
Defines functions vietoris_rips.default vietoris_rips.ts vietoris_rips.numeric vietoris_rips.dist vietoris_rips.matrix vietoris_rips.data.frame vietoris_rips

Documented in vietoris_rips vietoris_rips.data.frame vietoris_rips.default vietoris_rips.dist vietoris_rips.matrix vietoris_rips.numeric vietoris_rips.ts

#' This function is an R wrapper for the Ripser C++ library to calculate
#' persistent homology. For more information on the C++ library, see
#' <https://github.com/Ripser/ripser>. For more information on how objects of
#' different classes are evaluated by `vietoris_rips`, read the Details section
#' below.
#' `vietoris_rips.data.frame` assumes `dataset` is a point cloud, with each row
#' representing a point and each column representing a dimension.
#' `vietoris_rips.matrix` currently assumes `dataset` is a point cloud (similar
#' to `vietoris_rips.data.frame`). Currently in the process of adding network
#' representation to this method.
#' `vietoris_rips.dist` takes a `dist` object and calculates persistent homology
#' based on pairwise distances. The `dist` object could have been calculated
#' from a point cloud, network, or any object containing elements from a finite
#' metric space.
#' `vietoris_rips.numeric` and `vietoris_rips.ts` both calculate persistent
#' homology of a time series object. The time series object is converted to a
#' matrix using the quasi-attractor method detailed in Umeda (2017)
#' <doi:10.1527/tjsai.D-G72>. Persistent homology of the resulting matrix is
#' then calculated.
#' @title Calculate Persistent Homology via a Vietoris-Rips Complex
#' @param dataset object on which to calculate persistent homology
#' @param ... other relevant parameters
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips
#' @return `PHom` object
#' @examples
#' # create a 2-d point cloud of a circle (100 points)
#' num.pts <- 100
#' rand.angle <- runif(num.pts, 0, 2*pi)
#' pt.cloud <- cbind(cos(rand.angle), sin(rand.angle))
#' # calculate persistent homology (num.pts by 3 numeric matrix)
#' pers.hom <- vietoris_rips(pt.cloud)
# Notes:
# - figure out format from `dataset`
# - return_format will be "df" (opinionated) w/ additional "PHom" S3 class
# - standardize will be a different method (can be connected w/ magrittr pipe)
# - apart from dataset, only `max_dim = 1L, threshold = -1, p = 2L` are needed
vietoris_rips <- function(dataset, ...) {

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.data.frame
#' @export
# must be in cloud format, distmat should go to vietoris_rips.dist
vietoris_rips.data.frame <- function(dataset, ...) {
  # convert to matrix and pass to vietoris_rips.matrix
  ans <- dataset %>%
    as.matrix() %>%
  # return

#' @param max_dim maximum dimension of persistent homology features to be
#'   calculated
#' @param threshold maximum simplicial complex diameter to explore
#' @param p prime field in which to calculate persistent homology
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.matrix
#' @export
vietoris_rips.matrix <- function(dataset,
                                 max_dim = 1L, threshold = -1, p = 2L,
                                 ...) {
  # shortcut for special case (only 1 row should return empty PHom)
  if (nrow(dataset) == 1) {
  # ensure valid arguments passed
  validate_params_vr(max_dim = max_dim,
                     threshold = threshold,
                     p = p)
  validate_mat_vr(dataset = dataset)
  # calculate persistent homology
  ans <- dataset %>%
    ripser_cpp(max_dim, threshold, p, 0) %>%
    ripser_vec_to_df() %>%
  # return

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.dist
#' @export
vietoris_rips.dist <- function(dataset,
                               max_dim = 1L, threshold = -1, p = 2L,
                               ...) {
  # ensure valid arguments passed
  validate_params_vr(max_dim = max_dim,
                     threshold = threshold,
                     p = p)
  validate_dist_vr(dataset = dataset)
  # calculate persistent homology
  ans <- dataset %>%
    ripser_cpp_dist(max_dim, threshold, p) %>%
    ripser_vec_to_df() %>%
  # return

#' @aliases vietoris_rips.numeric vietoris_rips.ts
#' @param data_dim desired end data dimension
#' @param dim_lag time series lag factor between dimensions
#' @param sample_lag time series lag factor between samples (rows)
#' @param method currently only allows `"qa"` (quasi-attractor method)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.numeric
#' @export
vietoris_rips.numeric <- function(dataset,
                                  data_dim = 2L,
                                  dim_lag = 1L, sample_lag = 1L,
                                  method = "qa",
                                  ...) {
  # ensure valid arguments passed
  validate_params_ts_vr(vec_len = length(dataset),
                        data_dim = data_dim,
                        dim_lag = dim_lag,
                        sample_lag = sample_lag,
                        method = method)
  # construct appropriate matrix from numeric vector (time series)
  converted <- switch(method,
                      qa = numeric_to_quasi_attractor(dataset, data_dim,
                                         dim_lag, sample_lag),
                      stop(paste("invalid method; this line of code should",
                                 "never be reached")))
  # pass matrix to vietoris_rips.matrix
  ans <- vietoris_rips.matrix(converted, ...)
  # return

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.ts
#' @export
vietoris_rips.ts <- function(dataset, ...) {
  # convert to numeric and pass to vietoris_rips.numeric
  ans <- dataset %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
  # return

#' @rdname vietoris_rips
#' @export vietoris_rips.default
#' @export
vietoris_rips.default <- function(dataset, ...) {
  stop(paste("no method for the generic vietoris_rips function exists for",
             "objects with class:", class(dataset)))
rrrlw/ripserr documentation built on July 12, 2022, 11:13 a.m.