#' get_CI
#' Determine the confidence intervals for each group
#' based on numerators/denominators
#' @param name Vector of names (unit, group, physician, etc.)
#' @param num Vector of numerators
#' @param den vector of denominators
#' @author Rollie Parrish
#' @importFrom stats prop.test
#' @export
get_CI <- function(name, num, den) {
getIndividualCI <- function (num, den) {
data <- prop.test(num, den)
return(data.frame(lower=data$conf.int[1], est=data$estimate, upper=data$conf.int[2]))
# temp <- data.frame(t(mapply(get.CI, neoIntubSuccess$intubate_neo_success_1st, neoIntubSuccess$intubate_neo_attempts)))
temp <- data.frame(t(mapply(getIndividualCI, num, den)))
results <- data.frame(group=paste0(name)
, n=den
, k=num
# , lower=unlist(temp$lower)
# , est=unlist(temp$est)
# , upper=unlist(temp$upper)
, lower=round(unlist(temp$lower)*100,1)
, est=round(unlist(temp$est)*100, 1)
, upper=round(unlist(temp$upper)*100, 1)
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