
# Checks against a  public API
# Very limited testing to abide by fair use policy

# otpcon <- otp_connect(url = "https://api.digitransit.fi:443/routing/v1/routers/hsl/index/graphql")

# context("Test the otp_plan function")

# test_that("basic routing", {
#   route <- otp_plan(otpcon,
#     fromPlace = matrix(c(24.904353, 60.220485, 0, 0),
#       ncol = 2,
#       byrow = TRUE
#     ),
#     toPlace = c(24.952068, 60.192033),
#     fromID = c("A", "Bug"),
#     toID = "B",
#     full_elevation = TRUE
#   )
#   expect_is(route, "sf")
#   expect_true(nrow(route) == 1)
# })

# context("Test the otp_isochone function")

# test_that("basic isochrone", {
#  isochrone <- otp_isochrone(
#    otpcon = otpcon,
#    fromPlace = c(24.904353, 60.220485),
#    mode = c("WALK", "TRANSIT"),
#    cutoffSec = c(15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90) * 60
#  ) # Cut offs in seconds
#  expect_is(isochrone, "sf")
#  expect_true(nrow(isochrone) == 6)
# })

# context("Test the otp_geocode function")

# test_that("basic geocode", {
#   museum <- otp_geocode(otpcon = otpcon, query = "museum")
#   expect_is(museum, "sf")
#   expect_true(nrow(museum) > 1)
# })
ropensci/opentripplanner documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 9:58 p.m.