
Defines functions report_ols

Documented in report_ols

#' Linear regression report
#' Generate detailed linear regression report.
#' @param use_yaml Use YAML file to specify report details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model_data <- descriptr::mtcarz
#' # interactive
#' report_ols()
#' # use yaml file
#' report_ols(use_yaml = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom crayon blue green bold
#' @importFrom clisymbols symbol
#' @export
report_ols <- function(use_yaml = FALSE) {

  if (use_yaml) {
    file.edit(glue(here(), "/_linear.yml"))
    cat(glue('Please update the report details in the ', green('_linear.yml'), ' file.'), "\n\n")
    sleep_time <- showPrompt("Update Time", "Specify the time required in seconds to update the YAML file?", 30)
    update_status <- showQuestion("File Status", "Have you updated the yaml file?", 
                         "Yes", "No")
    if (update_status) {
      linear_yaml <- read_yaml(glue(here(), "/_linear.yml"))  
    } else {
      stop("Please update the YAML file with the report details.", call. = FALSE)

  if (use_yaml) {
    folder_name   <- linear_yaml$report_folder
    file_name     <- linear_yaml$report_file
    report_title  <- linear_yaml$report_title
    report_author <- linear_yaml$report_author
    report_date   <- linear_yaml$report_date
    data_name     <- linear_yaml$data
    model_formula <- linear_yaml$model
    document_type <- linear_yaml$report_type

  } else {
    if (isAvailable()) {
      folder_name   <- ask_folder_name()
	  file_name     <- ask_file_name()
	  report_title  <- ask_title()
	  report_author <- ask_author()
	  report_date   <- ask_date()
	  data_name     <- ask_data_name()
	  model_formula <- ask_model()
	  document_type <- ask_type() 
    } else {
      stop("RStudio must be installed.", call. = FALSE)

  # prompt report details

  # prep report folders and file
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Creating ', green("'"), green(folder_name), 
                                 green("'"), ' folder'), '\n')
  if (use_yaml) {
    cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Moving ', green("'_linear.yml'"), ' file to ', folder_name), '\n')
    file_move(glue(here(), "/_linear.yml"), glue(here(), "/", folder_name, "/_linear.yml"))

  # add .Rmd extension to file_name
  report_file <- add_ext(folder_name, file_name)
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Creating ', green("'"), green(file_name), 
                                 green("'"), ' file'), '\n')

  # copy template from inst folder
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Copying report template into ', green("'"), green(folder_name), 
                                 green("'"), ' folder'), '\n')
  copy_template(folder_name, "olsrr_template")

  # add yaml
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Adding YAML to ', green("'"), green(file_name), 
                                 green("'"), ' file'), '\n')
  cat('---\n', file = report_file, append =FALSE)
  cat(glue('title: "', {report_title}, '"', '\n\n'), file = report_file,
      append =TRUE)
  cat(glue('author: "', {report_author}, '"', '\n\n'), file = report_file,
      append =TRUE)
  cat(glue('date: "', {report_date}, '"', '\n\n'), file = report_file,
      append =TRUE)
  cat(glue('output: ', {document_type}, '_document', '\n\n'), file = report_file,
      append =TRUE)
  cat('---\n\n\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)

  # read data
  cat('```{r read, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE}', '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat(glue('load("', here(), '/', data_name, '.Rdata")'), '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat(glue('model_data <- ', data_name), '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat('```', '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)

  # add model
  use_model <- glue('model <- lm(', model_formula, ', data = ', data_name, ')')
  cat('## Model', '\n\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat('```{r model, echo=FALSE}', '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat(use_model, '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)
  cat('```', '\n', file = report_file, append =TRUE)

  # append template to report file
  path_temp <- glue(folder_name, "/", "olsrr_template.Rmd")
  file.append(report_file, path_temp)

  # load data
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Loading data ', green("'"), green(data_name), 
                                 green("'")), '\n')

  # build and view report
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Generating ', green("'"), green(report_title), 
                                 green("'")), '\n')
  render(report_file, quiet = TRUE)
  report_name <- glue(folder_name, "/", file_name, ".", document_type)
  cat(blue$bold(symbol$tick), glue('Opening ', green("'"), green(report_title), 
                                 green("'"), ' in default browser'), '\n')

rsquaredacademy/report documentation built on Sept. 29, 2019, 12:14 a.m.