
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @details This function name has the "S" capitalized to avoid conflict with the function
#' \code{base::search}. I hate mixing cases, as I think it confuses users, but in this case
#' it seems neccessary.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # make connection object
#' (x <- connect())
#' # load some data
#' if (!index_exists(x, "shakespeare")) {
#'   shakespeare <- system.file("examples", "shakespeare_data.json",
#'     package = "elastic")
#'   shakespeare <- type_remover(shakespeare)
#'   invisible(docs_bulk(x, shakespeare))
#' }
#' if (!index_exists(x, "gbif")) {
#'   gbif <- system.file("examples", "gbif_data.json",
#'     package = "elastic")
#'   gbif <- type_remover(gbif)
#'   invisible(docs_bulk(x, gbif))
#' }
#' if (!index_exists(x, "plos")) {
#'   plos <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json",
#'     package = "elastic")
#'   plos <- type_remover(plos)
#'   invisible(docs_bulk(x, plos))
#' }
#' # URI string queries
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare")
#' ## if you're using an older ES version, you may have types
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 700) {
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", type="act")
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", type="scene")
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", type="line")
#' }
#' ## Return certain fields
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'   ### ES < v5
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", fields=c('play_name','speaker'))
#' } else {
#'   ### ES > v5
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", body = '{
#'    "_source": ["play_name", "speaker"]
#'   }')
#' }
#' ## Search multiple indices
#' Search(x, index = "gbif")$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index = "shakespeare")$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index = c("gbif", "shakespeare"))$hits$total$value
#' ## search_type
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", search_type = "query_then_fetch")
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", search_type = "dfs_query_then_fetch")
#' ### search type "scan" is gone - use time_scroll instead
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", time_scroll = "2m")
#' ### search type "count" is gone - use size=0 instead
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size = 0)$hits$total$value
#' ## search exists check
#' ### use size set to 0 and terminate_after set to 1
#' ### if there are > 0 hits, then there are matching documents
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size = 0, terminate_after = 1)
#' ## sorting
#' ### if ES >5, we need to make sure fielddata is turned on for a field 
#' ### before using it for sort 
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) >= 500) {
#'  if (index_exists(x, "shakespeare")) index_delete(x, "shakespeare")
#'  index_create(x, "shakespeare")
#'  mapping_create(x, "shakespeare", body = '{
#'     "properties": {
#'       "speaker": { 
#'         "type":     "text",
#'         "fielddata": true
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }'
#'  )
#'  shakespeare <- system.file("examples", "shakespeare_data.json",
#'    package = "elastic")
#'  shakespeare <- type_remover(shakespeare)
#'  invisible(docs_bulk(x, shakespeare))
#'  z <- Search(x, index="shakespeare", sort="speaker", size = 30)
#'  vapply(z$hits$hits, function(w) w$`_source`$speaker, "")
#' }
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", type="line", sort="speaker:desc", 
#'     fields='speaker')
#'   Search(x, index="shakespeare", type="line",
#'     sort=c("speaker:desc","play_name:asc"), fields=c('speaker','play_name'))
#' }
#' ## pagination
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size=1)$hits$hits
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size=1, from=1)$hits$hits
#' ## queries
#' ### Search in all fields
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="york")
#' ### Searchin specific fields
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="speaker:KING HENRY IV")$hits$total$value
#' ### Exact phrase search by wrapping in quotes
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q='speaker:"KING HENRY IV"')$hits$total$value
#' ### can specify operators between multiple words parenthetically
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="speaker:(HENRY OR ARCHBISHOP)")$hits$total$value
#' ### where the field line_number has no value (or is missing)
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="_missing_:line_number")$hits$total$value
#' ### where the field line_number has any non-null value
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="_exists_:line_number")$hits$total$value
#' ### wildcards, either * or ?
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="*ay")$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="m?y")$hits$total$value
#' ### regular expressions, wrapped in forward slashes
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:/[a-z]/")$hits$total$value
#' ### fuzziness
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:ma~")$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:the~2")$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="text_entry:the~1")$hits$total$value
#' ### Proximity searches
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q='text_entry:"as hath"~5')$hits$total$value
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q='text_entry:"as hath"~10')$hits$total$value
#' ### Ranges, here where line_id value is between 10 and 20
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="line_id:[10 TO 20]")$hits$total$value
#' ### Grouping
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", q="(hath OR as) AND the")$hits$total$value
#' # Limit number of hits returned with the size parameter
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size=1)
#' # Give explanation of search in result
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", size=1, explain=TRUE)
#' ## terminate query after x documents found
#' ## setting to 1 gives back one document for each shard
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", terminate_after=1)
#' ## or set to other number
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", terminate_after=2)
#' ## Get version number for each document
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", version=TRUE, size=2)
#' ## Get raw data
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", raw = TRUE)
#' ## Curl options 
#' ### verbose 
#' out <- Search(x, index="shakespeare", verbose = TRUE)
#' # Query DSL searches - queries sent in the body of the request
#' ## Pass in as an R list
#' ### if ES >5, we need to make sure fielddata is turned on for a field 
#' ### before using it for aggregations 
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) >= 500) {
#'   mapping_create(x, "shakespeare", update_all_types = TRUE, body = '{
#'     "properties": {
#'       "text_entry": { 
#'         "type":     "text",
#'         "fielddata": true
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }')
#'  aggs <- list(aggs = list(stats = list(terms = list(field = "text_entry"))))
#'  Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=aggs)
#' }
#' ### if ES >5, you don't need to worry about fielddata
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'    aggs <- list(aggs = list(stats = list(terms = list(field = "text_entry"))))
#'    Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=aggs)
#' }
#' ## or pass in as json query with newlines, easy to read
#' aggs <- '{
#'     "aggs": {
#'         "stats" : {
#'             "terms" : {
#'                 "field" : "speaker"
#'             }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=aggs, asdf=TRUE, size = 0)
#' ## or pass in collapsed json string
#' aggs <- '{"aggs":{"stats":{"terms":{"field":"text_entry"}}}}'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=aggs)
#' ## Aggregations
#' ### Histograms
#' aggs <- '{
#'     "aggs": {
#'         "latbuckets" : {
#'            "histogram" : {
#'                "field" : "decimalLatitude",
#'                "interval" : 5
#'            }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index="gbif", body=aggs, size=0)
#' ### Histograms w/ more options
#' aggs <- '{
#'     "aggs": {
#'         "latbuckets" : {
#'            "histogram" : {
#'                "field" : "decimalLatitude",
#'                "interval" : 5,
#'                "min_doc_count" : 0,
#'                "extended_bounds" : {
#'                    "min" : -90,
#'                    "max" : 90
#'                }
#'            }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index="gbif", body=aggs, size=0)
#' ### Ordering the buckets by their doc_count - ascending:
#' aggs <- '{
#'     "aggs": {
#'         "latbuckets" : {
#'            "histogram" : {
#'                "field" : "decimalLatitude",
#'                "interval" : 5,
#'                "min_doc_count" : 0,
#'                "extended_bounds" : {
#'                    "min" : -90,
#'                    "max" : 90
#'                },
#'                "order" : {
#'                    "_count" : "desc"
#'                }
#'            }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, index="gbif", body=aggs, size=0)
#' lapply(out$aggregations$latbuckets$buckets, data.frame)
#' ### By default, the buckets are returned as an ordered array. It is also possible to
#' ### request the response as a hash instead keyed by the buckets keys:
#' aggs <- '{
#'     "aggs": {
#'         "latbuckets" : {
#'            "histogram" : {
#'                "field" : "decimalLatitude",
#'                "interval" : 10,
#'                "keyed" : true
#'            }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index="gbif", body=aggs, size=0)
#' # match query
#' match <- '{"query": {"match" : {"text_entry" : "Two Gentlemen"}}}'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=match)
#' # multi-match (multiple fields that is) query
#' mmatch <- '{"query": {"multi_match" : {"query" : "henry", "fields": ["text_entry","play_name"]}}}'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=mmatch)
#' # bool query
#' mmatch <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "bool" : {
#'      "must_not" : {
#'        "range" : {
#'          "speech_number" : {
#'            "from" : 1, "to": 5
#' }}}}}}'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=mmatch)
#' # Boosting query
#' boost <- '{
#'  "query" : {
#'   "boosting" : {
#'       "positive" : {
#'           "term" : {
#'               "play_name" : "henry"
#'           }
#'       },
#'       "negative" : {
#'           "term" : {
#'               "text_entry" : "thou"
#'           }
#'       },
#'       "negative_boost" : 0.8
#'     }
#'  }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=boost)
#' # Fuzzy query
#' ## fuzzy query on numerics
#' fuzzy <- list(query = list(fuzzy = list(text_entry = "arms")))
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=fuzzy)$hits$total$value
#' fuzzy <- list(query = list(fuzzy = list(text_entry = list(value = "arms", fuzziness = 4))))
#' Search(x, index="shakespeare", body=fuzzy)$hits$total$value
#' # geoshape query
#' ## not working yets
#' geo <- list(query = list(geo_shape = list(location = list(shape = list(type = "envelope",
#'    coordinates = "[[2,10],[10,20]]")))))
#' geo <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "geo_shape": {
#'      "location": {
#'        "point": {
#'          "type": "envelope",
#'          "coordinates": [[2,0],[2.93,100]]
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' # Search(x, index="gbifnewgeo", body=geo)
#' # range query
#' ## with numeric
#' body <- list(query=list(range=list(decimalLongitude=list(gte=1, lte=3))))
#' Search(x, 'gbif', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' body <- list(query=list(range=list(decimalLongitude=list(gte=2.9, lte=10))))
#' Search(x, 'gbif', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' ## with dates
#' body <- list(query=list(range=list(eventDate=list(gte="2012-01-01", lte="now"))))
#' Search(x, 'gbif', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' body <- list(query=list(range=list(eventDate=list(gte="2014-01-01", lte="now"))))
#' Search(x, 'gbif', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' # more like this query (more_like_this can be shortened to mlt)
#' body <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "more_like_this": {
#'      "fields": ["title"],
#'      "like": "and then",
#'      "min_term_freq": 1,
#'      "max_query_terms": 12
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' Search(x, 'plos', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' body <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "more_like_this": {
#'      "fields": ["abstract","title"],
#'      "like": "cell",
#'      "min_term_freq": 1,
#'      "max_query_terms": 12
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' Search(x, 'plos', body=body)$hits$total$value
#' # Highlighting
#' body <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "query_string": {
#'      "query" : "cell"
#'    }
#'  },
#'  "highlight": {
#'    "fields": {
#'      "title": {"number_of_fragments": 2}
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'plos', body=body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#' sapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$title[[1]])
#' ### Common terms query
#' body <- '{
#'  "query" : {
#'    "match": {
#'       "text_entry": {
#'          "query": "this is"
#'       }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' Search(x, 'shakespeare', body=body)
#' ## Scrolling search - instead of paging
#' res <- Search(x, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="1m")
#' scroll(x, res$`_scroll_id`)
#' res <- Search(x, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="5m")
#' out <- list()
#' hits <- 1
#' while(hits != 0){
#'   res <- scroll(x, res$`_scroll_id`)
#'   hits <- length(res$hits$hits)
#'   if(hits > 0)
#'     out <- c(out, res$hits$hits)
#' }
#' ### Sliced scrolling
#' #### For scroll queries that return a lot of documents it is possible to 
#' #### split the scroll in multiple slices which can be consumed independently
#' body1 <- '{
#'   "slice": {
#'     "id": 0, 
#'     "max": 2 
#'   },
#'   "query": {
#'     "match" : {
#'       "text_entry" : "a*"
#'     }
#'   }
#' }'
#' body2 <- '{
#'   "slice": {
#'     "id": 1, 
#'     "max": 2 
#'   },
#'   "query": {
#'     "match" : {
#'       "text_entry" : "a*"
#'     }
#'   }
#' }'
#' res1 <- Search(x, index = 'shakespeare', time_scroll="1m", body = body1)
#' res2 <- Search(x, index = 'shakespeare', time_scroll="1m", body = body2)
#' scroll(x, res1$`_scroll_id`)
#' scroll(x, res2$`_scroll_id`)
#' out1 <- list()
#' hits <- 1
#' while(hits != 0){
#'   tmp1 <- scroll(x, res1$`_scroll_id`)
#'   hits <- length(tmp1$hits$hits)
#'   if(hits > 0)
#'     out1 <- c(out1, tmp1$hits$hits)
#' }
#' out2 <- list()
#' hits <- 1
#' while(hits != 0) {
#'   tmp2 <- scroll(x, res2$`_scroll_id`)
#'   hits <- length(tmp2$hits$hits)
#'   if(hits > 0)
#'     out2 <- c(out2, tmp2$hits$hits)
#' }
#' c(
#'  lapply(out1, "[[", "_source"),
#'  lapply(out2, "[[", "_source")
#' ) 
#' # Using filters
#' ## A bool filter
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "bool": {
#'      "must_not" : {
#'        "range" : {
#'          "year" : { "from" : 2011, "to" : 2012 }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' Search(x, 'gbif', body = body)$hits$total$value
#' ## Geo filters - fun!
#' ### Note that filers have many geospatial filter options, but queries 
#' ### have fewer, andrequire a geo_shape mapping
#' body <- '{
#'  "mappings": {
#'      "properties": {
#'          "location" : {"type" : "geo_point"}
#'       }
#'    }
#' }'
#' index_recreate(x, index='gbifgeopoint', body=body)
#' path <- system.file("examples", "gbif_geopoint.json",
#'   package = "elastic")
#' path <- type_remover(path)
#' invisible(docs_bulk(x, path))
#' ### Points within a bounding box
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "bool" : {
#'      "must" : {
#'        "match_all" : {}
#'      },
#'      "filter":{
#'         "geo_bounding_box" : {
#'           "location" : {
#'             "top_left" : {
#'               "lat" : 60,
#'               "lon" : 1
#'             },
#'             "bottom_right" : {
#'               "lat" : 40,
#'               "lon" : 14
#'             }
#'           }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'gbifgeopoint', body = body, size = 300)
#' out$hits$total$value
#', lapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$location))
#' ### Points within distance of a point
#' body <- '{
#' "query": {
#'   "bool" : {
#'     "must" : {
#'       "match_all" : {}
#'     },
#'    "filter" : {
#'      "geo_distance" : {
#'        "distance" : "200km",
#'        "location" : {
#'          "lon" : 4,
#'          "lat" : 50
#'        }
#'      }
#'   }
#' }}}'
#' out <- Search(x, 'gbifgeopoint', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#', lapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$location))
#' ### Points within distance range of a point
#' body <- '{
#'  "aggs":{
#'    "points_within_dist" : {
#'      "geo_distance" : {
#'         "field": "location",
#'         "origin" : "4, 50",
#'         "ranges": [ 
#'           {"from" : 200},
#'           {"to" : 400}
#'          ]
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'gbifgeopoint', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#', lapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$location))
#' ### Points within a polygon
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "bool" : {
#'      "must" : {
#'        "match_all" : {}
#'      },
#'      "filter":{
#'         "geo_polygon" : {
#'           "location" : {
#'              "points" : [
#'                [80.0, -20.0], [-80.0, -20.0], [-80.0, 60.0], [40.0, 60.0], [80.0, -20.0]
#'              ]
#'            }
#'          }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'gbifgeopoint', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#', lapply(out$hits$hits, function(x) x$`_source`$location))
#' ### Geoshape filters using queries instead of filters
#' #### Get data with geojson type location data loaded first
#' body <- '{
#'  "mappings": {
#'      "properties": {
#'          "location" : {"type" : "geo_shape"}
#'       }
#'    }
#' }'
#' index_recreate(x, index='geoshape', body=body)
#' path <- system.file("examples", "gbif_geoshape.json",
#'   package = "elastic")
#' path <- type_remover(path)
#' invisible(docs_bulk(x, path))
#' #### Get data with a square envelope, w/ point defining upper left and the other
#' #### defining the lower right
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "geo_shape" : {
#'      "location" : {
#'          "shape" : {
#'            "type": "envelope",
#'             "coordinates": [[-30, 50],[30, 0]]
#'          }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'geoshape', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#' #### Get data with a circle, w/ point defining center, and radius
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "geo_shape" : {
#'      "location" : {
#'          "shape" : {
#'            "type": "circle",
#'            "coordinates": [-10, 45],
#'            "radius": "2000km"
#'          }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'geoshape', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#' #### Use a polygon, w/ point defining center, and radius
#' body <- '{
#'  "query":{
#'    "geo_shape" : {
#'      "location" : {
#'          "shape" : {
#'            "type": "polygon",
#'            "coordinates":  [
#'               [ [80.0, -20.0], [-80.0, -20.0], [-80.0, 60.0], [40.0, 60.0], [80.0, -20.0] ]
#'            ]
#'          }
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'geoshape', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#' # Geofilter with WKT
#' # format follows "BBOX (minlon, maxlon, maxlat, minlat)"
#' body <- '{
#'     "query": {
#'         "bool" : {
#'             "must" : {
#'                 "match_all" : {}
#'             },
#'             "filter" : {
#'                 "geo_bounding_box" : {
#'                     "location" : {
#'                         "wkt" : "BBOX (1, 14, 60, 40)"
#'                     }
#'                 }
#'             }
#'         }
#'     }
#' }'
#' out <- Search(x, 'gbifgeopoint', body = body)
#' out$hits$total$value
#' # Missing filter
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'   ### ES < v5
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "constant_score" : {
#'        "filter" : {
#'          "missing" : { "field" : "play_name" }
#'        }
#'      }
#'     }
#'   }'
#'   Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#' } else {
#'   ### ES => v5
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "bool" : {
#'        "must_not" : {
#'          "exists" : { 
#'            "field" : "play_name" 
#'          }
#'        }
#'     }
#'    }
#'   }'
#'   Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#' }
#' # prefix filter
#' body <- '{
#'  "query": {
#'    "bool": {
#'      "must": {
#'        "prefix" : {
#'          "speaker" : "we"
#'        }
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' }'
#' z <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#' z$hits$total$value
#' vapply(z$hits$hits, "[[", "", c("_source", "speaker"))
#' # ids filter
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'   ### ES < v5
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "bool": {
#'        "must": {
#'          "ids" : {
#'            "values": ["1","2","10","2000"]
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'    }
#'   }'
#'   z <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#'   z$hits$total$value
#'   identical(
#'    c("1","2","10","2000"),
#'    vapply(z$hits$hits, "[[", "", "_id")
#'   )
#' } else {
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "ids" : {
#'        "values": ["1","2","10","2000"]
#'      }
#'    }
#'   }'
#'   z <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#'   z$hits$total$value
#'   identical(
#'    c("1","2","10","2000"),
#'    vapply(z$hits$hits, "[[", "", "_id")
#'   )
#' }
#' # combined prefix and ids filters
#' if (gsub("\\.", "", x$ping()$version$number) < 500) {
#'   ### ES < v5
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "bool" : {
#'        "should" : {
#'          "or": [{
#'            "ids" : {
#'              "values": ["1","2","3","10","2000"]
#'            }
#'          }, {
#'          "prefix" : {
#'            "speaker" : "we"
#'          }
#'         }
#'       ]
#'      }
#'     }
#'    }
#'   }'
#'   z <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#'   z$hits$total$value
#' } else {
#'   ### ES => v5
#'   body <- '{
#'    "query":{
#'      "bool" : {
#'        "should" : [
#'          {
#'            "ids" : {
#'              "values": ["1","2","3","10","2000"]
#'            }
#'          }, 
#'          {
#'            "prefix" : {
#'              "speaker" : "we"
#'            }
#'          }
#'       ]
#'      }
#'     }
#'   }'
#'   z <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#'   z$hits$total$value
#' }
#' # Suggestions
#' sugg <- '{
#'  "query" : {
#'     "match" : {
#'       "text_entry" : "late"
#'      }
#'  },  
#'  "suggest" : {
#'    "sugg" : {
#'      "text" : "late",
#'      "term" : {
#'          "field" : "text_entry"
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#' }'
#' Search(x, index = "shakespeare", body = sugg, 
#'   asdf = TRUE, size = 0)$suggest$sugg$options
#' # stream data out using jsonlite::stream_out
#' file <- tempfile()
#' res <- Search(x, "shakespeare", size = 1000, stream_opts = list(file = file))
#' head(df <- jsonlite::stream_in(file(file)))
#' NROW(df)
#' unlink(file)
#' # get profile data
#' body <- '{
#'   "profile": true,
#'   "query" : {
#'     "match" : { "text_entry" : "war" }
#'   }
#' }'
#' res <- Search(x, "shakespeare", body = body)
#' res$profile
#' # time in nanoseconds across each of the shards
#' vapply(res$profile$shards, function(w) {
#'   w$searches[[1]]$query[[1]]$time_in_nanos
#' }, 1)
#' }
ropensci/elastic documentation built on June 6, 2023, 8:41 p.m.