default_branch_qry <- function (gh_cli, org, repo) {
q <- paste0 ("{
repository(owner:\"", org, "\", name:\"", repo, "\") {
defaultBranchRef {
qry <- ghql::Query$new ()
qry$query ("default_branch", q)
return (qry)
commits_qry <- function (gh_cli, org, repo, branch = "main") {
q <- paste0 ("{
repository(owner:\"", org, "\", name:\"", repo, "\") {
branch0: ref(qualifiedName: \"", branch, "\") {
target {
... on Commit {
history (first: 1) {
nodes {
... on Commit {
qry <- ghql::Query$new ()
qry$query ("get_commits", q)
return (qry)
#' Get GitHub token
#' @param token_name Optional name of token to use
#' @return The value of the GitHub access token extracted from environment
#' variables.
#' @family github
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' token <- get_gh_token ()
#' }
get_gh_token <- function (token_name = "") {
e <- Sys.getenv ()
if (token_name != "") {
toks <- unique (e [grep (token_name, names (e))])
} else {
toks <- e [grep ("GITHUB", names (e))]
if (length (unique (toks)) > 1) {
toks <- toks [grep ("TOKEN|PAT", names (toks))]
# GitHub runners have "GITHUB_PATH" and "GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"
if (length (unique (toks)) > 1) {
toks <- toks [grep ("TOKEN$|PAT$", names (toks))]
if (length (unique (toks)) > 1) {
stop (
"There are ",
length (unique (toks)),
" possible tokens named [",
paste0 (names (toks), collapse = ", "),
"]; please ensure one distinct ",
"token named 'GITHUB_TOKEN' or similar."
return (unique (toks))
#' get_default_github_branch
#' @note This function is not intended to be called directly, and is only
#' exported to enable it to be used within the \pkg{plumber} API.
#' @param org Github organization
#' @param repo Github repository
#' @return Name of default branch on GitHub
#' @family github
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' org <- "ropensci-review-tools"
#' repo <- "pkgcheck"
#' branch <- get_default_github_branch (org, repo)
#' }
get_default_github_branch <- function (org, repo) {
token <- get_gh_token ()
gh_cli <- ghql::GraphqlClient$new (
url = "",
headers = list (Authorization = paste0 ("Bearer ", token))
qry <- default_branch_qry (gh_cli, org = org, repo = repo)
x <- gh_cli$exec (qry$queries$default_branch) %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON ()
branch <- x$data$repository$defaultBranchRef$name
# Then also check if repo has pkgcheck action yaml file:
return (branch)
#' get_latest_commit
#' @note This returns the latest commit from the default branch as specified on
#' GitHub, which will not necessarily be the same as information returned from
#' `gert::git_info` if the `HEAD` of a local repository does not point to the
#' same default branch.
#' @param org Github organization
#' @param repo Github repository
#' @param branch Branch from which to get latest commit
#' @return Details of latest commit including OID hash
#' @family github
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' org <- "ropensci-review-tools"
#' repo <- "pkgcheck"
#' commit <- get_latest_commit (org, repo)
#' }
get_latest_commit <- function (org, repo, branch = NULL) {
token <- get_gh_token ()
gh_cli <- ghql::GraphqlClient$new (
url = "",
headers = list (Authorization = paste0 ("Bearer ", token))
if (is.null (branch)) {
branch <- get_default_github_branch (org, repo)
qry <- commits_qry (gh_cli, org = org, repo = repo, branch = branch)
x <- gh_cli$exec (qry$queries$get_commits) %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON ()
return (x$data$repository$branch0$target$history$nodes)
#' Use pkgcheck Github Action
#' Creates a Github workflow file in `dir` integrate [pkgcheck()] into your CI.
#' @param dir Directory the file is written to.
#' @param overwrite Overwrite existing file?
#' @param file_name Name of the workflow file.
#' @param branch Name of git branch for checks to run; defaults to currently
#' active branch.
#' @param inputs Named list of inputs to the
#' `ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck-action`. See details below.
#' @return The path to the new file, invisibly.
#' @details For more information on the action and advanced usage visit the
#' action
#' [repository](
#' @section Inputs:
#' Inputs with description and default values. Pass all values as strings, see
#' examples.
#' ```yaml
#' inputs:
#' ref:
#' description: "The ref to checkout and check. Set to empty string to skip checkout."
#' default: "${{ github.ref }}"
#' required: true
#' post-to-issue:
#' description: "Should the pkgcheck results be posted as an issue?"
#' # If you use the 'pull_request' trigger and the PR is from outside the repo
#' # (e.g. a fork), the job will fail due to permission issues
#' # if this is set to 'true'. The default will prevent this.
#' default: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
#' required: true
#' issue-title:
#' description: "Name for the issue containing the pkgcheck results. Will be created or updated."
#' # This will create a new issue for every branch, set it to something fixed
#' # to only create one issue that is updated via edits.
#' default: "pkgcheck results - ${{ github.ref_name }}"
#' required: true
#' summary-only:
#' description: "Only post the check summary to issue. Set to false to get the full results in the issue."
#' default: true
#' required: true
#' append-to-issue:
#' description: "Should issue results be appended to existing issue, or posted in new issues."
#' default: true
#' required: true
#' ```
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' use_github_action_pkgcheck (inputs = list (`post-to-issue` = "false"))
#' use_github_action_pkgcheck (branch = "main")
#' }
#' @family github
#' @export
use_github_action_pkgcheck <- function (dir = ".github/workflows",
overwrite = FALSE,
file_name = "pkgcheck.yaml",
branch = gert::git_branch (),
inputs = NULL) {
if (!is.character (file_name)) {
cli::cli_abort ("{.arg file_name} must be a character argument")
if (length (file_name) != 1L) {
cli::cli_abort ("{.arg file_name} must be a single value")
dir <- normalizePath (dir, mustWork = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists (dir)) {
dir.create (dir, recursive = TRUE)
path <- fs::path (dir, file_name)
if (file.exists (path) && !overwrite) {
cli::cli_abort (
c (
"The file {.file {path}} already exists!",
i = "Use {.arg overwrite = TRUE} to replace the existing file."
yaml <- system.file (
package = "pkgcheck",
mustWork = TRUE
) %>% readLines ()
if (!is.null (inputs)) {
if (!is.list (inputs) || is.null (names (inputs))) {
cli::cli_abort ("{.arg inputs} must be a named list!")
valid_inputs <- c (
broken_inputs <- !(names (inputs) %in% valid_inputs)
if (any (broken_inputs)) {
cli::cli_abort (
c (
paste0 (
"The following {.arg inputs} are not valid: ",
"{ names (inputs)[broken_inputs] }"
i = "Please check {.code ?use_github_check} for valid inputs."
# YAML indentation uses space not tabs
with <- glue::glue (" with:")
inputs <- glue::glue (" {names (inputs)}: {inputs}")
inputs <- c (with, inputs)
yaml <- add_branch_to_yaml (yaml, branch)
yaml <- c (yaml, inputs)
writeLines (yaml, path)
cli::cli_alert_success (
"File {.file {file_name}} succesfully writen to {.path {dir}}!"
invisible (path)
#' Modify yaml action to specified branch.
#' This does not work in covr on github, so need to disable there.
#' @param yaml The YAML template of the pkgcheck action
#' @inheritParams use_github_action_pkgcheck
#' @return Same as input with branch (potentially) modified to current branch.
#' @noRd
add_branch_to_yaml <- function (yaml, branch = gert::git_branch ()) {
if (branch != "main") {
i <- grep ("^\\s+branches\\:$", yaml)
j <- grep ("^\\s+\\-\\s*\\w+$", yaml)
j <- j [which (j > i)]
j <- j [which (c (1L, diff (j)) == 1L)]
branches <- gsub ("^\\s+\\-\\s+", "", yaml [j])
if (!branch %in% branches) {
j <- max (j)
yaml <- c (
yaml [seq (j)],
paste0 (
paste0 (rep (" ", 6), collapse = ""),
"- ",
yaml [(j + 1):length (yaml)]
return (yaml)
#' Get branch specified in pkgcheck GitHub workflow, if one exists.
#' @noRd
pkgcheck_workflow_branch <- function (org, repo) {
default_branch <- get_default_github_branch (org, repo)
branches <- ""
u <- paste0 (
x <- httr::GET (u) %>%
httr::content ()
paths <- vapply (x$tree, function (i) i$path, character (1))
workflows <- grep ("^\\.github\\/workflows", paths, value = TRUE)
if (any (grepl ("pkgcheck", workflows))) {
this <- workflows [grep ("pkgcheck", workflows) [1]]
u_wf <- paste0 (
f <- file.path (tempdir (), basename (this))
utils::download.file (u_wf, f, quiet = TRUE)
yaml <- readLines (f)
chk <- file.remove (f)
i <- grep ("^\\s+branches\\:$", yaml)
j <- grep ("^\\s+\\-\\s*\\w+$", yaml)
j <- j [which (j > i)]
j <- j [which (c (1L, diff (j)) == 1L)]
branches <- gsub ("^\\s+\\-\\s+", "", yaml [j])
return (branches)
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