
Defines functions do_bookdown

Documented in do_bookdown

#' do_bookdown
#' The [do_bookdown()] macro adds the necessary steps for building
#' and deploying a \pkg{bookdown} book.
#' @include macro.R
#' @include macro-pkgdown.R
#' @name macro

#' Build a bookdown book
#' @description
#' `do_bookdown()` adds default steps related to package checks
#' to the `"install"`, `"before_deploy"`, `"script"` and `"deploy"` stages.
#' @inheritParams step_build_bookdown
#' @inheritParams step_setup_push_deploy
#' @inheritParams step_do_push_deploy
#' @inheritParams step_install_pkg
#' @param ... Passed on to [step_build_bookdown()]
#' @template private_key_name
#' @template cname
#' @family macros
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dsl_init()
#' do_bookdown()
#' dsl_get()
#' }
do_bookdown <- function(...,
                        deploy = NULL,
                        orphan = FALSE,
                        checkout = TRUE,
                        path = "_book",
                        branch = "gh-pages",
                        remote_url = NULL,
                        commit_message = NULL,
                        commit_paths = ".",
                        force = FALSE,
                        private_key_name = "TIC_DEPLOY_KEY",
                        cname = NULL) {

  #' @param deploy `[flag]`\cr
  #'   If `TRUE`, deployment setup is performed
  #'   before building the bookdown site,
  #'   and the site is deployed after building it.
  #'   Set to `FALSE` to skip deployment.
  if (is.null(deploy)) {
    #'   By default (if `deploy` is `NULL`), deployment happens
    #'   if the following conditions are met:
    #'   1. The repo can be pushed to (see [ci_can_push()]).
    # account for old default "id_rsa"
    private_key_name <- private_key_name

    cli_text("Using {private_key_name} env var as the private key name for
             SSH deployment.", wrap = TRUE)
    deploy <- ci_can_push(private_key_name = private_key_name)

    #'   2. The `branch` argument is `NULL`
    #'   (i.e., if the deployment happens to the active branch),
    #'   or the current branch is the default repo branch (usually "master")
    #'   (see [ci_get_branch()]).
    if (deploy && !is.null(branch)) {
      deploy <- (ci_get_branch() == github_info()$default_branch)

  #' @description
  #' 1. [step_install_deps()] in the `"install"` stage
  #' 1. [step_session_info()] in the `"install"` stage.
  get_stage("install") %>%
    add_step(step_install_deps()) %>%

  if (isTRUE(deploy)) {
    #' 1. [step_setup_ssh()] in the `"before_deploy"`
    #'    to setup the upcoming deployment (if `deploy` is set),
    #' 1. [step_setup_push_deploy()] in the `"before_deploy"` stage
    #'    (if `deploy` is set),
    private_key_name <- private_key_name
    get_stage("before_deploy") %>%
      add_step(step_setup_ssh(private_key_name = !!private_key_name)) %>%
        path = !!enquo(path),
        branch = !!enquo(branch),
        remote_url = !!enquo(remote_url),
        orphan = !!enquo(orphan),
        checkout = !!enquo(checkout)

  #' 1. [step_build_bookdown()] in the `"deploy"` stage,
  #'    forwarding all `...` arguments.
  get_stage("deploy") %>%

  if (!is.null(cname)) {
    get_stage("deploy") %>%
      add_code_step(writeLines(!!cname, paste0(!!path, "/CNAME")))

  #' 1. [step_do_push_deploy()] in the `"deploy"` stage.
  if (isTRUE(deploy)) {
    get_stage("deploy") %>%
        path = !!enquo(path),
        commit_message = !!enquo(commit_message),
        commit_paths = !!enquo(commit_paths),
        force = !!enquo(force)

  #' @description
  #' By default, the `_book/` directory is deployed
  #' to the `gh-pages` branch, keeping the history.

ropenscilabs/tic documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:53 p.m.