Crossref Filter Names

These are associated with the Fundref API

Since these Crossref options use dashes in the names in the API, we provide a crosswalk to these so that you can use underscores wherever they use dashes. Also, filters that have dots in them are undscores instead, so license.url becomes license_url. Additionally, using colons is not very R like, so if Crossref requires has-funder:true, just do has-funder=TRUE in R. Pass these options in to the cr_*() functions in the filter parameter as a list, e.g., filter=list(has_funder=TRUE, has_full_text=TRUE)

Filters allow you to narrow queries. All filter results are lists. The following filters are supported:

| filter | possible values | description| |:-----------|:----------------|:-----------| | has_funder | {logical} | metadata which includes one or more funder entry | | funder | {funder_id} | metadata which include the {funder_id} in FundRef data | | prefix | {owner_prefix} | metadata belonging to a DOI owner prefix {owner_prefix} (e.g. 10.1016 ) | | member | {member_id} | metadata belonging to a CrossRef member | | from_index_date | {date} | metadata indexed since (inclusive) {date} | | until_index_date | {date} | metadata indexed before (inclusive) {date} | | from_deposit_date | {date} | metadata last (re)deposited since (inclusive) {date} | | until_deposit_date | {date} | metadata last (re)deposited before (inclusive) {date} | | from_update_date | {date} | Metadata updated since (inclusive) {date}. Currently the same as from_deposit_date. | | until_update_date | {date} | Metadata updated before (inclusive) {date}. Currently the same as until_deposit_date. | | from_first_deposit_date | {date} | metadata first deposited since (inclusive) {date} [^] | | until_first_deposit_date | {date} | metadata first deposited before (inclusive) {date} [^] | | from_pub_date | {date} | metadata where published date is since (inclusive) {date} | | until_pub_date | {date} | metadata where published date is before (inclusive) {date} | | has_license | {logical} | metadata that includes any <license_ref> elements. | | license_url | {url} | metadata where <license_ref> value equals {url} | | license_version | {string} | metadata where the <license_ref>'s applies_to attribute is {string}| | license_delay | {integer} | metadata where difference between publication date and the <license_ref>'s start_date attribute is <= {integer} (in days)| | has_full_text | {logical} | metadata that includes any full text <resource> elements. | | full_text_version | {string} | metadata where <resource> element's content_version attribute is {string}. | | full_text_type | {mime_type} | metadata where <resource> element's content_type attribute is {mime_type} (e.g. application/pdf). | | public_references | | metadata where publishers allow references to be distributed publicly. [^*] | | has_references | {logical} | metadata for works that have a list of references | | has_archive | {logical} | metadata which include name of archive partner | | archive | {string} | metadata which where value of archive partner is {string} | | has_orcid | {logical} | metadata which includes one or more ORCIDs | | orcid | {orcid} | metadata where <orcid> element's value = {orcid} | | issn | {issn} | metadata where record has an ISSN = {issn}. Format is xxxx-xxxx. | | type | {type} | metadata records whose type = {type}. Type must be an ID value from the list of types returned by the /types resource | | directory | {directory} | metadata records whose article or serial are mentioned in the given {directory}. Currently the only supported value is doaj. | | doi | {doi} | metadata describing the DOI {doi} | | updates | {doi} | metadata for records that represent editorial updates to the DOI {doi} | | is_update | {logical} | metadata for records that represent editorial updates | | has_update_policy | {logical} | metadata for records that include a link to an editorial update policy | | container_title | | metadata for records with a publication title exactly with an exact match | | publisher_name | | metadata for records with an exact matching publisher name | | category_name | |metadata for records with an exact matching category label | | type_name | | metadata for records with an exactly matching type label | | award_number |{award_number} |metadata for records with a matching award number. Optionally combine with award_funder | | award_funder | {funder doi or id} | metadata for records with an award with matching funder. Optionally combine with award_number | | from_created_date | {date} | metadata first deposited since (inclusive) {date} | | until_created_date | {date} | metadata first deposited before (inclusive) {date} | | affiliation | | metadata for records with at least one contributor with the given affiliation | | has_affiliation| | metadata for records that have any affiliation information | | article_number | | metadata for records with a given article number | | alternative_id | | metadata for records with the given alternative ID, which may be a publisher_specific ID, or any other identifier a publisher may have provided | | assertion_group | | metadata for records with an assertion in a particular group | | assertion | | metadata for records with a particular named assertion |

[^*]: Not implemented yet.

ropensci/rcrossref documentation built on March 25, 2023, 6:42 p.m.