
Defines functions help_console

Documented in help_console

#' Return the text of a help file as a string
#' This function returns the contents of an R help file to the console
#' as a character vector, printing it for easy reading.  It is intended for
#' dynamic documents where you want to show part of a help
#' file in the course of a tutorial. For this usage, you may wish to temporarily
#' assign \code{help_console} to \code{help} using non-printed code chunk.
#' This function uses non-exported functions in the \code{tools} package, so
#' it may not work with future updates.
#' Found at \url{https://www.r-bloggers.com/printing-r-help-files-in-the-console-or-in-knitr-documents/}
#' @param topic The help topic, quoted or not
#' @param format the format of the help topic. HTML and latex may be useful when
#' creating documents of this type, in which case the output should be written
#' "as is" rather than in a code or verbatim environment
#' @param lines Optional. An integer vector specifying which lines to print
#' @param before,after Text to insert before or after the help file, such as
# @param package A character string containing the package name to search.
#   Necessary if two packages share a function name.
#' \code{<quote>} and \code{</quote>} for printing the text as quoted HTML
#' @importFrom utils capture.output help
#' @export
#' @examples help_console(c)
#' txt <- help_console(c)
#' help_console(optim, "html", lines=1:25, before="<quote>", after="</quote>")

help_console <-
  function(topic, format = c("text", "html", "latex", "Rd"),
           lines = NULL, before = NULL, after = NULL) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if (!is.character(topic)) topic <- deparse(substitute(topic))
  helpfile = utils:::.getHelpFile(utils::help(topic))

  hs <-
  if(!is.null(lines)) hs <- hs[lines]
  hs <- c(before, hs, after)
  cat(hs, sep="\n")
rpruim/rjp documentation built on Aug. 14, 2019, 9:52 p.m.