
Defines functions tax2traits.taxlist tax2traits

Documented in tax2traits tax2traits.taxlist

#' @name tax2traits
#' @title Set taxonomic information as taxon traits
#' @description
#' Taxonomic classification can be included in [taxlist-class]
#' objects within the information provided at slot `taxonRelations`.
#' Nevertheless, for statistical analyses it may be more convenient to insert
#' such information in the slot `taxonTraits`.
#' @param object An object of class [taxlist-class].
#' @param get_names Logical value indicating whether taxon names should be
#'     retrieved instead of taxon IDs.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed among methods.
#' @details
#' This function can only be applied to objects containing parent-child
#' relationships and information on taxonomic levels.
#' @return An object of class [taxlist-class] with taxonomy added
#' as traits.
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}.
#' @example examples/tax2traits.R
#' @rdname tax2traits
#' @export
tax2traits <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("tax2traits", object)

#' @rdname tax2traits
#' @aliases tax2traits,taxlist-method
#' @method tax2traits taxlist
#' @export
tax2traits.taxlist <- function(object, get_names = FALSE, ...) {
  # taxonomic table
  TAX <- data.frame(
    TaxonConceptID = object@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # first entry with concepts at level
  if (all(is.na(object@taxonRelations$Level))) {
    stop("Input object without taxonomic ranks.")
  if (all(is.na(object@taxonRelations$Parent))) {
    stop("Input object without any parent-child relationships.")
  for (i in taxlist::levels(object)) {
    ID <- object@taxonRelations[
      paste(object@taxonRelations$Level) == i,
    TAX[, i] <- ID[match(object@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID, ID)]
  # second entry parents
  for (i in taxlist::levels(object)[
  ]) {
    if (!all(is.na(TAX[, i]))) {
      TAX <- split(TAX, is.na(TAX[, i]))
      ID <- TAX[["FALSE"]][, i]
      PAR <- object@taxonRelations[
      LEV <- paste(object@taxonRelations[
      LEV[LEV == "NA"] <- NA
      for (j in unique(LEV[!is.na(LEV)])) {
        ID_2 <- ID[LEV == j]
        PAR_2 <- PAR[LEV == j]
        TAX[["FALSE"]][, j] <- PAR_2[match(
          TAX[["FALSE"]][, i],
      TAX <- do.call(rbind, TAX)
  # supress empty columns
  TAX <- TAX[, apply(TAX, 2, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))]
  object <- update_trait(taxlist = object, taxonTraits = TAX)
  if (get_names) {
    Names <- accepted_name(object)
    for (i in taxlist::levels(object)[taxlist::levels(object) %in%
      colnames(TAX)]) {
      object@taxonTraits[, i] <- Names[
        match(object@taxonTraits[, i], Names$TaxonConceptID),
ropensci/taxlist documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3:39 p.m.