# Author: Robert Hijmans
# December 2024
# License GPL3
getv <- function(x, a) {
cumsum(values(aggregate(x, a, sum, na.rm=TRUE)) / 1000)
splitNS3 <- function(x) {
v <- getv(x, c(1, ncol(x)))
m1 <- which.min(abs(v - max(v)/3))
m2 <- which.min(abs(v - max(v) * 2/3))
list(n=x[1:m1, ,drop=FALSE], m=x[(m1+1):m2, ,drop=FALSE], s=x[(m2+1):nrow(x), ,drop=FALSE])
splitNS <- function(x) {
v <- getv(x, c(1, ncol(x)))
m <- which.min(abs(v - max(v)/2))
list(n=x[1:m, ,drop=FALSE], s=x[(m+1):nrow(x), ,drop=FALSE])
splitWE3 <- function(x) {
v <- getv(x, c(nrow(x), 1))
m1 <- which.min(abs(v - max(v)/3))
m2 <- which.min(abs(v - max(v) * 2/3))
list(w=x[, 1:m1, drop=FALSE], m=x[, (m1+1):m2, drop=FALSE], e=x[, (m2+1):ncol(x), drop=FALSE])
splitWE <- function(x) {
v <- getv(x, c(nrow(x), 1))
m <- which.min(abs(v - max(v)/2))
list(w=x[, 1:m, drop=FALSE], e=x[, (m+1):ncol(x), drop=FALSE])
setMethod("divide", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, n=2, start="ns", as.raster=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) {
# if (!is.null(border)) stopifnot(inherits(border, "SpatVector"))
if (nlyr(x) > 1) {
warn("divide", "only the first layer is used")
x <- x[[1]]
n <- round(n)
if (length(n) > 1) {
if (!all(n %in% c(-2,-1,1,2))) {
error("divide", "if (length(n) > 1), values can only be -3, -2 for WE and 2, 3 for NS")
} else {
if (!isTRUE(n > 0)) {
error("divide", "n must be > 0")
start <- match.arg(tolower(start), c("ns", "ew"))
north <- start == "ns"
if (!hasValues(x)) {
out <- x
if (length(n) > 1) {
nrow(out) <- sum(abs(n[n<0]) + 1)
ncol(out) <- sum(abs(n[n<0]) + 1)
} else {
if (north) {
rows <- ceiling(n / 2)
cols <- n - rows
} else {
cols <- ceiling(n / 2)
rows <- n - cols
nrow(out) <- rows * 2
ncol(out) <- cols * 2
out <- as.polygons(out)
} else {
x <- classify(trim(x), cbind(NA, 0))
out <- list(x)
if (length(n) > 1) {
for (i in 1:length(n)) {
if (n[i] == 1) {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(i) splitNS(i)))
} else if (n[i] == -1) {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(i) splitWE(i)))
} else if (n[i] == 2) {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(i) splitNS3(i)))
} else { # if (n[i] == -2) {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(i) splitWE3(i)))
} else {
for (i in 1:n) {
if (north) {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(s) splitNS(s)))
} else {
out <- unlist(lapply(out, \(s) splitWE(s)))
north <- !north
out <- lapply(out, \(i) as.polygons(ext(i))) |> vect()
crs(out) <- crs(out)
out$zones <- 1:nrow(out)
if (na.rm) {
border <- as.polygons(not.na(x), TRUE)
out <- crop(out, border)
if (isTRUE(as.raster) || is.na(as.raster)) {
r <- rasterize(out, x, "zones")
if (is.na(as.raster)) {
return(list(r=r, v=out))
} else {
} else {
check_frac <- function(f) {
if (is.null(f)) return(f)
if ((any(f <= 0)) || (any(f >= 1))) {
stop("f values must be > 0 and < 1")
if (length(f) == 1) {
f <- seq(f, 1, f)
f[length(f)] <- 1
} else {
if (length(unique(f)) < length(f)) {
stop("f values must be unique")
ord <- order(f)
if (!all(ord == 1:length(ord))) {
stop("f values must be in ascending order")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sum(f), 1, tolerance=0.0001))) {
stop("f values must sum to 1")
strip_polygon <- function(x, vertical, horizontal) {
## based on a function by Barry Rowlinson
totalArea <- expanse(x, transform=FALSE, unit="km")
e <- ext(x)
ex <- data.frame(t(as.vector(e + 1)))
e <- data.frame(t(as.vector(e)))
if (!is.null(vertical)) {
edges <- sapply(vertical, function(fraction){
target <- totalArea * fraction
target_fun <- function(xm){
expanse(crop(x, ext(ex$xmin, xm, ex$ymin, ex$ymax)), transform=FALSE, unit="km") - target
stats::uniroot(target_fun, lower=e$xmin+0.0000001, upper=e$xmax)$root
xbnds <- matrix(c(ex$xmin, rep(edges,rep(2,length(edges))), ex$xmax), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
xbnds <- cbind(xbnds, ex$ymin, ex$ymax)
xbnds <- do.call(rbind, apply(xbnds, 1, \(i) as.polygons(ext(i))))
xbnds$vid <- 1:nrow(xbnds)
if (!is.null(horizontal)) {
edges <- sapply(horizontal, function(fraction){
target <- totalArea * fraction
target_fun <- function(ym){
expanse(crop(x, ext(ex$xmin, ex$xmax, ex$ymin, ym)), transform=FALSE, unit="km") - target
stats::uniroot(target_fun, lower=e$ymin+0.0000001, upper=e$ymax)$root
ybnds <- matrix(c(ex$ymin, rep(edges,rep(2,length(edges))), ex$ymax), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
ybnds <- cbind(ex$xmin, ex$xmax, ybnds)
ybnds <- do.call(rbind, apply(ybnds, 1, \(i) as.polygons(ext(i))))
ybnds$hid <- 1:nrow(ybnds)
if (!is.null(vertical)) {
bnds <- union(xbnds, ybnds)
} else {
bnds <- ybnds
intersect(x, bnds)
divide_polygon <- function(x, n, w, alpha, ...) {
xcrs <- crs(x)
crs(x) <- "+proj=utm +zone=1"
s <- terra::spatSample(x, max(n*4, 1000, log(n) * 100), "regular")
xy <- terra::crds(s)
if (!is.null(w)) {
e <- extract(w, s, ID=FALSE)
alpha <- rep_len(alpha, 2)
xy[,1] <- xy[,1] * alpha[1]
xy[,2] <- xy[,2] * alpha[2]
xy <- na.omit(cbind(xy, e))
k <- stats::kmeans(xy, centers = n, ...)
ctrs <- k$centers[, 1:2]
if (!is.null(w)) {
ctrs[,1] <- ctrs[,1] / alpha[1]
ctrs[,2] <- ctrs[,2] / alpha[2]
v <- terra::voronoi(vect(ctrs, crs=xcrs), bnd=x)
terra::crop(v, x)
setMethod("divide", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x, n=5, w=NULL, alpha=1, ...) {
if (geomtype(x) != "polygons") {
error("divide", "the geometry type must be polgyons")
if (is.list(n)) {
vertical <- check_frac(n$v)
horizontal <- check_frac(n$h)
if (is.null(vertical) && is.null(horizontal)) return(x)
out <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) strip_polygon(x[i], vertical, horizontal))
} else {
n <- round(n)
stopifnot(n > 0)
if (n == 1) return(deepcopy(x))
out <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) divide_polygon(x[i], n, w, alpha, ...))
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