Man pages for ropensci/neotoma
Access to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database Through R

agesAccess proxy age data
bindFunction to bind objects together into a longer object.
browseOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
browse.datasetOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
browse.dataset_listOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
browse.defaultOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
browse.downloadOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
browse.download_listOpen a browser window to display a Neotoma dataset within the...
compile_downloadsCompile download objects
compile_taxaFunction to convert assemblage taxa to standardized lists.
countsAccess proxy count data
depthsExtracts the depth values from a 'download' object
downloadA class for download objects.
get_chroncontrolFunction to return chronological control tables used to build...
get_chroncontrol.datasetFunction to return chronological control tables from a...
get_chroncontrol.dataset_listFunction to return chronological control tables from a...
get_chroncontrol.defaultFunction to return chronological control tables from a...
get_chroncontrol.downloadFunction to return chronological control tables from a...
get_chroncontrol.download_listFunction to return chronological control tables from a...
get_closestFind the closest dataset records to a site, dataset or...
get_contactGet contact information.
get_datasetObtain dataset information from the Neotoma Paleoecological...
get_dataset.defaultObtain dataset information from the Neotoma Paleoecological...
get_dataset.downloadObtain dataset information from an existing 'download'...
get_dataset.download_listObtain dataset information from a 'download_list'.
get_dataset.geochronologicObtain dataset information from an object of class...
get_dataset.geochronologic_listObtain dataset information from an object of class...
get_dataset.integerObtain dataset information from a vector of dataset IDs.
get_dataset.numericObtain dataset information from a vector of dataset IDs.
get_dataset.siteObtain dataset information from an existing 'site' object.
get_downloadFunction to return full download records using 'site's,...
get_download.datasetFunction to return full download records using a 'dataset'.
get_download.dataset_listFunction to return full download records using a...
get_download.defaultFunction to return full download records using 'numeric'...
get_download.siteFunction to return full download records using a 'site'.
get_geochronFunction to return geochronological data from records.
get_publicationA function to get publications for sites or datasets in the...
get_publication.datasetA function to get publications for datasets in the Neotoma...
get_publication.dataset_listA function to get publications for dataset_lists in the...
get_publication.defaultA function to get publications for sites or datasets in the...
get_publication.downloadA function to get publications for downloads in the Neotoma...
get_publication.download_listA function to get publications for datasets in the Neotoma...
get_siteReturn Site Information.
get_site.datasetReturn Site Information from a numeric list of site ids.
get_site.dataset_listReturn Site Information from a 'dataset_list'
get_site.defaultReturn Site Information.
get_site.downloadReturn Site Information from a 'download'
get_site.download_listReturn Site Information from a 'download_list'
get_site.geochronologicReturn Site Information from a 'geochronologic'
get_site.geochronologic_listReturn Site Information from a 'geochronologic_list'
get_site.integerReturn Site Information from a vector of integers.
get_site.numericReturn Site information from a vector of numeric elements.
get_tableGet Neotoma value tables.
get_taxaGet taxon information from Neotoma.
gp.tableA list of all the geopolitical entities in the Neotoma...
param_checkInternal function to check passed parameters.
plot_leafletLeaflet plots for neotoma data.
pollen.equivA table to convert the pollen taxa identified by...
read_baconFunction to read in defined Bacon outputs.
read.tiliaRead proxy data from Tilia TLX files
Stratiplot.downloadPalaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams
Stratiplot.download_listPalaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams
taxaAccess proxy taxonomic data
taxon.listNeotoma taxon list
write_agefileWrite age control file to disk formatted for either Bacon or...
ropensci/neotoma documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 6:26 p.m.