
# Used for continous testing platform
# Install analysis packages using pacman
# Pacman will load the packages and install
# the packaes not available

if (Sys.getenv("IN_DOCKER") == "true") {
  # Install pacman if it isn't already installed
  if ("pacman" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) install.packages("pacman")
  suppressMessages(install.packages("RMariaDB",  quiet = TRUE))
    pacman::p_load(devtools, readr, rmarkdown,
                   testthat, tidyverse, DBI, RPostgreSQL,
                   RSQLite, reticulate, devtools, RMariaDB,
  install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type="source")
  # Test package
  test_dir("tests/testthat", reporter = c("check", "progress"))  

ropensci/ecoretriever documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:53 a.m.