Man pages for rscharpf/crlmmCompendium
This package contains the compendium for copy number estimation with the crlmm package

addCentromereBreaksInserts breakpoints for a centromere
cnPanelLattice panel function for plotting raw copy number estimates...
cnPredictionPanelPlot bivariate normal prediction regions on a lattice panel
exampleData1An object of class CNSet containing 16 randomly selected SNPS
genotypeSetAn object of class CNSet for 16 randomly selected SNPs in the...
getHapMapIdsMaps cel file names to HapMap ids
lmPanelFor overlaying the line from the copy number model over...
makeTransparentutility function for setting transparency of colors
prePredictPanelCollect A and B intensities, etc from a CNSet object into a...
redonSetCopy number estimates and genotype calls for chromosome 8 of...
SNRSignal to noise ratio estimated from the CRLMM algorithm.
rscharpf/crlmmCompendium documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:31 a.m.