
Defines functions tc tcnull pluck assert dt2df

tc <- function(l) Filter(Negate(is.null), l)
tcnull <- function(x) if (all(sapply(x, is.null))) NULL else x

pluck <- function(x, name, type) {
  if (missing(type)) {
    lapply(x, "[[", name)
  } else {
    vapply(x, "[[", name, FUN.VALUE = type)

assert <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!inherits(x, y)) {
      stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " must be of class ",
           paste0(y, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

dt2df <- function(x, idcol = TRUE) {
    data.table::rbindlist(x, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol = idcol)))

`%||%` <- function (x, y) if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) y else x
ropensci/phylodiv documentation built on March 13, 2020, 3:14 p.m.