
# data contains no NA -----------------------------------------------------

test_that("explore() works with numeric variables", {
  data <- iris
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length))

test_that("explore_tbl()", {

test_that("explore() works with categorical variables", {
  data <- iris
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Species))

# num variable, cat target (histograms)
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length, target = Species))

# cat variable, num target (boxplots)
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Species, target = Sepal.Length))

# points xy
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))

# data contains NA  -------------------------------------------------------

# num variable
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  data[1, ] <- NA
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length))

# cat variable
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  data[1, ] <- NA
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Species))

# num variable, cat target (histograms)
test_that("explore()", {
  data <- iris
  data[1, ] <- NA
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length, target = Species))

test_that("explore() works with cat variables and num targets.", {
  # Creates a boxplot
  data <- iris
  data[1, ] <- NA
  expect_no_error(p <- explore(data, Species, target = Sepal.Length))
  expect_s3_class(p$layers[[1]]$geom, "GeomBoxplot")

test_that("explore() works with xy points", {
  data <- iris
  data[1, ] <- NA
  expect_no_error(explore(data, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
rolkra/explore documentation built on April 17, 2024, 10:58 p.m.