# Robert Hijmans
# Date : Nov 2021
# Version 1.0
# Licence GPL v3
# Computation of the weighted covariance and (optionally) weighted means of bands in an Raster.
# based on code for "raster" by Jonathan Greenberg and Robert Hijmans
# partly based on code by Mort Canty
setMethod("layerCor", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, fun, w, asSample=TRUE, use="everything", maxcell=Inf, ...) {
ops <- c("everything", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs", "masked.complete")
# backwards compatibility
na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm
if (isTRUE(na.rm) && (use == "everything")) {
use <- "pairwise.complete.obs"
use <- match.arg(use, ops)
if (use != "everything") {
na.rm <- TRUE
} else {
na.rm <- FALSE
stopifnot(is.logical(asSample) & !is.na(asSample))
nl <- nlyr(x)
if (nl < 2) {
error("layerCor", "x must have at least 2 layers")
if (inherits(fun, "character")) {
fun <- tolower(fun)
if (!(fun %in% c("cov", "weighted.cov", "pearson", "cor"))) {
error("layerCor", "character function names must be one of: 'cor', 'cov', or 'weighted.cov'")
# backwards compatibility
if (fun == "pearson") fun = "cor"
if (fun == "weighted.cov") {
if (missing(w)) {
error("layerCor", "to compute weighted covariance a weights layer should be provided")
stopifnot( nlyr(w) == 1 )
x <- c(w, x)
} else {
FUN <- fun
fun <- ""
if (maxcell < ncell(x)) {
x <- spatSample(x, size=maxcell, "regular", as.raster=TRUE)
n <- ncell(x)
# for "cor" masking is done in cpp code
if ((use == "complete.obs") && (fun != "cor")) {
x <- mask(x, anyNA(x), maskvalue=TRUE)
if (fun == "weighted.cov") {
w <- x[[1]]
x <- x[[-1]]
means <- mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nl, ncol=nl)
colnames(means) <- rownames(means) <- colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- names(x)
sqrtw <- sqrt(w)
for(i in 1:nl) {
for(j in i:nl) {
s <- c(x[[c(i,j)]])
if (use == "pairwise.complete.obs") {
s <- mask(c(s, w), anyNA(s), maskvalue=TRUE)
ww <- s[[3]]
s <- s[[1:2]]
sumw <- unlist(global(ww, fun="sum", na.rm=TRUE) )
avg <- unlist(global(s * ww, fun="sum", na.rm=TRUE)) / sumw
} else {
sumw <- unlist(global(w, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm) )
avg <- unlist(global(s * w, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm)) / sumw
sumw <- sumw - asSample
s <- prod( (s - avg) * sqrtw )
v <- unlist(global(s, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm)) / sumw
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- v
means[i,j] <- avg[1]
means[j,i] <- avg[2]
return( list(weighted_covariance=mat, weighted_mean=means) )
} else if (fun == "cov") {
means <- mat <- nn <- matrix(NA, nrow=nl, ncol=nl)
colnames(means) <- rownames(means) <- colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- names(x)
n_ij <- n
for(i in 1:nl) {
for(j in i:nl) {
s <- x[[c(i,j)]]
if (use == "pairwise.complete.obs") {
m <- anyNA(s)
s <- mask(s, m, maskvalue=TRUE)
n_ij <- n - global(m, fun="sum")$sum
avg <- unlist(global(s, fun="mean", na.rm=na.rm) )
r <- prod(s - avg)
v <- unlist(global(r, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm)) / (n_ij - asSample)
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- v
means[i,j] <- avg[1]
means[j,i] <- avg[2]
nn[i,j] <- nn[j,i] <- n_ij
return( list(covariance=mat, mean=means, n=nn) )
} else if (fun == "cor") {
if (isTRUE(list(...)$old)) {
old_pearson(x, asSample=asSample, na.rm=na.rm, nl=nl, n=n, mat=mat)
} else {
opt <- spatOptions()
m <- x@pntr$layerCor("cor", use, asSample, opt)
x <- messages(x)
m <- lapply(m, function(i) {
matrix(i, nrow=nl, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(names(x), names(x)))
names(m) <- c("correlation", "mean", "n")
} else {
v <- spatSample(x, size=maxcell, "regular", na.rm=na.rm, warn=FALSE)
if (use %in% c("complete.obs", "complete.masked")) {
v <- na.omit(v)
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nl, ncol=nl)
for(i in 1:nl) {
for(j in i:nl) {
if (use == "pairwise.complete.obs") {
vij <- na.omit(v[,c(i,j)])
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- FUN(vij[,1], vij[,2], ...)
} else {
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- FUN(v[,i], v[,j], ...)
old_pearson <- function(x, asSample, na.rm, nl, n, mat) {
if (na.rm) {
means <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=nlyr(x))
for(i in 1:(nl-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):nl) {
m <- anyNA(x[[c(i,j)]])
a <- mask(x[[i]], m, maskvalue=TRUE)
b <- mask(x[[j]], m, maskvalue=TRUE)
xx <- c(a, b)
mns <- unlist(global(xx, fun="mean", na.rm=na.rm) )
means[2,i] <- mns[1]
means[1,j] <- mns[2]
sds <- unlist(global(xx, fun="sd", na.rm=na.rm) )
r <- prod(xx - mns)
nas <- unlist(global(is.na(r), fun="sum"))
v <- unlist(global(r, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm))
v <- v / ((n - nas - asSample) * sds[1] * sds[2])
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- v
colnames(means) <- names(x)
} else {
means <- unlist(global(x, fun="mean", na.rm=na.rm) )
sds <- unlist(global(x, fun="sd", na.rm=na.rm) )
x <- (x - means)
for(i in 1:(nl-1)) {
for(j in i:nl) {
r <- x[[i]] * x[[j]]
v <- unlist(global(r, fun="sum", na.rm=na.rm))
v <- v / ((n - asSample) * sds[i] * sds[j])
mat[j,i] <- mat[i,j] <- v
means <- matrix(means, nrow=1)
colnames(means) <- names(x)
diag(mat) <- 1
covar <- list(mat, means)
names(covar) <- c("pearson", "mean")
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