facetplos: Do faceted searches on PLOS Journals full-text content

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facetplosR Documentation

Do faceted searches on PLOS Journals full-text content


Do faceted searches on PLOS Journals full-text content


  q = "*:*",
  facet.query = NA,
  facet.field = NA,
  facet.prefix = NA,
  facet.sort = NA,
  facet.limit = NA,
  facet.offset = NA,
  facet.mincount = NA,
  facet.missing = NA,
  facet.method = NA,
  facet.enum.cache.minDf = NA,
  facet.threads = NA,
  facet.date = NA,
  facet.date.start = NA,
  facet.date.end = NA,
  facet.date.gap = NA,
  facet.date.hardend = NA,
  facet.date.other = NA,
  facet.date.include = NA,
  facet.range = NA,
  facet.range.start = NA,
  facet.range.end = NA,
  facet.range.gap = NA,
  facet.range.hardend = NA,
  facet.range.other = NA,
  facet.range.include = NA,
  start = NA,
  rows = NA,
  url = NA,
  sleep = 6,
  errors = "simple",
  proxy = NULL,
  callopts = list(),



Query terms.


This param allows you to specify an arbitrary query in the Lucene default syntax to generate a facet count. By default, faceting returns a count of the unique terms for a "field", while facet.query allows you to determine counts for arbitrary terms or expressions. This parameter can be specified multiple times to indicate that multiple queries should be used as separate facet constraints. It can be particularly useful for numeric range based facets, or prefix based facets – see example below (i.e. price:[* TO 500] and price:[501 TO *]).


This param allows you to specify a field which should be treated as a facet. It will iterate over each Term in the field and generate a facet count using that Term as the constraint. This parameter can be specified multiple times to indicate multiple facet fields. None of the other params in this section will have any effect without specifying at least one field name using this param.


Limits the terms on which to facet to those starting with the given string prefix. Note that unlike fq, this does not change the search results – it merely reduces the facet values returned to those beginning with the specified prefix. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


See solr_facet.


This param indicates the maximum number of constraint counts that should be returned for the facet fields. A negative value means unlimited. Default: 100. Can be specified on a per field basis.


This param indicates an offset into the list of constraints to allow paging. Default: 0. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


This param indicates the minimum counts for facet fields should be included in the response. Default: 0. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


Set to "true" this param indicates that in addition to the Term based constraints of a facet field, a count of all matching results which have no value for the field should be computed. Default: FALSE. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


See solr_facet.


This param indicates the minimum document frequency (number of documents matching a term) for which the filterCache should be used when determining the constraint count for that term. This is only used when facet.method=enum method of faceting. A value greater than zero will decrease memory usage of the filterCache, but increase the query time. When faceting on a field with a very large number of terms, and you wish to decrease memory usage, try a low value of 25 to 50 first. Default: 0, causing the filterCache to be used for all terms in the field. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


This param will cause loading the underlying fields used in faceting to be executed in parallel with the number of threads specified. Specify as facet.threads=# where # is the maximum number of threads used. Omitting this parameter or specifying the thread count as 0 will not spawn any threads just as before. Specifying a negative number of threads will spin up to Integer.MAX_VALUE threads. Currently this is limited to the fields, range and query facets are not yet supported. In at least one case this has reduced warmup times from 20 seconds to under 5 seconds.


Specify names of fields (of type DateField) which should be treated as date facets. Can be specified multiple times to indicate multiple date facet fields.


The lower bound for the first date range for all Date Faceting on this field. This should be a single date expression which may use the DateMathParser syntax. Can be specified on a per field basis.


The minimum upper bound for the last date range for all Date Faceting on this field (see facet.date.hardend for an explanation of what the actual end value may be greater). This should be a single date expression which may use the DateMathParser syntax. Can be specified on a per field basis.


The size of each date range expressed as an interval to be added to the lower bound using the DateMathParser syntax. Eg: facet.date.gap=+1DAY. Can be specified on a per field basis.


A Boolean parameter instructing Solr what to do in the event that facet.date.gap does not divide evenly between facet.date.start and facet.date.end. If this is true, the last date range constraint will have an upper bound of facet.date.end; if false, the last date range will have the smallest possible upper bound greater then facet.date.end such that the range is exactly facet.date.gap wide. Default: FALSE. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


See solr_facet.


See solr_facet.


Indicates what field to create range facets for. Example: facet.range=price&facet.range=age


The lower bound of the ranges. Can be specified on a per field basis. Example: f.price.facet.range.start=0.0&f.age.facet.range.start=10


The upper bound of the ranges. Can be specified on a per field basis. Example: f.price.facet.range.end=1000.0&f.age.facet.range.start=99


The size of each range expressed as a value to be added to the lower bound. For date fields, this should be expressed using the DateMathParser syntax. (ie: facet.range.gap=+1DAY). Can be specified on a per field basis. Example: f.price.facet.range.gap=100&f.age.facet.range.gap=10


A Boolean parameter instructing Solr what to do in the event that facet.range.gap does not divide evenly between facet.range.start and facet.range.end. If this is true, the last range constraint will have an upper bound of facet.range.end; if false, the last range will have the smallest possible upper bound greater then facet.range.end such that the range is exactly facet.range.gap wide. Default: FALSE. This parameter can be specified on a per field basis.


See solr_facet.


See solr_facet.


Record to start at, default to beginning.


Number of records to return.


URL endpoint


Number of seconds to wait between requests. No need to use this for a single call. However, if you are doing many calls in a loop or lapply type call, sleep parameter is used to prevent your IP address from being blocked. You can only do 10 requests per minute, so one request every 6 seconds is about right.


(character) One of simple or complete. Simple gives http code and error message on an error, while complete gives both http code and error message, and stack trace, if available.


List of arguments for a proxy connection, including one or more of: url, port, username, password, and auth. See proxy for help, which is used to construct the proxy connection.


Further args passed on to HttpClient


Further args to solr_facet


A list


## Not run: 
# Facet on a single field
facetplos(q='*:*', facet.field='journal')
facetplos(q='alcohol', facet.field='article_type')

# Facet on multiple fields
facetplos(q='alcohol', facet.field=c('journal','subject'))

# Using mincount
facetplos(q='alcohol', facet.field='journal', facet.mincount='500')

# Using facet.query to get counts
## A single facet.query term
facetplos(q='*:*', facet.field='journal', facet.query='cell')
## Many facet.query terms
facetplos(q='*:*', facet.field='journal', facet.query='cell,bird')

# Range faceting
facetplos(q='*:*', url=url, facet.range='counter_total_all',
   facet.range.start=5, facet.range.end=1000, facet.range.gap=10)
facetplos(q='alcohol', facet.range='alm_facebookCount', facet.range.start=1000,
   facet.range.end=5000, facet.range.gap = 100)

# Range faceting with > 1 field, same settings
facetplos(q='*:*', url=url, facet.range=c('counter_total_all','alm_twitterCount'),
 facet.range.start=5, facet.range.end=1000, facet.range.gap=10)

# Range faceting with > 1 field, different settings
facetplos(q='*:*', url=url, facet.range=c('counter_total_all','alm_twitterCount'),
 f.counter_total_all.facet.range.start=5, f.counter_total_all.facet.range.end=1000,
 f.counter_total_all.facet.range.gap=10, f.alm_twitterCount.facet.range.start=5,
 f.alm_twitterCount.facet.range.end=1000, f.alm_twitterCount.facet.range.gap=10)

## End(Not run)

ropensci/rplos documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 2:10 p.m.