
geodata is an R package for downloading geographic data. This package facilitates access to climate, elevation, soil, crop, species occurrence, and administrative boundary data, and is a successor of the getData() function from the raster package.


You can install the released version of geodata from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of geodata from github with:

# install.packages("remotes")


|Function |Description | |:---------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |bio_oracle |Marine data from Bio-Oracle | |cmip6_world, cmip6_tile |Downscaled and calibrated CMIP6 projected future climate data | |country_codes |Country codes | |crop_calendar_sacks |Crop calendar data by Sacks et al | |crop_monfreda |Crop area and yield data for 175 crops by Monfreda et al. | |crop_spam |MapSPAM crop data (area, yield, value) | |cropland |Cropland density for the world derived from different sources (ESA, GLAD, QED) | |elevation_3s, elevation_30s, elevation_global |Elevation data | |gadm, world |Administrative boundaries for any country, or the entire world from GADM | |landcover |Landcover data derived from ESA WorldCover | |footprint |Human footprint data from the Last of the Wild project | |osm |OpenStreetMap data by country (places and roads) | |population |Population density Gridded Population of the World | |soil_af |Chemical and physical soil properties data for Africa for different soil depths | |soil_af_elements |Connect to or download chemical soil element concentration (for the 0-30 cm topsoil) data for Africa | |soil_af_water |Physical soil properties data for Africa for water balance computation | |soil_af_isda |Soil data for Africa derived from the iDSA data set | |soil_world_vsi |Virtually connect to the global SoilGrids data | |soil_world |Global soils data from SoilGrids | |sp_occurrence |Species occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility | |travel_time |Travel time to and from cities and ports by Nelson et al. | |worldclim_global, worldclim_country, worldclim_tile |WorldClim glocal climate data |

rspatial/geodata documentation built on July 26, 2024, 8:43 a.m.