
# #  Tests for the neotoma package.  Mostly validating to make sure changes to the functions
# #  do not break the requirements for data formatting.
# library("testthat")
# library("neotoma")
# context('get_contact work as expected')
# block_one <- function(){
#   marion <- get_site(sitename = 'Marion Lake%')
#   louise <- get_site(sitename = 'Louise Pond%')
#   western.sites <- rbind(marion, louise)
#  <- get_dataset(western.sites)
#   get_download(
# }
# test_that('some of the functions in the paper still work', 
# {
#   # This has changed as sites have been added.
#   expect_is(get_site(sitename = 'Marion Lake%'), c("site", "data.frame"))
#   expect_true(nrow(get_site(sitename = 'Louise Pond%')) == 1)
#   expect_is(block_one(), 'download_list')
#   expect_is(get_site(loc = c(-140, 45, -110, 65)), 'site')
#   expect_is(get_dataset(loc = c(-140, 45, -110, 65),
#                         datasettype = 'pollen',
#                         taxonname = 'Pinus%'), 'dataset_list')
#   expect_is(get_dataset(loc = c(-120, 46, -110, 50),
#                         datasettype = 'pollen',
#                         taxonname = 'Pinus%'), 'dataset_list')
#   #expect_is(compile_taxa(get_download(get_dataset(loc = c(-120, 46, -110, 50),
#   #                                                datasettype = 'pollen',
#   #                                                taxonname = 'Pinus%')), 'P25'), 'download_list')
# })
ropensci/neotoma documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 6:26 p.m.