
#' This testthat setup is somewhat complicated due to API calls on the same
#' system that the tests are running on. Therefore, we explain the setup here in
#' a few lines:
#' To be able to talk to the API, API keys from @pat-s are stored as env vars
#' R_TRAVIS_ORG, R_TRAVIS_COM and GITHUB_PAT on Travis CI .com and .org.
#' Most tests run on repo pat-s/travis-testthat. This repo is cloned before
#' tests are starting in file `helper.R`.
#' The "debug" functions need extra permissions and are running on
#' - ropensci/tic (.com)
#' - mlr-org/mlr (.org)
#' This is because @pat-s has access to both repos for triggering builds and
#' both repos have "debug builds" enabled via Travis.
#' To avoid restarting several builds more than once in a CI run, certain tests
#' won't run on PR builds and on covr.
#' Also, all queried builds need to be canceled afterwards. This is needed to
#' start them again during the covr run.

ropenscilabs/travis documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:33 p.m.