
rnbn - Extracting data from the NBN Gateway into R

The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) is an on-line repository for biodiversity data from the UK. At the time of writing, it contains over 100 million species records in over 900 datasets. Data can be accessed via web-services provided by the Gateway web-site (see documentation)


This package provides methods to interact with the NBN's web services and get species records and other supporting information. The functions fall into two groups:

Functions that access a particular service

Utility functions

These functions manipulate grid reference and date information returned by the NBN Gateway

Registering with the NBN gateway and logging in

To use data from the NBN gateway you must first register. This is an easy process and can be done by visiting Once registered you will be sent an email to verify your address, once verified you are ready to use rnbn.

When using rnbn you will be asked to login the first time you attempt to access occurrence data. Once logged in you will stay logged in for the remainder of your R session.

Getting species occurrence records

First install and load the package

# Install the package
# Load the package
## The NBN is moving to new APIs in 2017, as a result this package will stop working at the end of March 2017. A new package will be created for the new APIs. For more information see

The getOccurrences function gets a data.frame of species occurrence records from the NBN Gateway. Columns include name, TVK, date and location of the observation as a minimum, and may include other columns depending what has been submitted by the data providers and what access they allow. The first time this function is used in an R session you will be asked to enter your username and password at the console. An alternative method for logging in is to use the nbnLogin function (see below)

The minimum information required to request species occurrences from the NBN Gateway is one of the following: a Taxon Version Key (TVK), a grid reference or the name of a species group.

Independent of which method you use there are three messages that will appear in your console:

# I could log in like this...
# nbnLogin(username = 'myUsername', password = 'myPassword')
# ...or let getOccurrences prompt me. The latter is more
# secure as I dont have to include my password in my scripts

# Request occurrence data using taxon version key
occ <- getOccurrences(tvks = 'NBNSYS0000002010')
## Requesting batch 1 of 1 
## Requesting data providers' information
## IMPORTANT: By using this package you are agreeing to the Gateway Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy (see This message can be suppressed using the acceptTandC argument

The first message returned to console details the batch number being processed. rnbn breaks down a data request into batches so that it does not overload the system. This is also useful for monitoring progress. The second message tells us that the function is retrieving the data providers for the data it just collected. These can be silenced by setting silent = TRUE. The third message is a warning that highlights the terms and conditions associated with using data from the NBN gateway. It is important that you read these terms and conditions since by using the rnbn package you are accepting them. This warning can be silenced by setting acceptTandC = TRUE.

Using Taxon Version Keys (TVKs)

TVKs are 16-character strings of (usually, upper-case) letters and numbers. For example, "NBNSYS0000007111".

TVKs can be found using the function getTVKquery. This function will take the name of a species and attempt to match it to a TVK using the NBN's search feature. For example if we wanted the TVK for "badger" (Meles meles):

# Search for taxon information using the query 'badger'
dt <- getTVKQuery(query = "badger")
# Display two columns of the data 'ptaxonVersionKey' and 'name'
##   ptaxonVersionKey            name
## 1 NHMSYS0000080191          Badger
## 2 NBNSYS0000013055     Badger Flea
## 3 NHMSYS0000545919   a Badger flea
## 4 NHMSYS0000080191 Eurasian Badger

You will notice that "Badger" and "Eurasian Badger" have the same "ptaxonVersionKey" (the 'p' stands for preferred). This is because the terms are synonyms, both referring to Meles meles (which would also share the same ptaxonVersionKey). By using this TVK in the getOccurrence function it ensures that you get data for all synonyms. If you don't wish to include synonyms you can instead use the TVK given in the column "taxonVersionKey".

The following example will get all publicly available observations of Tropidia scita from all datasets and for any date:

# Get species TVK
# Using 'top = TRUE' returns only the best match
dt <- getTVKQuery(query = "Tropidia scita",
                  top = TRUE) 

# Retrieve data from NBN using a TVK
occ <- getOccurrences(tvks = dt$ptaxonVersionKey,
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

# Print the first few rows and a selection of columns
occ[1:10,c("pTaxonName", "startDate",
           "latitude", "longitude")]
##        pTaxonName  startDate latitude longitude
## 1  Tropidia scita 1990-05-28 50.71863 -2.015530
## 2  Tropidia scita 1994-06-30 50.84450 -1.930352
## 3  Tropidia scita 1988-01-01 51.67065 -4.093176
## 4  Tropidia scita 1985-01-01 51.70143 -4.275503
## 5  Tropidia scita 1985-01-01 51.72432 -4.368601
## 6  Tropidia scita 1997-06-11 51.72167 -4.298238
## 7  Tropidia scita 1983-01-01 51.70143 -4.275503
## 8  Tropidia scita 1995-01-01 51.68982 -4.294454
## 9  Tropidia scita 1986-01-01 52.55561 -3.925584
## 10 Tropidia scita 1986-01-01 51.72698 -4.302852

TVKs can also be found on the NBN gateway at Navigating to a species reveals additional information including the "Taxon Version Key"

Occurrences for more than one species can be obtained by passing a list of TVKs. Such lists can be created in two ways:

# List TVKs manually
tvks <- c("NHMSYS0000530420","NHMSYS0000530658")
## [1] "NHMSYS0000530420" "NHMSYS0000530658"
# Retrieve a list of TVKs using the NBN search
species <- getTVKQuery('grouse')
tvks <- unique(species$ptaxonVersionKey)
## [1] "NHMSYS0000530420" "NHMSYS0000530658"

Using grid references

Data can be retrieved by specifying a grid reference in which to search:

# Retrieve data from NBN using a UK gridreference
occ <- getOccurrences(gridRef = 'TL3490',
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

# View some of the records returned
occ[1:10, c("pTaxonName", "location")]
##               pTaxonName location
## 1       Erythromma najas   TL3490
## 2         Aeshna grandis   TL3490
## 3          Aeshna cyanea   TL3490
## 4           Aeshna mixta   TL3490
## 5  Orthetrum cancellatum   TL3490
## 6   Sympetrum striolatum   TL3490
## 7   Sympetrum sanguineum   TL3490
## 8       Ischnura elegans   TL3490
## 9         Talpa europaea   TL3490
## 10      Bryum dichotomum TL342905

This search will work with a range of grid reference resolutions and for grid references in OSNI and OSGB format.

Using polygons

You might wish to search within a polygon rather than a grid reference. This is supported through the use of well-known text format polygons. You can create these using the package rgeos R packages (see function writeWKT), or via websites

# Create a WKT polygon
# This is a small square polygon in Oxfordshire
myPolygon <- "POLYGON((-1.120305061340332 51.60510713031779,-1.1186742782592773 51.590978433037144,-1.098933219909668 51.59129837670387,-1.0994482040405273 51.604840591807104,-1.120305061340332 51.60510713031779))"

# Retrieve data from NBN using a polygon
occ <- getOccurrences(polygon = myPolygon,
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

occ[1:10, c("pTaxonName", "location")]
##                             pTaxonName location
## 1  Sympherobius (Sympherobius) elegans     SU68
## 2                  Cynosurus cristatus     SU68
## 3                 Hypericum perforatum     SU68
## 4                 Centaurium erythraea     SU68
## 5           Euphrasia officinalis agg.     SU68
## 6                   Crataegus monogyna     SU68
## 7                 Pimpinella saxifraga     SU68
## 8                     Bromopsis erecta     SU68
## 9                     Carlina vulgaris     SU68
## 10                         Viola hirta     SU68

Using a point and radius

You might wish to search for records witin a radius of a certain location, for this you can use the point and radius arguements.

The point is given as a numeric vector of length two, latitude then longitude (e.g. c(51.6011023, -1.1278673)). You can also supply a radius in meters. With this information rnbn will search for records that fall within a circular area around your point with the given radius.

# Retrieve data from NBN using a point and radius
occ <- getOccurrences(point = c(51.603181, -1.109945),
                      radius = 1000,
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

# Where do these records come from?
head(sort(table(occ$siteName), decreasing = TRUE))
##       Site name unavailable                 Oxfordshire 
##                        5437                         238 
##         Site name protected             CEH Wallingford 
##                         218                         194 
##                 Wallingford Crowmarsh Recreation ground 
##                         110                          86

Using species group

Data can be retrieved by specifying a species group. Species groups are taxonomic groups that are predefined by the NBN. A list of available groups can be found using the listGroups function.

# View some of the groups available
groups <- listGroups()
##                        name              key
## 1           acarine (Acari) NHMSYS0000629148
## 2 acorn worm (Hemichordata) NHMSYS0000080031
## 3                      alga NHMSYS0000080032
## 4                 amphibian NHMSYS0000080033
## 5                   annelid NHMSYS0000080034
## 6                  archaean NHMSYS0000629143

Once you have decided which group you require the name is passed to getOccurrences in the following manner.

# Retrieve data from NBN using a species group
# Note this can take some time depending on the size of the species group
occ <- getOccurrences(group = 'quillwort',
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

Filtering results

By Dataset

Observations can be filtered so that they come only from datasets you trust by passing one or more dataset key to the datasets parameter. Dataset keys can be found using the listDatasets function:

# View some of the datasets available
datasets <- listDatasets()
head(datasets[45:50,]) # I select a group with short titles
##                                                     title      key
## 45              Bedfordshire Diplopoda (BNHS) - 1975-1985 GA000675
## 46           Bedfordshire Dormice (BNHS/BDG) -  2000-2014 GA000703
## 47                  Bedfordshire Fish (BNHS) -  1800-2015 GA000704
## 48             Bedfordshire Flora (BNHS/BSBI) - 1904-2013 GA000482
## 49      Bedfordshire Herpetofauna (BNHS/BRAG) - 1973-2016 GA000458
## 50 Bedfordshire Himalayan Balsam Surveys (WT) - 2010-2012 GA001205
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              description
## 45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Diplopoda (Millipedes)
## 46                                                                                                                                                              Hazel/Common Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) (There are no Edible Dormouse (Glis glis) records within this dataset).
## 47                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fish.
## 48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vascular plants, ferns and fern allies species records
## 49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Reptile and Amphibian species records.
## 50 Field surveys in the River Flit Valley were undertaken during the summers of 2010 to 2012 to map the distribution and abundance of Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). Where none was found this was recorded, in addition to three levels of abundance low, medium and high).
##                                         href datasetLicence
## 45           <NA>
## 46           <NA>
## 47           <NA>
## 48           <NA>
## 49           <NA>
## 50           <NA>

A list of datasets can be passed in a similar way to a list of species keys.

# Specify dataset keys
datasets <- c("SGB00001", "GA000483")
# Retrieve data
occ <- getOccurrences(tvk = 'NBNSYS0000007111',
                      datasets = datasets,
                      silent = TRUE
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

Dataset keys can also be found on the NBN gateway at Clicking on a dataset reveals metadata for that dataset including the key, named "Permanent key".

By Year

The range of years for which you want to extract data can be specified using the startYear and/or endYear parameters:

# Get data for a specified species, from a specified dataset over
# a specified time period
dt <- getOccurrences(tvks = "NBNSYS0000007111",
                     datasets = "SGB00001", 
                     startYear = 1990,
                     endYear = 2006,
                     silent = TRUE,
                     acceptTandC = TRUE)

By Vice-county

If data from a specific vice-county is required then the VC argument can be used. This takes the name of a vicecounty, a list of which can be found using listVCs:

# View some of the vice-counties available
VCs <- listVCs()
##             name identifier featureID
## 1       Anglesey GA00034452   2583220
## 2 Angus (Forfar) GA00034490   2583258
## 3       Ayrshire GA00034475   2583243
## 4     Banffshire GA00034494   2583262
## 5   Bedfordshire GA00034430   2583198
## 6      Berkshire GA00034422   2583190

Once you have decided the vice-county you wish to search within you can use the getOccurrence function like this:

# Request data for one species from East Suffolk
occ <- getOccurrences(tvk = 'NBNSYS0000007111',
                      VC = 'East Suffolk',
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

Attribute Data

Some data held by the NBN has additional attributes to those we have been getting up until now. These attributes might include information such as abundance, life stage or sex. To get this additional data we need to use the attributes argument. This is not on by default as this search takes a little longer and can result in quite large tables.

## I'm going to get some data for Wild cat with attributes

# First I need the TVK for wild cat
tvkQuery <- getTVKQuery(query = 'wildcat',
                        top = TRUE)

# Now I'm going to get the data with attributes
WCresults <- getOccurrences(tvks = tvkQuery$ptaxonVersionKey,
                            startYear = 1999,
                            endYear = 1999,
                            attributes = TRUE,
                            silent = TRUE,
                            acceptTandC = TRUE)

# In this dataset you can see a number of columns starting 'attributes.*'
# These are the attributes columns specific to this data. 
##  [1] "observationID"           "fullVersion"            
##  [3] "datasetKey"              "surveyKey"              
##  [5] "sampleKey"               "observationKey"         
##  [7] "featureID"               "location"               
##  [9] "resolution"              "taxonVersionKey"        
## [11] "pTaxonVersionKey"        "pTaxonName"             
## [13] "pTaxonAuthority"         "startDate"              
## [15] "endDate"                 "sensitive"              
## [17] "absence"                 "publicAttribute"        
## [19] "dateTypekey"             "siteKey"                
## [21] "siteName"                "recorder"               
## [23] "determiner"              "attributes.Abundance"   
## [25] "attributes.Comment"      "attributes.SampleMethod"
## [27] "latitude"                "longitude"
#Note not all observations have this attribute data
##    observationID
## 10     517022722
## 11     517023627
## 12     517025692
## 13     517027077
## 14     517034379
## 15     517039499
##                                                        attributes.Comment
## 10                                                         Seen. VC: 108.
## 11                                                  Track/trail. VC: 108.
## 12                                                                       
## 13                                                                       
## 14 Tracks/trail. Ref: Swan, P. (2000). field records. From IMAG database.
## 15                                                                  Seen.
##    attributes.SampleMethod
## 10       Field Observation
## 11       Field Observation
## 12       Field Observation
## 13       Field Observation
## 14       Field Observation
## 15       Field Observation

Dataset Information

Two functions allow access to additional information about datasets.

Data providers

For many uses of data from the NBN it is necessary to get permission from data owners. The dataProviders function returns the contact information for a given dataset:

# Get contact details for two datasets
providers <- dataProviders(c('GA000426', 'GA000832'))

# A range of details are provided
## [1] "id"           "name"         "address"      "postcode"    
## [5] "contactName"  "contactEmail" "website"
# This function is used internally to provide contact
# information for getOccurrences searchs
occ <- getOccurrences(gridRef = 'TL3490',
                      silent = TRUE,
                      acceptTandC = TRUE)

# The information is returned as an attribute 'providers'
providers <- attr(occ, 'providers')

# A row is given for each data provider
## [1] 8

Taxa list

It can sometimes be helpful to have a list of taxa that are recorded in a given dataset here is an example of how this can be done:

# Get taxa list for the ladybird survey
taxalist <- datasetTaxa('GA000312')

# A range of details are provided
##  [1] "taxonVersionKey"      "name"                 "authority"           
##  [4] "languageKey"          "taxonOutputGroupKey"  "taxonOutputGroupName"
##  [7] "commonName"           "gatewayRecordCount"   "href"                
## [10] "observationCount"     "datasetKey"           "ptaxonVersionKey"
# Here are some of those species
## [1] "2-spot Ladybird"     "10-spot Ladybird"    "Eyed Ladybird"      
## [4] "Water Ladybird"      "Larch Ladybird"      "Cream-spot Ladybird"

ropensci/rnbn documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:42 p.m.