otp_plan: Get get a route or routes from the OTP

View source: R/otp-plan.R

otp_planR Documentation

Get get a route or routes from the OTP


This is the main routing function for OTP and can find single or multiple routes between 'fromPlace' and 'toPlace'.


  otpcon = NA,
  fromPlace = NA,
  toPlace = NA,
  fromID = NULL,
  toID = NULL,
  mode = "CAR",
  date_time = Sys.time(),
  arriveBy = FALSE,
  maxWalkDistance = 1000,
  numItineraries = 3,
  routeOptions = NULL,
  full_elevation = FALSE,
  get_geometry = TRUE,
  ncores = max(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25) - 1, 1),
  timezone = otpcon$timezone,
  distance_balance = FALSE,
  get_elevation = FALSE



OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()


Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. 'c(-0.134649,51.529258)', or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs, or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326


Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. 'c(-0.088780,51.506383)', or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs, or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326


character vector same length as fromPlace


character vector same length as toPlace


character vector of one or more modes of travel valid values "TRANSIT","BUS", "RAIL", "SUBWAY","TRAM", "FERRY", "GONDOLA", "FUNICULAR", "AIRPLANE", "CABLE_CAR", "WALK", "BICYCLE", "BICYCLE_RENT", "BICYCLE_PARK", "CAR", "CAR_PARK", "CAR_HAIL", "CARPOOL", "CAR_DROPOFF", "CAR_PICKUP", default "CAR". Not all combinations are valid e.g. c("WALK","BUS") is valid but c("WALK","CAR") is not.


POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time


Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time, default FALSE


Numeric passed to OTP in meters


The maximum number of possible itineraries to return


Named list of values passed to OTP use 'otp_route_options()' to make template object.


Logical, should the full elevation profile be returned, default FALSE


Logical, should the route geometry be returned, default TRUE, see details


Numeric, number of cores to use when batch processing, default 1, see details


Character, what timezone to use, see as.POSIXct, default is local timezone


Logical, use distance balancing, default false, see details


Logical, default FALSE, if true XYZ coordinates returned else XY coordinates returned.


This function returns a SF data.frame with one row for each leg of the journey (a leg is defined by a change in mode). For transit, more than one route option may be returned and is indicated by the 'route_option' column. The number of different itineraries can be set with the 'numItineraries' variable.

## Batch Routing

When passing a matrix or SF data frame object to fromPlace and toPlace 'otp_plan' will route in batch mode. In this case the 'ncores' variable will be used. Increasing 'ncores' will enable multicore routing, the max 'ncores' should be 1.25 times the number of cores on your system. The default is 1.25 timees -1 for improved stability.

## Distance Balancing

When using multicore routing each task does not take the same amount of time. This can result in wasted time between batches. Distance Balancing sorts the routing by the euclidean distance between fromPlace and toPlace before routing. This offers a small performance improvement of around five percent. As the original order of the inputs is lost fromID and toID must be provided.

## Elevation

OTP supports elevation data and can return the elevation profile of the route if available. OTP returns the elevation profile separately from the XY coordinates, this means there is not direct match between the number of XY points and the number of Z points. OTP also only returns the elevation profile for the first leg of the route (this appears to be a bug). If 'get_elevation' is TRUE the otp_plan function matches the elevation profile to the XY coordinates to return an SF linestring with XYZ coordinates. If you require a more detailed elevation profile, the full_elevation parameter will return a nested data.frame with three columns. first and second are returned from OTP, while distance is the cumulative distance along the route and is derived from First.

## Route Geometry

The 'get_geometry' provides the option to not return the route geometry, and just return the meta-data (e.g. journey time). This may be useful when creating an Origin:Destination matrix and also provides a small performance boost by reduced processing of geometries.


Returns an SF data frame of LINESTRINGs

See Also

Other routing: otp_geocode(), otp_isochrone(), otp_pointset(), otp_routing_options(), otp_validate_routing_options()


## Not run: 
otpcon <- otp_connect()
otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1))
otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1),
  mode = c("WALK", "TRANSIT")
otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1),
  mode = "BICYCLE", arriveBy = TRUE,
  date_time = as.POSIXct(strptime("2018-06-03 13:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))

## End(Not run)

ropensci/opentripplanner documentation built on Dec. 25, 2024, 4:39 a.m.