
# context("ds_create_dataset")
# # Use a local example file from package ckanR
# file <- system.file("examples", "actinidiaceae.csv", package = "ckanr")
# # Set CKAN connection from ckanr_options
# url <- get_test_url()
# key <- get_test_key()
# did <- get_test_did()
# if (did != "" & key != "") {
#   # Dataset fields
#   ds_title <- "ckanR test resource"
#   # Test CKAN environment
#   test_that("The CKAN URL is set", { expect_is(url, "character") })
#   test_that("The CKAN API key is set", { expect_is(key, "character") })
#   test_that("The CKAN Dataset ID is set", { expect_is(did, "character") })
#   # Test ds_dataset_create
#   test_that("ds_create_dataset gives back expected class types and output", {
#     check_ckan(url)
#     #check_dataset(url, did)
#     a <- ds_create_dataset(package_id = did, name = ds_title, file, key, url)
#     # class types
#     expect_is(a, "list")
#     expect_is(a$name, "character")
#     # expected output
#     expect_equal(a$name, ds_title)
#     expect_equal(a$format, "CSV")
#     expect_true(grepl("actinidiaceae", a$url))
#   })
#   test_that("ds_create_dataset fails well", {
#     check_ckan(url)
#     #check_dataset(url, did)
#     # all parameters missing
#     expect_error(ds_create_dataset(),
#                  "argument \"path\" is missing, with no default")
#     # 403 forbidden error
#     expect_error(ds_create_dataset(did, ds_title, file, "badkey", url),
#                  "403 - Authorization Error")
#     # bad file path
#     expect_error(ds_create_dataset(did, ds_title, "asdfasdf", key, url))
#   })
# }
ropensci/ckanr documentation built on March 25, 2023, 12:01 p.m.