yaml_templates: Use CI YAML templates

yaml_templatesR Documentation

Use CI YAML templates


Installs YAML templates for various CI providers. These functions are also used within use_tic().

If you want to update an existing template use update_yml().


use_circle_yml(type = "linux-deploy", write = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)

use_ghactions_yml(type = "linux-deploy", write = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)



Which template to use. The string should be given following the logic ⁠<platform>-<action>⁠. See details for more.


Whether to write the template to disk (TRUE) or just return it (FALSE).


Whether to print informative messages.


If type contains "deploy", tic by default also sets the environment variable BUILD_PKGDOWN=true. This triggers a call to pkgdown::build_site() via the do_pkgdown macro in tic.R for the respective runners.

If a setting includes "matrix" and builds on multiple R versions, the job building on R release is chosen to build the pkgdown site.


tic supports a variety of different YAML templates which follow the ⁠<platform>-<action>⁠ pattern. The first one is mandatory, the others are optional.

  • Possible values for ⁠<platform>⁠ are linux, and macos, windows.

  • Possible values for ⁠<action>⁠ are matrix and deploy.

Special types are custom and custom-deploy. These should be used if the runner matrix is completely user-defined. This is mainly useful in update_yml().

For backward compatibility use_ghactions_yml() will be default build and deploy on all platforms.

Here is a list of all available combinations:

Provider Operating system Deployment multiple R versions Call
Circle Linux no no use_circle_yml("linux")
Linux yes no use_circle_yml("linux-deploy")
Linux no yes use_circle_yml("linux-matrix")
Linux no yes use_circle_yml("linux-deploy-matrix")
---------- ------------------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
GH Actions Linux no no use_ghactions_yml("linux")
Linux yes no use_ghactions_yml("linux-deploy")
custom no no use_ghactions_yml("custom")
custom-deploy yes no use_ghactions_yml("custom-deploy")
macOS no no use_ghactions_yml("macos")
macOS yes no use_ghactions_yml("macos-deploy")
Windows no no use_ghactions_yml("windows")
Windows yes no use_ghactions_yml("windows-deploy")
Linux + macOS no no use_ghactions_yml("linux-macos")
Linux + macOS yes no use_ghactions_yml("linux-macos-deploy")
Linux + Windows no no use_ghactions_yml("linux-windows")
Linux + Windows yes no use_ghactions_yml("linux-windows-deploy")
macOS + Windows no no use_ghactions_yml("macos-windows")
macOS + Windows yes no use_ghactions_yml("macos-windows-deploy")
Linux + macOS + Windows no no use_ghactions_yml("linux-macos-windows")
Linux + macOS + Windows yes no use_ghactions_yml("linux-macos-windows-deploy")

ropensci/tic documentation built on July 20, 2024, 11:57 a.m.