
Defines functions default_params_doc

Documented in default_params_doc

#' Default parameter documentation
#' This function's purpose is to list all parameter documentation to be 
#' inherited by the relevant functions.
#' @param phy phylogenetic tree of class `phylo`, rooted and with
#'  branch lengths.
#' @param traits vector with trait states for each tip in the phylogeny. The 
#'  order of the states must be the same as the tree tips. For help, see 
#'  `vignette("starting_secsse", package = "secsse")`.
#' @param num_concealed_states number of concealed states, generally equivalent
#'  to the number of examined states in the dataset.
#' @param idparslist overview of parameters and their values.
#' @param idparsopt a numeric vector with the ID of parameters to be estimated.
#' @param idfactorsopt id of the factors that will be optimized. There are not
#'  fixed factors, so use a constant within `functions_defining_params`.
#' @param initfactors the initial guess for a factor (it should be set to `NULL`
#'  when no factors).
#' @param idparsfuncdefpar id of the parameters which will be a function of
#' optimized and/or fixed parameters. The order of id should match
#' `functions_defining_params`.
#' @param functions_defining_params a list of functions. Each element will be a
#'  function which defines a parameter e.g. `id_3 <- (id_1 + id_2) / 2`. See 
#'  example.
#' @param initparsopt a numeric vector with the initial guess of the parameters 
#'  to be estimated.
#' @param idparsfix a numeric vector with the ID of the fixed parameters.
#' @param parsfix a numeric vector with the value of the fixed parameters.
#' @param cond condition on the existence of a node root: `"maddison_cond"`,
#'  `"proper_cond"` (default). For details, see vignette.
#' @param root_state_weight the method to weigh the states:
#'  `"maddison_weights"`, `"proper_weights"` (default) or `"equal_weights"`.
#'  It can also be specified for the root state: the vector `c(1, 0, 0)` 
#'  indicates state 1 was the root state.
#' @param sampling_fraction vector that states the sampling proportion per
#'  trait state. It must have as many elements as there are trait states.
#' @param tol A numeric vector with the maximum tolerance of the optimization 
#'  algorithm. Default is `c(1e-04, 1e-05, 1e-05)`.
#' @param maxiter max number of iterations. Default is
#'  `1000 * round((1.25) ^ length(idparsopt))`.
#' @param num_cycles Number of cycles of the optimization. When set to `Inf`, 
#'  the optimization will be repeated until the result is, within the 
#'  tolerance, equal to the starting values, with a maximum of 10 cycles. 
#' @param is_complete_tree logical specifying whether or not a tree with all its
#'  extinct species is provided. If set to `TRUE`, it also assumes that all 
#'  *all* extinct lineages are present on the tree. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param verbose sets verbose output; default is `TRUE` when `optimmethod` is
#'  `"simplex"`. If `optimmethod` is set to `"simplex"`, then even if set to 
#'  `FALSE`, optimizer output will be shown.
#' @param num_threads number of threads to be used. Default is one thread.
#' @param atol A numeric specifying the absolute tolerance of integration.
#' @param rtol A numeric specifying the relative tolerance of integration.
#' @param method integration method used, available are:
#'  `"odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54"`, `"odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78"`,
#'  `"odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5"`, `"odeint::bulirsch_stoer"` and
#'  `"odeint::runge_kutta4"`. Default method is: `"odeint::bulirsch_stoer"`.
#' @param parameter list where first vector represents lambdas, the second 
#'  mus and the third transition rates.
#' @param setting_calculation argument used internally to speed up calculation.
#'  It should be left blank (default : `setting_calculation = NULL`).
#' @param loglik_penalty the size of the penalty for all parameters; default is
#'  0 (no penalty).
#' @param num_steps number of substeps to show intermediate likelihoods
#'  along a branch.
#' @param see_ancestral_states Boolean for whether the ancestral states should 
#'  be shown? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param lambdas speciation rates, in the form of a list of matrices.
#' @param mus extinction rates, in the form of a vector.
#' @param qs The Q matrix, for example the result of function q_doubletrans, but
#'  generally in the form of a matrix.
#' @param crown_age crown age of the tree, tree will be simulated conditional
#'  on non-extinction and this crown age.
#' @param pool_init_states pool of initial states at the crown, in case this is
#'  different from all available states, otherwise leave at NULL
#' @param max_spec Maximum number of species in the tree (please note that the
#'  tree is not conditioned on this number, but that this is a safeguard 
#'  against generating extremely large trees).
#' @param min_spec Minimum number of species in the tree.
#' @param max_species_extant Should the maximum number of species be counted in
#' the reconstructed tree (if TRUE) or in the complete tree (if FALSE).
#' @param tree_size_hist if TRUE, returns a vector of all found tree sizes. 
#' @param conditioning can be `"obs_states"`, `"true_states"` or `"none"`, the 
#'  tree is simulated until one is generated that contains all observed states
#'  (`"obs_states"`), all true states (e.g. all combinations of obs and hidden
#'  states), or is always returned (`"none"`). Alternatively, a vector with
#'  the names of required observed states can be provided, e.g. c("S", "N").
#' @param non_extinction boolean stating if the tree should be conditioned on 
#'  non-extinction of the crown lineages. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param max_tries maximum number of simulations to try to obtain a tree.
#' @param drop_extinct boolean stating if extinct species should be dropped from
#'  the tree. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param seed pseudo-random number generator seed.
#' @param parameters list where first vector represents lambdas, the second mus
#' and the third transition rates.
#' @param prob_func a function to calculate the probability of interest, see
#' description.
#' @param masterBlock matrix of transitions among only examined states, `NA` in
#'  the main diagonal, used to build the full transition rates matrix.
#' @param diff.conceal Boolean stating if the concealed states should be 
#'  different. E.g. that the transition rates for the concealed 
#'  states are different from the transition rates for the examined states.
#'  Normally it should be `FALSE` in order to avoid having a huge number of 
#'  parameters.
#' @param trait_info data frame where first column has species ids and the second
#'  one is the trait associated information.
#' @param optimmethod A string with method used for optimization. Default is 
#'  `"subplex"`. Alternative is `"simplex"` and it shouldn't be used in normal 
#'  conditions (only for debugging). Both are called from [DDD::optimizer()], 
#'  simplex is implemented natively in [DDD], while subplex is ultimately
#'  called from [subplex::subplex()].
#' @param lambd_and_modeSpe a matrix with the 4 models of speciation possible.
#' @param initloglik A numeric with the value of loglikehood obtained prior to
#'  optimisation. Only used internally.
#' @param state_names vector of names of all observed states.
#' @param transition_matrix a matrix containing a description of all speciation
#'  events, where the first column indicates the source state, the second and
#'  third column indicate the two daughter states, and the fourth column gives
#'  the rate indicator used. E.g.: `["SA", "S", "A", 1]` for a trait state 
#'  `"SA"` which upon speciation generates two daughter species with traits 
#'  `"S"` and `"A"`, where the number 1 is used as indicator for optimization 
#'  of the likelihood.
#' @param model used model, choice of `"ETD"` (Examined Traits Diversification),
#'  `"CTD"` (Concealed Traits Diversification) or `"CR"` (Constant Rate).
#' @param concealed_spec_rates vector specifying the rate indicators for each
#'  concealed state, length should be identical to `num_concealed_states`. If 
#'  left empty when using the CTD model, it is assumed that all available 
#'  speciation rates are distributed uniformly over the concealed states.
#' @param shift_matrix matrix of shifts, indicating in order:
#'  1. starting state (typically the column in the transition matrix)
#'  2. ending state (typically the row in the transition matrix)
#'  3. associated rate indicator.
#' @param q_matrix `q_matrix` with only transitions between observed states.
#' @param lambda_list previously generated list of lambda matrices,
#'  used to infer the rate number to start with.
#' @param object lambda matrices, `q_matrix` or mu vector.
#' @param start_at_crown if FALSE, the simulation starts with one species
#' instead of the two assumed by default by secsse (also in ML), and 
#' the resulting crown age will be lower than the set crown age. This allows
#' for direct comparison with BiSSE and facilitates implementing speciation
#' effects at the crown.
#' @param params parameters in order, where each value reflects the value
#'  of the parameter at that position, e.g. `c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1)` will fill out
#'  the value 0.3 for the parameter with rate identifier 1, 0.2 for the
#'  parameter with rate identifier 2 and 0.1 for the parameter with rate
#'  identifier 3.
#' @param param_posit initial parameter structure, consisting of a list with
#'  three entries:
#'    1. lambda matrices
#'    2. mus
#'    3. Q matrix
#'  In each entry, integers numbers (1-n) indicate the parameter to be 
#'  optimized.
#' @param ml_pars resulting parameter estimates as returned by for instance
#'  [cla_secsse_ml()], having the same structure as `param_post`.
#' @param mu_vector previously defined mus - used to choose indicator number.
#' @return Nothing
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
default_params_doc <- function(phy,
                               optimmethod) {
  # Nothing
rsetienne/secsse documentation built on May 5, 2024, 7:14 a.m.