cropland: Cropland distribution data

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croplandR Documentation

Cropland distribution data


Cropland distribution data at a 30-seconds spatial resolution from three sources:

worldcover is derived from the ESA WorldCover data set at 0.3-seconds resolution. (License CC BY 4.0), see Values were aggregated and represent the fraction cropland in each cell.

glad is derived from the "Global cropland expansion in the 21st century" (Potatov et al) data available here. Values were aggregated and resampled. They represent the fraction cropland in each cell. There are five layers representing the following years: 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019.

QED has cropland distribution data for Africa. The values are probabilities of cropland presence estimated with a neural network that was trained on an initial 1-million point Geosurvey conducted in 2015. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0;


cropland(source, path, year, ...) 



character. One of "WorldCover", "GLAD", or "QED"


character. Path for storing the downloaded data. See geodata_path


numeric. Optional for the GLAD dataset to get data for a single year. One of 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019


additional arguments passed to download.file




WorldCover: Zanaga, D., Van De Kerchove, R., De Keersmaecker, W., Souverijns, N., Brockmann, C., Quast, R., Wevers, J., Grosu, A., Paccini, A., Vergnaud, S., Cartus, O., Santoro, M., Fritz, S., Georgieva, I., Lesiv, M., Carter, S., Herold, M., Li, Linlin, Tsendbazar, N.E., Ramoino, F., Arino, O., 2021. ESA WorldCover 10 m 2020 v100. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5571936.

GLAD: Potapov, P., S. Turubanova, M.C. Hansen, A. Tyukavina, V. Zalles, A. Khan, X.-P. Song, A. Pickens, Q. Shen, J. Cortez, 2021. Global maps of cropland extent and change show accelerated cropland expansion in the twenty-first century. Nature Food. doi:10.1038/s43016-021-00429-z

See Also


rspatial/geodata documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 6:31 p.m.