Man pages for ropensci/tic
Tasks Integrating Continuously: CI-Agnostic Workflow Definitions

base64serializeHelpers for converting R objects to strings and back
ciThe current CI environment
DeprecatedDeprecated functions
do_blogdownBuild a blogdown site
do_bookdownBuild a bookdown book
do_dratBuild and deploy drat repository
do_package_checksAdd default checks for packages
do_pkgdownBuild pkgdown documentation
do_readme_rmdRender a R Markdown README and deploy to Github
dsltic's domain-specific language
dsl_getStages and steps
gha_add_secretAdd a GitHub Actions secret to a repository
github_helpersGithub API helpers
github_infoGithub information
list_macrosList available macros
prepare_all_stagesPrepare all stages
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
repoShortcuts for accessing CRAN-like repositories
run_all_stagesEmulate a CI run locally
run_stageRun a stage
ssh_key_helpersSSH key helpers
stagesPredefined stages
step_add_to_dratStep: Add built package to a drat
step_add_to_known_hostsStep: Add to known hosts
step_build_blogdownStep: Build a Blogdown Site
step_build_bookdownStep: Build a bookdown book
step_build_pkgdownStep: Build pkgdown documentation
step_do_push_deployStep: Perform push deploy
step_hello_worldStep: Hello, world!
step_install_pkgStep: Install packages
step_install_ssh_keysStep: Install an SSH key
step_push_deployStep: Setup and perform push deploy
step_rcmdcheckStep: Check a package
step_run_codeStep: Run arbitrary R code
step_session_infoStep: Print the current Session Info
step_setup_push_deployStep: Setup push deploy
step_setup_sshStep: Setup SSH
step_test_sshStep: Test SSH connection
step_write_text_fileStep: Write a text file
tic-packagetic: Tasks Integrating Continuously: CI-Agnostic Workflow...
TicStepThe base class for all steps
update_ymlUpdate tic YAML Templates
use_ghactions_deploySetup deployment for GitHub Actions
use_ticInitialize CI testing using tic
use_tic_badgeAdd a CI Status Badge to README files
use_tic_rAdd a tic.R file to the repo
use_update_ticUpdate tic Templates
yaml_templatesUse CI YAML templates
ropensci/tic documentation built on July 20, 2024, 11:57 a.m.