Man pages for rsh249/cRacle
Climate Reconstruction Analysis using Coexistence Likelihood Estimation

abiesGlobal distribution of Abies
addplotAdds a single PDF plot to already open plot
and_funP(A | B) = P(A) * P(B)
climondbioclimRaster grid for 19 Bioclimatic Variables from the CLIMOND...
densformGenerate standard probability density functions for each...
dens_objA wrapper for cRacle::densform where a multi-taxon extraction...
densplotPlot PDF curve of given type and variable for single density...
distrA sample of species data from one plot
distrgenA sample of genera data from one plot
extractionExtract environmental data
gbif_dlUse rgbif to get a citable GBIF download
gbif_getDownload distribution data directly from GBIF API
get_bisonDownload distribution data from BISON...
get_dist_allDownload distribution data from repositories
getextrDownload distribution data, filter, and merge with climate or...
get_optimFind PDF optim(a)um
inatDownload distribution data from iNaturalist
MCRA function to estimate climate using the Mutual Climatic...
multiplotPlot PDF curves of given type and variable for density list...
or_funP(A | B) = P(A) + P(B)
rad_bgGenerate backround data within a radius of occurrence records
rsh249/cRacle documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 2:01 p.m.