#' Taxnomic search and phylogeny retrieval for SOAP data sources.
#' Currently supported APIs are:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) \tab worms_ \cr
#' }
#' @importFrom methods is slot slotNames
#' @importFrom stats na.omit setNames
#' @import plyr data.table httr XML
#' @name taxizesoap-package
#' @aliases taxizesoap
#' @docType package
#' @title Taxnomic search and phylogeny retrieval for SOAP data sources.
#' @keywords package
#' Stored WoRMS SOAP API interface.
#' An S4 class generated from \code{worms_gen_iface}. You can navigate to each function by doing,
#' for example \code{worms_gen_iface()@@functions$getAphiaID}. Note that there will be some warnings
#' thrown, but it should still work. It is not easy to suppress those warnings as they are printed
#' with \code{cat}. You can dig into each of the below functions, explore
#' the code for each function, explore it's parameters, etc. The functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item getAphiaID
#' \item getAphiaRecords
#' \item getAphiaNameByID
#' \item getAphiaRecordByID
#' \item getAphiaRecordByExtID
#' \item getExtIDbyAphiaID
#' \item getAphiaRecordsByNames
#' \item getAphiaRecordsByVernacular
#' \item getAphiaRecordsByDate
#' \item getAphiaClassificationByID
#' \item getSourcesByAphiaID
#' \item getAphiaSynonymsByID
#' \item getAphiaVernacularsByID
#' \item getAphiaChildrenByID
#' \item matchAphiaRecordsByNames
#' }
#' The above functions are used internally to make more user friendly function interfaces
#' to WORMS data. See \code{worms_*} for all worms functions.
#' @name worms_iface
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data
#' Stored PESI SOAP API interface.
#' An S4 class generated from \code{pesi_gen_iface}. You can navigate to each function by doing,
#' for example \code{pesi_gen_iface()@@functions$getGUID}. Note that there will be some warnings
#' thrown, but it should still work. It is not easy to suppress those warnings as they are printed
#' with \code{cat}. You can dig into each of the below functions, explore
#' the code for each function, explore it's parameters, etc. The functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item getGUID
#' \item getPESIRecords
#' \item getPESINameByGUID
#' \item getPESIRecordByGUID
#' \item getPESIRecordsByVernacular
#' \item getPESIVernacularsByGUID
#' \item matchTaxon
#' \item matchTaxa
#' \item getPESISynonymsByGUID
#' \item getPESIDistributionsByGUID
#' }
#' The above functions are used internally to make more user friendly function interfaces
#' to PESI data. See \code{pesi_*} for all pesi functions.
#' @name pesi_iface
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data
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