
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  comment = "#>",
  cache.path = "inst/cache/"

cran checks Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-check rstudio mirror downloads cran version

Crossref ( is a not-for-profit membership organization for scholarly publishing. For our purposes here, they provide a nice search API ( for metadata for scholarly works

Publishers can optionally provide links in metadata they provide to Crossref for full text of the work, but that data is often missing, although coverage of links does seem to increase through time. Find out more about it at

See for a full fledged R client for working with the Crossref search API (

crminer focuses only on getting the user full text via the Crossref search API. That is, this client depends on the full text links provided by publishers in the Crossref search API. Clearly crminer will become more useful as a higher percentage of scholarly works have full text links in the API.

For our purposes there's two types of scholarly works you want to get full text for via this package. First, those that require no authentication. crminer should work easily for these. Second, those that require authentication. These scholarly works will require some extra work to get to, and you have to be fortunate enough to have an institution that gets access to the content. More discussion next:


Authentication is applicable only when the publisher you want to get fulltext from requires it. OA publishers shouldn't need it as you'd expect, and there's some papers from typically closed publishers that are open (a good way to check this is the license on the paper [ see rcrossref]). There's many publishers that don't share links at all, so they are irrelevant here.

For publishers that required authentication, the Crossref TDM program allows for a single token to authenticate across publishers (to make it easier for text miners). The publishers involved with the authentication scheme are really only Elsevier and Wiley - these two publishers make up a lot of the papers out there and a lot of the links on the Crossref API.

There's a how to guide for Crossref TDM at

Get your Crossref TDM token by registering at Save the token in your .Renviron file with a new row like CROSSREF_TDM=your key. We will read that key in for you - it's best this way rather than passing in a key via a parameter - since you might put that code up on the web somewhere and someone could use your key.

IP addresses

If you don't know what IP addresses are, check out At least Elsevier and I think Wiley also check your IP address in addition to requiring the authentication token. Usually your're good if you're physically at the institution that has access to the publishers content OR on a VPN (i.e., pretending you're there).

If you forget about this, you'll get errors about not being authorized. So check and make sure you're on a VPN if you're not physically located at your institution.


There's yet another issue to worry about. At least with Elsevier, they have a so-called "fence" - that is, even if an institution has access to Elsevier content, Elsevier doesn't necessarily have the fence turned off - if its not off, you can't get through - if it's off, you can. If you have the right token and you are sure you're on the right IP address, this could be the problem for your lack of access. If that happens get in touch with me at ( and i'll try to sort it out.


If you're having trouble with any of this open an issue

Just crm_links function: Register for the Polite Pool

crm_links() uses the Crossref API (

You should send your email address with your crm_links() requests. This has the advantage that queries are placed in the polite pool of servers. Including your email address is good practice as described in the Crossref documentation under "Good manners" at

Details on how to register your email in a call can be found at ?rcrossref-package. To pass your email address to Crossref, simply store it as an environment variable in .Renviron like this:

Open file:


Add email address to be shared with Crossref or (env var as lower or upper case, both work)

Save the file and restart your R session

To stop sharing your email when using rcrossref simply delete it from your .Renviron file.

To be sure your in the polite pool use curl verbose by e.g., crm_links(doi = "10.5555/515151", verbose = TRUE)

Help in package

The above text about auth is also at ?auth after installing crminer.

Package API


CRAN version


Development version


Get full text links

Load some dois from crminer


Get full text links with crm_links()

links <- lapply(dois_pensoft[1:3], crm_links, type = "xml")

Get full text


Then use one of those URLs to get full text

crm_text(url = links[[1]])
#> {xml_document}
#> <article article-type="research-article" dtd-version="1.0" xmlns:xlink="" ...
#> [1] <front>\n  <journal-meta>\n    <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">peerj-cs</journal-id>\n ...
#> [2] <body>\n  <sec sec-type="intro">\n    <title>Introduction</title>\n    <p>The question of natural ...
#> [3] <back>\n  <sec sec-type="additional-information">\n    <title>Additional Information and Declarat ...

You can also use crm_xml() to get XML.


Get PDF full text links with crm_links()

links <- lapply(dois_hindawi[1:3], crm_links, type = "pdf")

Then get pdf and text is extracted

(res <- crm_text(url = links[[1]], type = "pdf"))
cat(substring(res$text[[1]], 1, 300))

You can also use crm_pdf() to get PDF.

Extract text from pdf

If you already have a path to the pdf, use crm_extract()

path <- system.file("examples", "MairChamberlain2014RJournal.pdf", package = "crminer")
(res <- crm_extract(path))
cat(substring(res$text[[1]], 1, 300))



ropensci/crminer documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:50 a.m.