
Defines functions doit

# doit() turn structured description into which bands to operate on how
doit <- function(obj, args) {
  #first do selection/subsetting
  seltext <- ""
  if (!is.na(args$startdate)) {
    seltext <- args$startdate
  } else {
    seltext <- ""
  if (!is.na(args$enddate)) {
    if (seltext != "") {
      seltext <- paste(seltext, "/", args$enddate, sep = "")
    else {
      seltext <- args$enddate
  outobj = obj
  if (seltext != "") {
    newts = outobj@ts[seltext]
    if (length(newts) == 0) {
      stop("TimeRaster subscripted to zero layers", call. = FALSE)
    outobj <- outobj[[as.numeric(newts)]]
    newts[] <- 1:length(newts)
    outobj@ts <- newts
    names(outobj) <- index(outobj@ts)

  #OK subscripted - now do aggregation if any
  #args$  agglevel  aggfunc aggkeepna
  if (!is.na(args$agglevel)) {
    if (args$aggup) {
      ep <- endpoints(outobj@ts,tolower(args$agglevel))
      idx <- floor(approx(ep + 1, 1:length(ep), 1:length(outobj@ts))$y)
      oldts <- outobj@ts
      outobj <- stack(stackApply(outobj, idx, tolower(args$aggfunc), na.rm = !args$aggkeepna))   ####
      newts <- oldts[ep[-length(ep)] + 1]
      newts[] <- 1:length(newts)
      outobj <- new("TimeRaster", outobj, ts = newts)
      #DOITHERE - set raster layer names
      names(outobj) <- index(outobj@ts)
    } else {
      stop("Error DOWNTO not implemented yet", call. = FALSE)

  #OK now do periodicity
  # args$ acrosslevel   acrossfunc  acrosskeepna
  if (!is.na(args$acrosslevel)) {
    curperiod = periodicity(outobj@ts)$frequency/(24*60*60)
    if (args$acrosslevel == "MONTH") {
      if (curperiod != 1) {
        stop("Invalid across month", call. = FALSE)
      idx <- .indexmday(outobj@ts)
    } else if (args$acrosslevel == "YEAR") {
      if (curperiod == 31) { #monthly data
        idx <- .indexmon(outobj@ts) + 1
      } else if (curperiod == 7) {#weeklydata
        idx <- .indexweek(outobj@ts)
        idx <- idx - min(idx) + 1 #week is relative to epoch
      else if (curperiod == 1) { #daily
        idx <- .indexyday(outobj@ts) + 1
      } else {
        stop("invalid across year", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(paste("Inavlid across level:",args$acrosslevel), call. = FALSE)
    #browser() #some errors in index/newdates
    oldts <- outobj@ts
    outobj <- stack(stackApply(outobj, idx, tolower(args$acrossfunc), na.rm = !args$acrosskeepna))  ####
    if (curperiod == 31) {
      newdates <- seq(as.Date("2000-1-1") + 0.4, by = 'month', length.out = 12)
    } else {
      newdates <- as.Date("2000-1-1") + 0.4 + unique(idx - 1) * curperiod
    newts <- xts::xts(1:length(newdates), newdates)
    outobj <- new("TimeRaster",outobj, ts = newts)
    #DOITHERE - set raster layer names
    names(outobj) <- index(outobj@ts)
  } #end if !is.na(args$acrosslevel) - i.e. do ACROSS functionality

  #OK now do lags??

ropenscilabs/timeraster documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:33 p.m.