#' Get get a route or routes from the OTP
#' @description This is the main routing function for OTP and can find single or
#' multiple routes between `fromPlace` and `toPlace`.
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param fromPlace Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g.
#' `c(-0.134649,51.529258)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs,
#' or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param toPlace Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g.
#' `c(-0.088780,51.506383)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs,
#' or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param fromID character vector same length as fromPlace
#' @param toID character vector same length as toPlace
#' @param mode character vector of one or more modes of travel valid values
#' default "CAR". Not all combinations are valid e.g. c("WALK","BUS") is valid but
#' c("WALK","CAR") is not.
#' @param date_time POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time
#' @param arriveBy Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the
#' specified date and time, default FALSE
#' @param maxWalkDistance Numeric passed to OTP in meters
#' @param routeOptions Named list of values passed to OTP use
#' `otp_route_options()` to make template object.
#' @param numItineraries The maximum number of possible itineraries to return
#' @param full_elevation Logical, should the full elevation profile be returned,
#' default FALSE
#' @param ncores Numeric, number of cores to use when batch processing, default
#' 1, see details
#' @param get_geometry Logical, should the route geometry be returned, default
#' TRUE, see details
#' @param timezone Character, what timezone to use, see as.POSIXct, default is
#' local timezone
#' @param distance_balance Logical, use distance balancing, default false, see
#' details
#' @param get_elevation Logical, default FALSE, if true XYZ coordinates returned
#' else XY coordinates returned.
#' @export
#' @family routing
#' @return Returns an SF data frame of LINESTRINGs
#' @details This function returns a SF data.frame with one row for each leg of
#' the journey (a leg is defined by a change in mode). For transit, more than
#' one route option may be returned and is indicated by the `route_option`
#' column. The number of different itineraries can be set with the
#' `numItineraries` variable.
#' ## Batch Routing
#' When passing a matrix or SF data frame object to fromPlace and toPlace
#' `otp_plan` will route in batch mode. In this case the `ncores` variable
#' will be used. Increasing `ncores` will enable multicore routing, the max
#' `ncores` should be 1.25 times the number of cores on your system. The
#' default is 1.25 timees -1 for improved stability.
#' ## Distance Balancing
#' When using multicore routing each task does not take the same amount of
#' time. This can result in wasted time between batches. Distance Balancing
#' sorts the routing by the euclidean distance between fromPlace and toPlace
#' before routing. This offers a small performance improvement of around five
#' percent. As the original order of the inputs is lost fromID and toID must
#' be provided.
#' ## Elevation
#' OTP supports elevation data and can return the elevation profile of the
#' route if available. OTP returns the elevation profile separately from the
#' XY coordinates, this means there is not direct match between the number of
#' XY points and the number of Z points. OTP also only returns the elevation
#' profile for the first leg of the route (this appears to be a bug). If
#' `get_elevation` is TRUE the otp_plan function matches the elevation profile
#' to the XY coordinates to return an SF linestring with XYZ coordinates. If
#' you require a more detailed elevation profile, the full_elevation parameter
#' will return a nested data.frame with three columns. first and second are
#' returned from OTP, while distance is the cumulative distance along the
#' route and is derived from First.
#' ## Route Geometry
#' The `get_geometry` provides the option to not return the route geometry,
#' and just return the meta-data (e.g. journey time). This may be useful when
#' creating an Origin:Destination matrix and also provides a small performance
#' boost by reduced processing of geometries.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' otpcon <- otp_connect()
#' otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1))
#' otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1),
#' mode = c("WALK", "TRANSIT")
#' )
#' otp_plan(otpcon, c(0.1, 55.3), c(0.6, 52.1),
#' mode = "BICYCLE", arriveBy = TRUE,
#' date_time = as.POSIXct(strptime("2018-06-03 13:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
#' )
#' }
otp_plan <- function(otpcon = NA,
fromPlace = NA,
toPlace = NA,
fromID = NULL,
toID = NULL,
mode = "CAR",
date_time = Sys.time(),
arriveBy = FALSE,
maxWalkDistance = 1000,
numItineraries = 3,
routeOptions = NULL,
full_elevation = FALSE,
get_geometry = TRUE,
ncores = max(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25) - 1,1),
timezone = otpcon$timezone,
distance_balance = FALSE,
get_elevation = FALSE) {
# Check Valid Inputs
# Back compatibility with 0.2.1
if (is.null(timezone)) {
warning("otpcon is missing the timezone variaible, assuming local timezone")
timezone <- Sys.timezone()
checkmate::assert_subset(timezone, choices = OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL))
checkmate::assert_class(otpcon, "otpconnect")
mode <- toupper(mode)
choices = c(
empty.ok = FALSE
mode <- paste(mode, collapse = ",")
date <- format(date_time, "%m-%d-%Y", tz = timezone)
time <- tolower(format(date_time, "%I:%M%p", tz = timezone))
checkmate::assert_numeric(maxWalkDistance, lower = 0, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(numItineraries, lower = 1, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(ncores, lower = 1, len = 1, upper = max(c(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25 ) - 1,2)))
checkmate::assert_character(fromID, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(toID, null.ok = TRUE)
arriveBy <- tolower(arriveBy)
checkmate::assert_logical(distance_balance, len = 1, null.ok = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_logical(get_elevation, len = 1, null.ok = FALSE)
if (distance_balance & (ncores > 1)) {
if (is.null(fromID)) {
stop("Distance balancing changes the order of the output, so fromID must not be NULL")
if (is.null(toID)) {
stop("Distance balancing changes the order of the output, so toID must not be NULL")
# Check Route Options
if (!is.null(routeOptions)) {
routeOptions <- otp_validate_routing_options(routeOptions)
# Special checks for fromPlace and toPlace
fromPlace <- otp_clean_input(fromPlace, "fromPlace")
toPlace <- otp_clean_input(toPlace, "toPlace")
if (!is.null(fromID)) {
if (length(fromID) != nrow(fromPlace)) {
stop("The length of fromID and fromPlace are not the same")
if (!is.null(toID)) {
if (length(toID) != nrow(toPlace)) {
stop("The length of toID and toPlace are not the same")
# Make sure number of fromPlace or toPlace match
nrfp <- nrow(fromPlace)
nrtp <- nrow(toPlace)
if (nrfp != nrtp) {
if (nrfp > nrtp & nrtp == 1) {
toPlace <- toPlace[rep(1, times = nrfp), ]
if (!is.null(toID)) {
toID <- toID[rep(1, times = nrfp)]
message("repeating toPlace to match length of fromPlace")
} else if (nrtp > nrfp & nrfp == 1) {
fromPlace <- fromPlace[rep(1, times = nrtp), ]
if (!is.null(fromID)) {
fromID <- fromID[rep(1, times = nrtp)]
message("repeating fromPlace to match length of toPlace")
} else {
stop("Number of fromPlaces and toPlaces do not match")
if (distance_balance & (ncores > 1)) {
dists <- geodist::geodist(fromPlace, toPlace, paired = TRUE)
# Remove 0m pairs as OTP will fail on them anyway
dists_0 <- dists != 0
fromPlace <- fromPlace[dists_0, ]
toPlace <- toPlace[dists_0, ]
fromID <- fromID[dists_0]
toID <- toID[dists_0]
dists <- dists[dists_0]
dists <- order(dists, decreasing = TRUE)
fromPlace <- fromPlace[dists, ]
toPlace <- toPlace[dists, ]
fromID <- fromID[dists]
toID <- toID[dists]
# Build URLs
routerUrl <- make_url(otpcon)
routerUrl <- paste0(routerUrl, "/plan")
fromPlace <- format(fromPlace, scientific = FALSE, digits = 9, trim = TRUE)
toPlace <- format(toPlace, scientific = FALSE, digits = 9, trim = TRUE)
fromPlace <- paste0(fromPlace[,1],"%2C",fromPlace[,2])
toPlace <- paste0(toPlace[,1],"%2C",toPlace[,2])
query <- list(
mode = mode,
date = date,
time = time,
maxWalkDistance = maxWalkDistance,
arriveBy = arriveBy,
numItineraries = numItineraries
if (otpcon$otp_version >= 2) {
# maxWalkDistance causes itinaries to fail
if (mode == "CAR" | grepl("TRANSIT", mode)) {
query$maxWalkDistance <- NULL
if (!is.null(routeOptions)) {
query <- c(query, routeOptions)
# if(!is.null(fromID)){
# fromID <- data.table::data.table(fromID = fromID,
# fromPlace = gsub("%2C",",",fromPlace))
# fromID <- unique(fromID)
# if(any(duplicated(fromID$fromID))){
# stop("Can't have two fromIDs with the same location, coordinates are rounded to 9 dp")
# }
# }
# if(!is.null(toID)){
# toID <- data.table::data.table(toID = toID,
# toPlace = gsub("%2C",",",toPlace))
# toID <- unique(toID)
# if(any(duplicated(toID$toID))){
# stop("Can't have two toIDs with the same location, coordinates are rounded to 9 dp")
# }
# }
# Send Requests
urls <- build_urls(routerUrl,fromPlace, toPlace, query)
message(Sys.time()," sending ",length(urls)," routes requests using ",ncores," threads")
results <- progressr::with_progress(otp_async(urls, ncores))
message(Sys.time()," processing results")
results_routes <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(results,
query = "/plan/itineraries",
query_error_ok = TRUE,
parse_error_ok = TRUE,
always_list = TRUE)
fromID <- unlist(RcppSimdJson::fparse(results,
query = "/requestParameters/fromPlace",
query_error_ok = TRUE,
parse_error_ok = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
toID <- unlist(RcppSimdJson::fparse(results,
query = "/requestParameters/fromPlace",
parse_error_ok = TRUE,
query_error_ok = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
results_errors <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(results, query = "/error",
query_error_ok = TRUE,
parse_error_ok = TRUE,
always_list = TRUE)
results_errors <- results_errors[lengths(results_errors) > 0]
if(sum(lengths(results_routes)) == 0){
stop("No results returned, check your connection")
results_routes <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(itineraries = results_routes,
fp = fromID,
tp = toID
.f = otp_json2sf,
full_elevation = full_elevation,
get_geometry = get_geometry,
timezone = timezone,
get_elevation = get_elevation,
.progress = TRUE)
results_routes <- data.table::rbindlist(results_routes, fill = TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
origin <- .POSIXct(0, tz = "GMT")
results_routes$startTime <- as.POSIXct.numeric(results_routes$startTime / 1000,
origin = origin, tz = timezone
results_routes$endTime <- as.POSIXct.numeric(results_routes$endTime / 1000,
origin = origin, tz = timezone
results_routes$leg_startTime <- as.POSIXct.numeric(results_routes$leg_startTime / 1000,
origin = origin, tz = timezone
results_routes$leg_endTime <- as.POSIXct.numeric(results_routes$leg_endTime / 1000,
origin = origin, tz = timezone
# fix for bbox error from data.table
results_routes <- results_routes[seq_len(nrow(results_routes)), ]
results_routes <- as.data.frame(results_routes)
# if(!is.null(fromID)){
# results_routes$fromPlace <- fromID$fromID[match(results_routes$fromPlace, fromID$fromPlace)]
# }
# if(!is.null(toID)){
# results_routes$toPlace <- toID$toID[match(results_routes$toPlace, toID$toPlace)]
# }
results_routes$geometry <- sf::st_as_sfc(results_routes$geometry, crs = 4326)
results_routes <- df2sf(results_routes)
colnms <- names(results_routes)
colnms <- colnms[!colnms %in% c("fromPlace", "toPlace", "geometry")]
results_routes <- results_routes[c("fromPlace", "toPlace", colnms, "geometry")]
} else {
colnms <- names(results_routes)
colnms <- colnms[!colnms %in% c("fromPlace", "toPlace")]
results_routes <- results_routes[c("fromPlace", "toPlace", colnms)]
if(length(results_errors) > 0){
results_errors = purrr::map(results_errors, otp_parse_errors)
results_errors = data.table::rbindlist(results_errors, use.names = FALSE)
message(nrow(results_errors)," routes returned errors. Unique error messages are:\n")
results_errors = as.data.frame(table(results_errors$msg))
results_errors = results_errors[order(results_errors$Freq, decreasing = TRUE),]
for(msgs in seq_len(nrow(results_errors))){
message(results_errors$Freq[msgs],'x messages: "',results_errors$Var1[msgs],'"\n')
message(Sys.time()," done")
#' Parse Errors
#' @param x list
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
otp_parse_errors <- function(x){
data.frame(id = x$id,
msg = x$msg
#' Parse Missing
#' @param x list
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
otp_parse_missing <- function(x){
data.frame(id = 0,
from = x$requestParameters$fromPlace,
to = x$requestParameters$toPlace,
msg = "No result was returned"
#' Clean Batch Inputs
#' Clean numeric, SF, or matrix prior to routing
#' @param imp fromPlace or toPlace input
#' @param imp_name name of input
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
otp_clean_input <- function(imp, imp_name) {
# For single point inputs
if (all(class(imp) == "numeric")) {
checkmate::assert_numeric(imp, len = 2)
imp <- matrix(imp, nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
# For SF inputs
if ("sf" %in% class(imp)) {
if (all(sf::st_geometry_type(imp) == "POINT")) {
imp <- sf::st_coordinates(imp)
imp[] <- imp[, c(1, 2)]
} else {
stop(paste0(imp_name, " contains non-POINT geometry"))
# For matrix inputs
# if (all(class(imp) == "matrix")) { # to pass CRAN checks
if ("matrix" %in% class(imp)) {
any.missing = FALSE,
min.rows = 1,
min.cols = 2,
max.cols = 2,
null.ok = FALSE
checkmate::assert_numeric(imp[, 1],
lower = -180, upper = 180,
any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = paste0(imp_name, " Longitude")
checkmate::assert_numeric(imp[, 2],
lower = -90, upper = 90,
any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = paste0(imp_name, " Latitude")
imp[] <- imp[, 2:1] # Switch round lng/lat to lat/lng for OTP
colnames(imp) <- c("lat", "lon")
# Otherwise stop as invalid input
" is not in a valid format ",
paste(class(imp), collapse = ", ")
#' Make OTP requests
#' @param routerUrl base url
#' @param fromPlace character fromPlace
#' @param toPlace character toPlace
#' @param query list of query parameters
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
build_urls <- function (routerUrl,fromPlace, toPlace, query){
secs <- unlist(query, use.names = TRUE)
secs <- paste0(names(secs), "=", secs)
secs <- paste(secs, collapse = "&")
secs <- gsub(",", "%2C", secs)
secs <- paste0(routerUrl, "?", "fromPlace=",fromPlace,"&",secs)
} else {
secs <- paste0(routerUrl, "?", "fromPlace=",fromPlace,"&toPlace=",toPlace,"&",secs)
#' Async Send Requests
#' @param urls vector of URLs for OTP
#' @param ncores Number of requests to send at once
#' @param iso_mode logical, use isochrone mode
#' @param post logical, make a post request
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
otp_async <- function(urls, ncores, iso_mode = FALSE, post = FALSE){
t1 <- Sys.time()
p <- progressr::progressor(length(urls))
out <- vector('list', length(urls))
pool <- curl::new_pool(host_con = ncores)
lapply( seq_along(urls), function(i){
h <- curl::new_handle()
curl::handle_setopt(h, post = TRUE)
h <- curl::handle_setheaders(h, "Accept" = "application/json")
success <- function(res){
out[[i]] <<- rawToChar(res$content)
failure <- function(res){
cat("Error: ", res, "\n")
out[[i]] <<- paste0("Error: ", res)
done = success,
fail = failure,
pool = pool,
handle = h)
curl::multi_run(timeout = Inf, pool = pool)
t2 <- Sys.time()
message("Done in ",round(difftime(t2,t1, units = "mins"),1)," mins")
return(unlist(out, use.names = FALSE))
#' Convert output from OpenTripPlanner into sf object
#' @param itineraries Object from the OTP API to process
#' @param fp fromPlace
#' @param tp toPlace
#' @param full_elevation logical should the full elevation profile be returned (if available)
#' @param get_geometry logical, should geometry be returned
#' @param timezone character, which timezone to use, default "" means local time
#' @param get_elevation, logical, should xyz coordinate be returned
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
otp_json2sf <- function(itineraries, fp, tp,
full_elevation = FALSE,
get_geometry = TRUE,
timezone = "", get_elevation = FALSE) {
# Loop over itineraries
legs <- purrr::map(itineraries$legs, parse_leg,
get_geometry = get_geometry,
get_elevation = get_elevation,
full_elevation = full_elevation
names(legs) <- seq_len(length(legs))
legs <- legs[!is.na(legs)]
legs <- data.table::rbindlist(legs, fill = TRUE, idcol = "route_option", use.names=TRUE)
names(legs) <- paste0("leg_",names(legs))
names(legs)[names(legs) == "leg_route_option"] <- "route_option"
names(legs)[names(legs) == "leg_geometry"] <- "geometry"
legs$route_option <- as.integer(legs$route_option)
itineraries$legs <- NULL
# Extract Fare Info
fare <- itineraries$fare
if (!is.null(fare)) {
if (length(fare) == nrow(itineraries)) {
itineraries$fare <- vapply(fare, fare_func, 1)
itineraries$fare_currency <- vapply(fare,fare_currency_func, "c")
} else {
itineraries$fare <- NA
itineraries$fare_currency <- NA
} else {
itineraries$fare <- NA
itineraries$fare_currency <- NA
itineraries <- itineraries[legs$route_option, ]
itineraries <- cbind(itineraries, legs)
itineraries$fromPlace <- fp
itineraries$toPlace <- tp
#' fare parse
#' @param x fare
#' @noRd
fare_func <- function(x) {
x <- x$fare$regular$cents
if (length(x) == 0) {
x <- NA_real_
} else {
x / 100
#' fare currency parse
#' @param x fare
#' @noRd
fare_currency_func <- function(x) {
x <- x$fare$regular$currency$currency
if (length(x) == 0) {
x <- NA_character_
#' Correct the elevation distances
#' OTP returns elevation as a distance along the leg,
#' resetting to 0 at each leg but we need the distance
#' along the total route. so calculate this. Sometimes
#' the legs don't reset at 0, so account for this by
#' looking for a drop in length, sometimes small drops
#' within a leg so allows an error factor to ignore
#' small drops.
#' @param dists numeric from the elevation first column
#' @param err a tolerance for errors in otp results
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
correct_distances <- function(dists, err = 1) {
lth <- length(dists)
if (lth <= 2) {
return(dists) # Can't break up 2 points
brks <- dists[seq(1, lth - 1)] > (dists[seq(2, lth)] + err)
brks <- seq(1, lth)[brks]
if (length(brks) == 0) {
return(dists) # No places the length decreased
mxs <- c(0, cumsum(dists[brks]))
reps <- c(0, brks, lth)
reps <- reps[seq(2, length(reps))] - reps[seq(1, length(reps) - 1)]
csum <- rep(mxs, times = reps)
return(dists + csum)
#' Convert Google Encoded Polyline and elevation data into sf object
#' OTP returns the 2d route as a polyline bean and the elevation profile as vector of numbers
#' But the number of points for each is not the same, as 2D line only has a point at change of directions
#' While elevation is regally spaced. If elevation is supplied the correct heights are matched
#' @param line character - polyline
#' @param elevation numeric - vector of elevations
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
polyline2linestring <- function(line, elevation = NULL) {
line <- googlePolylines::decode(line$points)[[1]]
line <- matrix(c(line$lon, line$lat), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("lon", "lat")))
if (!is.null(elevation)) {
# Some modes don't have elevation e.g TRANSIT, check for this
if (all(is.na(elevation))) {
ele <- rep(0, nrow(line))
} else {
elevation$first <- NULL
elevation <- elevation[order(elevation$distance, method = "radix"), ]
# Calculate the length of each segment
dist <- geodist::geodist(line, sequential = TRUE, measure = "cheap")
dist <- cumsum(dist)
vals <- findInterval(dist, elevation$distance)
vals[vals == 0] <- 1L
ele <- elevation$second[c(1, vals)]
return(sfheaders::sfg_linestring(cbind(line, ele)))
} else {
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