title: 'lawn: An R client for the Turf Javascript Library for Geospatial Analysis' tags: - geospatial - GeoJSON - javascript authors: - name: Scott Chamberlain orcid: 0000-0003-1444-9135 affiliation: - 1 - name: Jeffrey W. Hollister orcid: 0000-0002-9254-9740 affiliation: - 2 affiliations: - name: rOpenSci index: 1 - name: US Environmental Protection Agency, Atlantic Ecology Division index: 2 date: 16 December 2016 bibliography: paper.bib


lawn is an R package to provide access to the geospatial analysis capabilities in the Turf javascript library [@r; @turfjs]. Turf expects data in GeoJSON format. Given that many datasets are now available natively in GeoJSON providing an easier method for conducting geospatial analyses on these datasets in R is desired. Additionally, many existing packages (e.g. sp and rgeos) do provide similar analysis capabilities; however, they require data be converted to sp objects and also have external dependencies (e.g. gdal and geos) that can be challenging to maintain on some systems [@bivand2013asdar; @rgeos; @gdal; @geos]. To address these challenges and facilitate geospatial analysis of GeoJSON formatted data, we developed the lawn package.


ropensci/lawn documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:58 a.m.