Man pages for rosscm/fedup
Fisher's Test for Enrichment and Depletion of User-Defined Pathways

geneDoubleExample list of a background set and two sets of test genes...
geneMultiExample list of a background set and multiple sets of test...
geneSingleExample list of a background set and single set of test genes...
pathwaysGMTNamed list of human pathway annotations obtained from a GMT...
pathwaysTXTExample list of SAFE terms obtained from a TXT file.
pathwaysXLSXExample list of SAFE terms obtained from a XLSX file.
plotDotPlotVisualizes fedup enrichment and depletion results using...
plotFemapDraws a network representation of overlaps among pathway...
prepInputPrepares input gene list for runFedup.
readPathwaysReturns a list of pathways from various file formats.
runFedupRuns pathway enrichment and depletion analysis using a...
writeFemapWrites an enrichment dataset file for use in Cytoscape...
writePathwaysWrites a set of pathways (list of vectors) to a GMT file.
rosscm/fedup documentation built on July 19, 2021, 2:21 a.m.