xy) <-  c("doy", "ts.x", "ts.y")

tDat <- ts.xy %>%
  dplyr::filter(ts.x >= clim_start & ts.x <= clim_end) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(ts.x = lubridate::year(ts.x)) %>%
  tidyr::spread(ts.x, ts.y)

tDat[59:61, ] <- zoo::na.approx(tDat[59:61, ], maxgap = 1, na.rm = TRUE)
tDat <- rbind(utils::tail(tDat, window_half_width),
              tDat, utils::head(tDat, window_half_width))

seas_clim_year <- rep(NA, nrow(tDat))
thresh_clim_year <- rep(NA, nrow(tDat))
var_clim_year <- rep(NA, nrow(tDat))

for (i in (window_half_width + 1):((nrow(tDat) - window_half_width))) {
  seas_clim_year[i] <-
      c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
      na.rm = TRUE)
  thresh_clim_year[i] <-
      c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
      probs = pctile/100,
      type = 7,
      na.rm = TRUE,
      names = FALSE
  var_clim_year[i] <-
      c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
      na.rm = TRUE

len_clim_year <- 366
clim <-
    doy = tDat[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year), 1],
    seas_clim_year = seas_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)],
    thresh_clim_year = thresh_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)],
    var_clim_year = var_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)]

t_series <- merge(data, clim, by = "doy") # <--- construct a 366-day climatology and merge with doy in data
robwschlegel/heatwaveR documentation built on April 23, 2024, 10:24 p.m.