
Defines functions snpprob_from_cross

# snpprob_from_cross: genoprob_to_snpprob where snpinfo is a cross2 object
# ...construct snpinfo for all markers with no missing founder genotypes
# ...apply genoprob_to_snpprob with that

snpprob_from_cross <-
    function(genoprobs, cross)
    if(!("founder_geno" %in% names(cross)))
        stop("cross doesn't contain founder_geno")

    ### calculate snp info from cross
    # drop markers that are missing any founder genotypes or that are monomorphic
    fg <- do.call("cbind", cross$founder_geno)
    mar2drop <- colnames(fg)[colSums(fg != 1 & fg != 3) > 0 | colSums(fg==1)==0 | colSums(fg==3)==0]
    cross <- drop_markers(cross, mar2drop)

    # subset to common chr
    chr_pr <- names(genoprobs)
    chr_cross <- chr_names(cross)
    chr <- chr_pr[chr_pr %in% chr_cross]
    cross <- cross[,chr]
    genoprobs <- genoprobs[,chr]

    # get physical map, if available; otherwise genetic map
    map <- cross$pmap
    if(is.null(map)) map <- cross$gmap

    if(cross$crosstype %in% c("hsf1", "dof1")) { # if HSF1 or DOF1, drop last founder
        cross$founder_geno <- cross$founder_geno[,-ncol(cross$founder_geno)]

    sdp <- calc_sdp(t(do.call("cbind", cross$founder_geno)))

    snpinfo <- data.frame(chr=rep(chr_names(cross), n_mar(cross)),

    mar2keep <- NULL
    for(i in seq_along(genoprobs)) {
        mar <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]])
        mar <- mar[mar %in% dimnames(genoprobs)[[3]][[i]]]
        if(length(mar) == 0) {
            stop("No overlap between genoprobs and markers on chr ", names(genoprobs)[i])
        map[[i]] <- map[[i]][mar]

        if(inherits(genoprobs, "fst_genoprob")) {
            mar2keep <- c(mar2keep, mar)
        } else {
            genoprobs[[i]] <- genoprobs[[i]][,,mar,drop=FALSE]
    if(inherits(genoprobs, "fst_genoprob")) {
        genoprobs <- subset(genoprobs, mar=mar2keep)

    snpinfo <- index_snps(map, snpinfo)

    genoprob_to_snpprob(genoprobs, snpinfo)
rqtl/qtl2 documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:49 a.m.