
#' @name phylo_vignette
#' @title A phylogenetic reconstuction to run the vignette
#' @description An example phylogeny in the right format for secsse
#' @format Phylogenetic tree in phy format, rooted, including branch lengths

#' @name traits
#' @title A table with trait info to run the vignette
#' @description An example of trait information in the right format for secsse
#' @format A data frame where each species has a trait state associated

#' @name example_phy_GeoSSE
#' @title A phylogeny with traits at the tips
#' @description An example phylogeny for testing purposes
#' @format A phylogeny as created by GeoSSE (diversitree)
rsetienne/secsse documentation built on April 29, 2024, 11:52 p.m.