
#' @title elastic
#' @description An Elasticsearch R client.
#' @section About:
#' This package gives you access to local or remote Elasticsearch databases.
#' @section Quick start:
#' If you're connecting to a Elasticsearch server already running, skip ahead to **Search**
#' Install Elasticsearch (on OSX)
#' - Download zip or tar file from Elasticsearch see here for download:
#'  <https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch>
#' - Unzip it: `untar elasticsearch-2.3.5.tar.gz`
#' - Move it: `sudo mv elasticsearch-2.3.5 /usr/local`
#'  (replace version with your version)
#' - Navigate to /usr/local: `cd /usr/local`
#' - Add shortcut: `sudo ln -s elasticsearch-2.3.5 elasticsearch`
#'  (replace version with your version)
#' For help on other platforms, see
#' <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/install-elasticsearch.html>
#' **Start Elasticsearch**
#' - Navigate to elasticsearch: `cd /usr/local/elasticsearch`
#' - Start elasticsearch: `bin/elasticsearch`
#' **Initialization**
#' The function [connect()] is used before doing anything else to set
#' the connection details to your remote or local elasticsearch store. The
#' details created by [connect()] are written to your options for the
#' current session, and are used by `elastic` functions.
#' **Search**
#' The main way to search Elasticsearch is via the [Search()] function. E.g.:
#' `Search()`
#' @section Security:
#' Elasticsearch is insecure out of the box! If you are running Elasticsearch
#' locally on your own machine without exposing a port to the outside world, no
#' worries, but if you install on a server with a public IP address, take the
#' necessary precautions. There are a few options:
#' - Shield - A paid product - so probably only applicable to enterprise users
#' - DIY security - there are a variety of techniques for securing your
#'  Elasticsearch. I collected a number of resources in a blog post at
#'  <https://recology.info/2015/02/secure-elasticsearch/>
#' @section Elasticsearch changes:
#' As of Elasticsearch v2:
#' - You can no longer create fields with dots in the name.
#' - Type names may not start with a dot (other than the special `.percolator` type)
#' - Type names may not be longer than 255 characters
#' - Types may no longer be deleted
#' - Queries and filters have been merged - all filter clauses are now query clauses.
#'     Instead, query clauses can now be used in query context or in filter context. See
#'     examples in [Search()] or [Search_uri()]
#' @section index names:
#' The following are illegal characters, and can not be used in index names or types: 
#' `\\`, `/`, `*`, `?`, `<`, `>`, `|`, `,` (comma). double quote and whitespace are 
#' also illegal.
#' @importFrom utils read.table read.delim txtProgressBar 
#' setTxtProgressBar URLdecode modifyList
#' @importFrom crul upload HttpClient
#' @importFrom curl curl_escape
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON toJSON
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @docType package
#' @aliases elastic-package
#' @author Scott Chamberlain
#' @name elastic
ropensci/elastic documentation built on June 6, 2023, 8:41 p.m.