
Defines functions vis_package

Documented in vis_package

#' Draws a network showing function dependencies within a package
#' @param path  where package code resides (this will be changed to download package to a temporary directory)
#' @param centralGravity  controls how tightly nodes are pulled into the center of the network; higher numbers are more tight (default = .3)
#' @param external logical, if TRUE will include calls to functions external to the package (default = FALSE)
#' @param physics logical, if TRUE will recalculate network if a node is moved (default = FALSE)
#' @param icons logical, if TRUE will use font awesome icons, set to FALSE for shiny app (default = TRUE)
#' @author Joyce Robbins <https://github.com/jtr13>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Package code must exist locally:
#' vis_package(pkginspector_example("viridisLite"))
vis_package <- function(path = ".", igraph_obj = NULL, centralGravity = .3, external = FALSE, physics = FALSE, icons = TRUE) {

  if (is.null(igraph_obj)) {
    igraph_obj <- create_package_igraph(path = path,
                                        external = TRUE)

  if (!external) {
    igraph_obj <- igraph::induced.subgraph(
      which(igraph::V(igraph_obj)$own == TRUE)

  igraph::vertex_attr(igraph_obj, "group") <- ifelse(!igraph::V(igraph_obj)$own, "external", ifelse(igraph::V(igraph_obj)$exported, "exported", "not\nexported"))

  igraph::vertex_attr(igraph_obj, "font") <- "24px arial"

  num_nodes <- length(igraph_obj)

  # if(!physics) {
  #   if (!is.null(centralGravity)) {
  #     message("Ignoring centralGravity since physics=FALSE") }
  # } else if (is.null(centralGravity)) {
  #         centralGravity <- .3
  # }

  colorlist <- list(
    "not\nexported" = "#4995d0", # blue
    "exported" = "#ff7600", # orange
    "external" = "#2caa58"
  ) # green

  iconlist <- list(
    "not\nexported" = "f013", # "cog"
    "exported" = "f072", # "plane"
    "external" = "f090"
  ) # "sign-in"

  size <- 15

  # get icon codes here: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/

  # draw network

  netvis <- visNetwork::visIgraph(igraph_obj, physics = physics) %>%
      solver = "barnesHut",
      barnesHut = list(centralGravity = centralGravity),
      stabilization = FALSE
    ) %>%
    visNetwork::visLayout(randomSeed = 2018) %>%
    visNetwork::visEdges(arrows = "to") %>%
    visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest = list(
      enabled = TRUE,
      degree = list(from = num_nodes, to = 0),
      algorithm = "hierarchical",
      hover = TRUE
    ), nodesIdSelection = TRUE) %>%
    visNetwork::visLegend(width = .1, position = "right")

  if (icons) {
    netvis %>%
        groupname = "not\nexported",
        shape = "icon",
        icon = list(
          code = iconlist[["not\nexported"]],
          color = colorlist[["not\nexported"]]
      ) %>%
        groupname = "exported",
        shape = "icon",
        icon = list(
          code = iconlist[["exported"]],
          color = colorlist[["exported"]]
      ) %>%
        groupname = "external",
        shape = "icon",
        icon = list(
          code = iconlist[["external"]],
          color = colorlist[["external"]]
      ) %>%
  } else {
    netvis %>%
        groupname = "not\nexported",
        color = colorlist[["not\nexported"]],
        size = size,
        shape = "dot"
      ) %>%
        groupname = "exported",
        color = colorlist[["exported"]],
        size = size,
        shape = "triangle"
      ) %>%
        groupname = "external",
        color = colorlist[["external"]],
        size = size,
        shape = "square"
ropenscilabs/pkginspector documentation built on May 15, 2022, 5:30 a.m.