
#' @name selKeys
#' @title Selenium key mappings
#' @description This data set contains a list of selenium key mappings.
#' selKeys is used when a sendKeys variable is needed.
#' sendKeys is defined as a list.
#' If an entry is needed from selKeys it is denoted by key.
#' @docType data
#' @usage selKeys
#' @export selKeys
#' @format A named list. The names are the descriptions of the keys. The
#'    values are the "UTF-8" character representations.
#' @source https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/legacy/json_wire_protocol/#sessionsessionidelementidvalue
selKeys <- list(
  null = "\uE000",
  cancel = "\uE001",
  help = "\uE002",
  backspace = "\uE003",
  tab = "\uE004",
  clear = "\uE005",
  return = "\uE006",
  enter = "\uE007",
  shift = "\uE008",
  control = "\uE009",
  alt = "\uE00A",
  pause = "\uE00B",
  escape = "\uE00C",
  space = "\uE00D",
  page_up = "\uE00E",
  page_down = "\uE00F",
  end = "\uE010",
  home = "\uE011",
  left_arrow = "\uE012",
  up_arrow = "\uE013",
  right_arrow = "\uE014",
  down_arrow = "\uE015",
  insert = "\uE016",
  delete = "\uE017",
  semicolon = "\uE018",
  equals = "\uE019",
  numpad_0 = "\uE01A",
  numpad_1 = "\uE01B",
  numpad_2 = "\uE01C",
  numpad_3 = "\uE01D",
  numpad_4 = "\uE01E",
  numpad_5 = "\uE01F",
  numpad_6 = "\uE020",
  numpad_7 = "\uE021",
  numpad_8 = "\uE022",
  numpad_9 = "\uE023",
  multiply = "\uE024",
  add = "\uE025",
  separator = "\uE026",
  subtract = "\uE027",
  decimal = "\uE028",
  divide = "\uE029",
  f1 = "\uE031",
  f2 = "\uE032",
  f3 = "\uE033",
  f4 = "\uE034",
  f5 = "\uE035",
  f6 = "\uE036",
  f7 = "\uE037",
  f8 = "\uE038",
  f9 = "\uE039",
  f10 = "\uE03A",
  f11 = "\uE03B",
  f12 = "\uE03C",
  command_meta = "\uE03D"
ropensci/RSelenium documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:26 a.m.