
Defines functions nomis_search

Documented in nomis_search

#' Search Nomis datasets
#' A function to search for datasets on given topics. In the case of multiple
#' search parameters, returns metadata on all datasets matching  one or more
#' of the parameters. The wildcard character `*` can be added to the
#' beginning and/or end of each search string.
#' @param name A string or character vector of strings to search for in
#' available dataset names. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param description A string or character vector of strings to search for in
#' available dataset descriptions. Note that `description` looks for
#' complete matches, so wildcards should be used at the start and end of
#' each string. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param keywords A string or character vector of strings to search for in
#' available dataset keywords. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param content_type A string or character vector of strings to search for
#' in available dataset content types. `content_type` can include an
#' optional ID for that content type. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param units A string or character vector of strings to search for in
#' available dataset units. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param tidy If `TRUE`, converts tibble names to snakecase.
#' @return A tibble with details on all datasets matching the search query.
#' @export
#' @seealso [nomis_content_type()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' x <- nomis_search(name = "*seekers*")
#' y <- nomis_search(keywords = "Claimants")
#' # Return metadata of all datasets with content_type "sources".
#' a <- nomis_search(content_type = "sources")
#' # Return metadata of all datasets with content_type "sources" and
#' # source ID "acses"
#' b <- nomis_search(content_type = "sources-acses")
#' }
nomis_search <- function(name = NULL, description = NULL,
                         keywords = NULL, content_type = NULL, units = NULL,
                         tidy = FALSE) {
  if (length(name) > 0) {
    name_query <- paste0(
      paste0(name, collapse = ",")
  } else {
    name_query <- ""

  if (length(description) > 0) {
    description_query <- paste0(
      paste0(description, collapse = ",")
  } else {
    description_query <- ""

  if (length(keywords) > 0) {
    keywords_query <- paste0(
      paste0(keywords, collapse = ",")
  } else {
    keywords_query <- ""

  if (length(content_type) > 0) {
    content_type_query <- paste0(
      paste0(content_type, collapse = ",")
  } else {
    content_type_query <- ""

  if (length(units) > 0) {
    units_query <- paste0(
      paste0(units, collapse = ",")
  } else {
    units_query <- ""

  query <- paste0(
    "def.sdmx.json?", name_query, description_query,
    keywords_query, content_type_query, units_query

  df <- nomis_query_util(query, tidy)

ropensci/nomisr documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 7:45 p.m.