linkFrames: Takes xy data with wells and links spots frame to frame.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/drtracker.R


Takes xy data with wells and links spots frame to frame.


linkFrames(files = NULL, dframe = NULL, wells = 24,
  filenamediscard = "-AssignedWells.txt", exportdata = TRUE,
  exportplot = TRUE, follow = "none", quiet = FALSE)



A character or vector of paths or filenames. A text file exported from assignWells() is suitable. See details.


A dataframe output from assignWells(). See details.


A numeric indicating plate format. Either 24 or 48.


A character for part of the filename to be removed. '-AssignedWells.txt' is removed by default.


A logical indicating if data table must be exported as a text file to the working directory.


A logical if results must be plotted as a figure and exported to working directory.


A character indicating if the algorithm must be followed at every step. See details.


A logical indicating if messages should be printed to console during the run. If FALSE, all output to console is killed except progress bar.


Note that the 'xx-EdgeMarks.txt' file must be present in the working directory for the plot exports to work. Input
The input for this function can be a vector of filenames passed to argument files or a dataframe passed to argument dframe. Use any one and not both. files
A character or vector of paths to files. On windows, use choose.files() for interactive selection. The input files must be tab-delimited decimal as dot (.) text files. The file must contain a minimum of 4 columns named plate, x, y and well. plate is a character denoting the filename. x is a numeric indicating x coordinate and y is a numeric indicating y coordinate of each spot. well indicates the well number to which each spot is assigned. Any extra columns are not used.
A dataframe containing a minimum of 4 columns named plate, x, y and well. plate is a character denoting the filename. x is a numeric indicating x coordinate and y is a numeric indicating y coordinate of each spot. well indicates the well number to which each spot is assigned. Any extra columns are not used.
Set as 'none', 'interactive' or 'track'. In 'interactive' mode, a plot is shown at every frame and waits for user input. In 'track' mode, the track path creation is shown in real-time.


Returns a dataframe with original data (plate,x,y,well) along with a new columns id, linktype and frame. plate column is the filename without filenamediscard. The well column contains the well assignment. If number of input files > 1, then the dataframe RESULTS FOR THE LAST INPUT FILE is returned. If exportdata=TRUE, then a text file ending in '-Tracks' with dataframe is exported in the working directory for each input file. This '-Tracks' text file is used as input for several other functions.

royfrancis/drtracker documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:45 p.m.